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Happy New Year

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Happy New Year to everyone on Remotmedics

from myself and all the team at SP

I hope 2003 will be a good one for you.

Best wishes

Steve Bray

SP Services (UK)



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Have a great 2003 and a wonderful local version of Hogmanay mate

Happy New Year

>All at the group.


>All the best for 2003.


>Yours Aye

>Rab Aitken

>Rig Medic

>Arctic 2(Poland).




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  • 11 months later...

Thanks Jeanine, Happy New Year to you too!! Im looking forward to a new

one. I hope that will be well enough to go to Disney with you. Thats

so nice that you can make it an annual thing! And what better time to get

into the warm weather (cept Dec, Jan, Feb of course LOL). Im sorry to hear

about your craft group being disbanded. Thats sad to have it going for so

long and then not.

Well, You have a Great New Year!


Happy New Year

Wishing all the CNY Soapers a Happy New Year.

Our family is eagerly awaiting a new granddaughter in March. Val, my

soaping helper and oldest daughter is expecting! Everything is going

well, so far.

DH, , is coming along after his stroke in September. Now making

noises about driving. Will have to wait and see if our MD says this

will be OK. In the meantime, we are looking forward to our annual

trip to Disney in March.

One sad note is that the Niagara Frontier Crafters has disbanded.

After thirty, plus years it has just been too expensive to run

shows. I met alot of good friends in this group and had a great time

at the craft shows.

Looking forward to our Gathering now. Shaye mentioned it on another


Sounds as if all had a great Holiday and everyone is healthy.

Don't remember who asked about a NYS tax number. Check under New

York State in the phone book or you can also get the info to download

on the web site.

Again, Happy Holidays!


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Hope your New Years was Happy!

We watched it on the news this am.......Fireworks from a bridge in

Australia..... 6 am our time.

It was neat to know someone who was really experiencing it!

Happy New Year ALL!

     ¸...¸ __/ /\____ ____

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     As for me and my house,

      we will serve the Lord.


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>I just wanted to say Happy New Year to all of you. Together, 2004 will be

an awesome year for all of us!!!!

You said it!

Lazy me, I didn't get out of bed until 8:30 today, and here it is 9:30 and

hubby & the kid are both still asleep. I'm usually up at 5, but this flu

residue is really playing a number on me. I still haven't headed towards the

vcr to do my exercise - no energy - but *must* get some time in later.

Right now, it's been about 17 hours since I last ate so I better go rustle

up some breakfast. See you all later.

Sue in NJ

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LOL - with the time difference - we got up about the same time - I too slept in! sure feels good every now and again - besides you need it while trying to shake that nasty bug. I will be working out soon too. 17 hours w/o food - oh my. I on the other hand wish to erase the last 17 hours of eating but today is a new one.

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.- Jennings

Re: Happy New Year

>I just wanted to say Happy New Year to all of you. Together, 2004 will bean awesome year for all of us!!!!You said it!Lazy me, I didn't get out of bed until 8:30 today, and here it is 9:30 andhubby & the kid are both still asleep. I'm usually up at 5, but this fluresidue is really playing a number on me. I still haven't headed towards thevcr to do my exercise - no energy - but *must* get some time in later.Right now, it's been about 17 hours since I last ate so I better go rustleup some breakfast. See you all later.Sue in NJTo unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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Hi Tammy,

Happy New Year wishes to you and Gabby and the whole family, too. I

share your hopes for a wonderful 2004.



Tammy Fiffick wrote:

> Here's wishing ALL of our kids a healthy and painfree 2004!

> Thanks for all your love and support during this past year

> - I swear I could never have made it without you guys!


> Love,


> Tammy (Gabby 5 year old systemic onset JRA w/polyarticular course)

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Hello, Everyone,

Just want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. For those beginning

the evaluation process, looking at surgery, awaiting hook-up, I wish you

patience and all the very best of luck. For those already implanted, may


and success continue for you.

I, also, would like to thank everyone for posting and sharing their

experiences. All of your stories add to the vast amount of support and

information we all benefit from.

Hope the new year brings us all good health and, especially, better


:o) Jackie

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and Ladies

Happy New year to all!!

nice to be working with your sister again

Lizzy hope you are feeling better


Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love and

Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much. Liz, are

you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of yourself.

I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again. I have

started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the end of

the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help with

the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.



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Thanks R, It is alot of work but I am a pretty physical gal anyway and

am really enjoying interacting with people.


and Ladies

Happy New year to all!!

nice to be working with your sister again

Lizzy hope you are feeling better


Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love and

Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much. Liz, are

you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of yourself.

I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again. I have

started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the end of

the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help with

the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.



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Hello Dearest One,

It is so good to see you back again.


You have a heart of gold. Your sister is lucky to have you help her. I am sure

she is thrilled.

Please don't be a stranger. I have really missed you

Love and hugs,


Click here to see why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!

http://www.oxygenlift.net Life Lift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.

Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love

and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much. Liz,

are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of

yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again.

I have started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the

end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help

with the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.

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Same here


Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love

and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much. Liz,

are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of

yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again.

I have started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the

end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help

with the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.

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You are awesome!!

How is the farming business??


Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love

and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much. Liz,

are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of

yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again.

I have started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the

end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help

with the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.



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Thank you Rashelle,

I have missed you too. I'll try really hard not to be such a stranger.


Hello Dearest One,

It is so good to see you back again.


You have a heart of gold. Your sister is lucky to have you help her. I am sure

she is thrilled.

Please don't be a stranger. I have really missed you

Love and hugs,


Click here to see why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!

http://www.oxygenlift.net Life Lift is the Original Aerobic Breathing.

Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love

and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much. Liz,

are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of

yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again.

I have started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the

end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help

with the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.

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You're sweet R,

The farming, actually Dairy Business is not doing worth a hoot and now with

all the mad cow scare, it just adds insult to injury. We are looking for a new

business however but may have to sell our home and basically start over. That

is really fun at our age!! LOL! But we thank the good Lord every morning and

every night for our good health and try to remember that though things look

pretty dim at this point, that He is in control and will provide a way out of

this deal. we may have a buyer for the Dairy and should know something next

week. It would not be enough but will be a good start. And we have some real

estate and that helps. I have griped for the last 5 years about being so tired

of cleaning this big house and now that I may have to leave it, it is kind of

sad. Oh well, such is life.

Anyway, I didn't mean to write a book so I will cease for now. Did you have a

good Holiday?


You are awesome!!

How is the farming business??


Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love

and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much. Liz,

are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of

yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again.

I have started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the

end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help

with the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.



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Hi ,

I'm so glad that you're over that pneumonia!!!! I'm somewhat better and

up to getting a few things done... finally. I was even able to get some

of my Christmas decorations down today.. yea!!!! It's so nice to be a

little productive after vegetating from being sick last week. :-)

It's terrific that you can work with your sister, have fun, and make some

money too.

Love ya!!!!



On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 21:05:26 -0700 " rdc " <rdc@...> writes:

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love

and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so

much. Liz, are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take

good care of yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a

human once again. I have started working with my sister at her coffee

shop/bakery and so by the end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it

and it is good to be able to help with the finances. I will post when I

can. I love and miss you all.

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Hi Lizkins!!!

I'm glad you're better too, this stuff was pretty tough!! I don't ever want

it again!!


Hi ,

I'm so glad that you're over that pneumonia!!!! I'm somewhat better and

up to getting a few things done... finally. I was even able to get some

of my Christmas decorations down today.. yea!!!! It's so nice to be a

little productive after vegetating from being sick last week. :-)

It's terrific that you can work with your sister, have fun, and make some

money too.

Love ya!!!!



On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 21:05:26 -0700 " rdc " <rdc@...> writes:

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with Love

and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so

much. Liz, are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take

good care of yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a

human once again. I have started working with my sister at her coffee

shop/bakery and so by the end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it

and it is good to be able to help with the finances. I will post when I

can. I love and miss you all.

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What a great attitude it is hard to restart. And at a point in your life where

you where hoping to settle down alittle bit more. It is hard to give up things

you have worked so hard on for years

Praise the Lord you may have a buyer for the farm but it is tough!

Thinking of you


How are those grand babies?

Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone, hope your Holidays were filled with

Love and Joy. Since I have been sick I feel like I have missed out on so much.

Liz, are you feeling better? There is alot going around so take good care of

yourself. I am finally over my pneumonia and feeling like a human once again.

I have started working with my sister at her coffee shop/bakery and so by the

end of the day I am pretty tired but I love it and it is good to be able to help

with the finances. I will post when I can. I love and miss you all.



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  • 11 months later...

Likewise.... to you and all reading this...

May this New Year of 2005 bring all not only health, happiness, joy but

also peace.

A MOST Blessed New Year to ALL


Happy New Year

....to everyone.

May 2005 be filled with health, happiness and prosperity.

Love from Kezzi and Kai Hsia. . .

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Joan…the same to you!

Indeed, things are great for all of us…even those who are not in

the “prime” of health!

Regardless, I am doing quite well, myself. It appears that I am still in “remission”. I had an ultra sound this week, and

things look the same as two years ago.

So, it appears the meds are doing their thing. My GI is checking my LFT’s

and other labs that were abnormal.

She was concerned with the INR since it was elevated, but before she got

all excited, she wanted the results from a lab she was comfortable with. The lab here in my area has different

INR values. Go figure…this

area hospital seems to think they can “change” the INR values to

fit their own needs. I am waiting

for the results, but think they will be OK.

I am very thankful for the new year. With a granddaughter who is the apple of

our eyes, we have much to look forward!

I have a wonderful husband of 31 years. We have a home, and family…and

that is what it is most important.

Happy New Year!


[ ] Happy

New Year

To all my Liver Support Friends,

My hope is for a Happy Healthy 2005!



joan claffey



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Happy new year!!!!!!!


joan claffey [mailto:jclaffey66@...]

Sent: zaterdag 1 januari 2005 1:53

Subject: [ ] Happy

New Year

To all my Liver Support Friends,

My hope

is for a Happy Healthy 2005!



joan claffey



1. Please no religious, political, race or sexual

preference discussions.

2. NO slamming of other members, advertising or

vulgarity. Thank you!

To UNsubscribe send a blank e-mail to


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