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Dear ,

Nice to be back.

There are a number of HBOT setups in Canada, and more all the time.

There is actually one in my town now. I have referred people to them for

stroke recovery and whiplash.

I think it is a great idea to have an international forum on HBOT. For the

names and phone numbers of the users worldwide, I would advise you to

contact all the HBO chamber manufacturers, who should have the listings of

all their clients.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Re: legal states

> Dear Saul,


> While you were away, the question came up regarding the " free " states,


> free to use ozone in whatever manner the physician prefers. One of our

> number said he thought there were 25 Free States, and of course, right

away I

> was hopeful that Virginia, where we have our clinic was one of those, but

> also advised that you h; ad previously told me the number was 12. Still,

> Saul I am hopeful the number of free states will soon expand and include

> Virginia. I just don't know how to keep the expansion going forward.


> New Subject. Saul I believe we can get HBO more widely accepted in the U.


> and Canada, if we get an exchange of info flowing between and among the

> hyperbaric nations If we can get new developments, new successes flowing


> some sort of international HBO group and get doctors from different


> contributing it would be truly exciting to see how all nations are


> varied results and it would have a profound effect on how quickly all

> aspects of oxygen gain public and media acceptance. I have suggested to


> Locklear that something along these lines in his new magazine HBOMEDTODAY

> would provide a source of new growth for the industry. And, make it more

> difficult for those who wish to disparage oxygen as a therapy.


> Within the past 3 days we have seen posts from Yugoslavia, China and

> Argentina. IIMO international contributions on a frequent basis would pull

> the teeth of those trying to keep us down. Your opinion appreciated.


> could we get an input from Canada? Glad your back in town and we missed

> you..



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear Luck,

I have encountered the same problem here in Houston. People like you and I

would have to travel elsewhere to a clinic that would treat CFIDS for a low

cost, because the insurance companies will not cover our condition and pay

for the HBOT. I inquired at the hospital here north of Houston and the

nurse told me one session was $800… when I told them I had CFIDS, she said I

couldn’t even get the treatment if I paid for it myself. The sad part

besides what I just said, is that we are usually to weak to travel and in my

case, due to limited funds, cannot afford to travel and stay somewhere for

months at a time to get the treatments. If I find anything in your area, I

will let you know, as I am still searching for myself locally. KAT :-)


i found an hbot in manhattan at new york hospital. i talked to one of the

burses there and she said that medicare would not cover the hbot treatment

for cfs. so i need to find another diagnosis and a doctor in the area that

will diagnose me with an approved hbot illness. any help would be


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To both of you.

I was told if you have neuropathy, insurance pays for HBOT. (I just applied

for Cobra this week, so haven't tried it yet) You might look into it. I've

got horrible neuropathy and am always at odds with my body. I feel cold to

the bone in hot weather. Even gloves, down comforters, heating blankets,

etc don't help. It evidentially is a side effect of FMS, although the Dr.

says he doesn't know why I have it. The DX came about by a non-painful test

done in his office showing the nerve feelings/induction in your feet, ankles

and legs. Do either of you experience those problems. There's more than

one way to skin a Kat:)

There's also a spa here that was giving HBOT treatments to help you look

more beautiful?! Don't know how good or safe they are, but I just thought

I'd throw that out there.



i found an hbot in manhattan at new york hospital. i talked to one of the

burses there and she said that medicare would not cover the hbot treatment

for cfs. so i need to find another diagnosis and a doctor in the area that

will diagnose me with an approved hbot illness. any help would be


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Hi Kate,

I have FMS and have found oral intake of h2o2 to increase my body

temperature nicely. I suspect ozone intake would work as well.



i found an hbot in manhattan at new york hospital. i talked to one of the

burses there and she said that medicare would not cover the hbot treatment

for cfs. so i need to find another diagnosis and a doctor in the area that

will diagnose me with an approved hbot illness. any help would be


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

I knew I did not have the correct information, and was just winging it

from memory in a quick answer to show some of the contrast between the two

oxygen therapies.

That is why I twice wrote that you would correct me on the HBOT info.

But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT chambers sold

for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.

When you say Real Hyperbarics, do you mean that is the name of the company

that makes it, or are you referring to using 100% oxygen in it, or what?

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH


> Dear Saul, I will answer your e-mail posted about HBOT in the morning, You

> are incorrect about the cost of the chamber, we use Real Hyperbarics

> Chambers that cost over 85,000 dollars, NOT bags and you are very


> about the amount of education for both the MD and my self, both my husband

> are EMT, DMT, CHT's and board certified Hyperbaric Techs, We must have on

> going education in order to keep our certifications, Our CV can be seen on

> our website,

> Dr Underwood is a MD, DO, and a JD.

> So I will correct the misunderstanding in the morning or late tomorrow

> night.


> Dr Underwood, MD,DO,JD




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Dear Saul, Dear ,

I had being at an HBOT (Real HBOT) for 6-7 times... an experience really


A very big chamber, king spacecraft with seats inside and mask for the

oxygen... when the compression starts, you feel with the desire to get out,

but your honor keep you inside...

I am treating almost 100 patients that were PREVIOUSLY using and HBOT... and

right now are using Intravenous ozone... the differences?

They report a REAL AND FAST improvement on the afflicted part of the body,

say it: brain, (hemiplegic, ADD) cancer (almost all kind of cancers )and

gastric (ulcers, heartburn, candidiasis) circulatory problems (gangrene,

poor circulation) and we avoid one of the complications of the HBOT (not

counting the costs), the formation of blood veins at the cornea due to the

exposition to the high concentrations of oxygen, since that ozone acts as

H2O2 (peroxide) when it goes to the body tissues.

For us, a poor country (Mexico) with a lot of patients suffering diseases

related to the diminished oxygen at our atmosphere, the use of ozone in the

vein is far away better than HBOT. Here ALL the treatments are free, and the

application of ozone in the vein cost us 20 dollar cents... just my 2 cents.

M.D. Ac.D. E.E. D.D.S.


Dear ,

I knew I did not have the correct information, and was just winging it

from memory in a quick answer to show some of the contrast between the two

oxygen therapies.

That is why I twice wrote that you would correct me on the HBOT info.

But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT chambers sold

for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.

When you say Real Hyperbarics, do you mean that is the name of the company

that makes it, or are you referring to using 100% oxygen in it, or what?

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH


> Dear Saul, I will answer your e-mail posted about HBOT in the morning, You

> are incorrect about the cost of the chamber, we use Real Hyperbarics

> Chambers that cost over 85,000 dollars, NOT bags and you are very


> about the amount of education for both the MD and my self, both my husband

> are EMT, DMT, CHT's and board certified Hyperbaric Techs, We must have on

> going education in order to keep our certifications, Our CV can be seen on

> our website,

> Dr Underwood is a MD, DO, and a JD.

> So I will correct the misunderstanding in the morning or late tomorrow

> night.


> Dr Underwood, MD,DO,JD




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Dear Saul, Dear ,

I had being at an HBOT (Real HBOT) for 6-7 times... an experience really


A very big chamber, king spacecraft with seats inside and mask for the

oxygen... when the compression starts, you feel with the desire to get out,

but your honor keep you inside...

I am treating almost 100 patients that were PREVIOUSLY using and HBOT... and

right now are using Intravenous ozone... the differences?

They report a REAL AND FAST improvement on the afflicted part of the body,

say it: brain, (hemiplegic, ADD) cancer (almost all kind of cancers )and

gastric (ulcers, heartburn, candidiasis) circulatory problems (gangrene,

poor circulation) and we avoid one of the complications of the HBOT (not

counting the costs), the formation of blood veins at the cornea due to the

exposition to the high concentrations of oxygen, since that ozone acts as

H2O2 (peroxide) when it goes to the body tissues.

For us, a poor country (Mexico) with a lot of patients suffering diseases

related to the diminished oxygen at our atmosphere, the use of ozone in the

vein is far away better than HBOT. Here ALL the treatments are free, and the

application of ozone in the vein cost us 20 dollar cents... just my 2 cents.

M.D. Ac.D. E.E. D.D.S.


Dear ,

I knew I did not have the correct information, and was just winging it

from memory in a quick answer to show some of the contrast between the two

oxygen therapies.

That is why I twice wrote that you would correct me on the HBOT info.

But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT chambers sold

for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.

When you say Real Hyperbarics, do you mean that is the name of the company

that makes it, or are you referring to using 100% oxygen in it, or what?

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH


> Dear Saul, I will answer your e-mail posted about HBOT in the morning, You

> are incorrect about the cost of the chamber, we use Real Hyperbarics

> Chambers that cost over 85,000 dollars, NOT bags and you are very


> about the amount of education for both the MD and my self, both my husband

> are EMT, DMT, CHT's and board certified Hyperbaric Techs, We must have on

> going education in order to keep our certifications, Our CV can be seen on

> our website,

> Dr Underwood is a MD, DO, and a JD.

> So I will correct the misunderstanding in the morning or late tomorrow

> night.


> Dr Underwood, MD,DO,JD




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If IV ozone costs 20 cents, or even 20 dollars, per treatment in Mexico, I'm

flabbergasted that I was told I was being given a " good price " for IV ozone at

$350 a pop. Is there a reasonable explanation for why it costs so much less

south of the border?


>> Here ALL the treatments are free, and the

application of ozone in the vein cost us 20 dollar cents... just my 2 cents.

M.D. Ac.D. E.E. D.D.S.>>

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If IV ozone costs 20 cents, or even 20 dollars, per treatment in Mexico, I'm

flabbergasted that I was told I was being given a " good price " for IV ozone at

$350 a pop. Is there a reasonable explanation for why it costs so much less

south of the border?


>> Here ALL the treatments are free, and the

application of ozone in the vein cost us 20 dollar cents... just my 2 cents.

M.D. Ac.D. E.E. D.D.S.>>

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Dear Wayne,

You are right!

With the investment of 600.00 (six hundred) dollars, you can get an HBOT

here in Mexico. In Veracruz, Mexico there is a company involved in the

manufacturing of HBOT chambers. They follow all the security requirements

for the building of those chambers... the cost is 20,000 dollars, BUT i have

all the specifications and the men that can solder professionally this

machine, and here in Mexicali there is a steel casting that can make us the

door. I will include in a separate E-mail the picture of this HBOT (Actually

in Mexico there are 100 or more HBOT chambers) all certified by the Marine

Corps. and Local firemen for security purposes. I started to build one of

those chambers at my place, but found EASY, Cheap, and accessible the use of

ozone intravenous (and more effective in a comparative medical trial, ozone

was superior in effectiveness to HBOT)

I will ask permission to Reid to show his pictures (because he is on

those pictures) and I'll send it by E-mail.

P.S. If you need my certifications i can include them)


Evening Dr. Saul and the list,

>But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT chambers sold

>for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.

No doubt others have thought of the question I have.

Surely a super craftsman with determination could build a home system from

junk he can find here and there to result if a fully functional HBOT system.

I have an eight by 10 walk in cooler that is virtually air tight. It could

be sealed with any material imaginable.

Getting the door to be pressure tight would be the only problem. Maybe we

could swipe the hatch off a submarine or similar.

I am into control systems, at one time manufactured medical products,

designed manifolds and valves. I could certainly build a fully computer

controlled system for the HBOT.

Tell me I am crazy.... if you think so. <grin>


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Dear Wayne,

You are right!

With the investment of 600.00 (six hundred) dollars, you can get an HBOT

here in Mexico. In Veracruz, Mexico there is a company involved in the

manufacturing of HBOT chambers. They follow all the security requirements

for the building of those chambers... the cost is 20,000 dollars, BUT i have

all the specifications and the men that can solder professionally this

machine, and here in Mexicali there is a steel casting that can make us the

door. I will include in a separate E-mail the picture of this HBOT (Actually

in Mexico there are 100 or more HBOT chambers) all certified by the Marine

Corps. and Local firemen for security purposes. I started to build one of

those chambers at my place, but found EASY, Cheap, and accessible the use of

ozone intravenous (and more effective in a comparative medical trial, ozone

was superior in effectiveness to HBOT)

I will ask permission to Reid to show his pictures (because he is on

those pictures) and I'll send it by E-mail.

P.S. If you need my certifications i can include them)


Evening Dr. Saul and the list,

>But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT chambers sold

>for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.

No doubt others have thought of the question I have.

Surely a super craftsman with determination could build a home system from

junk he can find here and there to result if a fully functional HBOT system.

I have an eight by 10 walk in cooler that is virtually air tight. It could

be sealed with any material imaginable.

Getting the door to be pressure tight would be the only problem. Maybe we

could swipe the hatch off a submarine or similar.

I am into control systems, at one time manufactured medical products,

designed manifolds and valves. I could certainly build a fully computer

controlled system for the HBOT.

Tell me I am crazy.... if you think so. <grin>


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Sorry if I am cross posting with another person, but not having the part of

the E-mail that speaks about it as a reference, I suppose that this is on my

last post that refers to HBOT and Ozone...

Here in Mexicali we are using the application of I.V. ozone with very good

results... as an example, a patient, male that was paraplegic, only moving

eyes, and with the obscure prognosis of a doctor that said " Sorry for your

patient, but he never will move a finger... " he is (after 2 weeks of using

30-50 c.c.. of ozone at vein) able to: Walk (with the help of crutches),

talk, move his arms and legs with coarse and fine movements, able to use a

cell phone (pulsing the buttons to place a call), control his sphincters

(able to defecate and urinate at the bathroom.. a lot of money saved in


We apply this in a every other day basis, with an ozonator kind plasma

tubes, using pure medicinal oxygen. The size of syringe barrel is 50 c.c.

that can be adjusted for 20-30- or 50 c.c.

Precautions? None. You can administer this ozone some quickly and none

reactions. Some patients reports coughing that can be counteracted with

natural orange juice but this coughing is related with the quantity of ozone

vs. the corporal surface.

At first, we tough that applying ozone I.V. will lead us to an embolism...

for more info ask Dr. Saul Pressman, he is the master of this technique.


Can you briefly describe what is involved in IV. o3?

Method? Size of syringe barrel? Precautions?

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

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message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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Guest guest

Sorry if I am cross posting with another person, but not having the part of

the E-mail that speaks about it as a reference, I suppose that this is on my

last post that refers to HBOT and Ozone...

Here in Mexicali we are using the application of I.V. ozone with very good

results... as an example, a patient, male that was paraplegic, only moving

eyes, and with the obscure prognosis of a doctor that said " Sorry for your

patient, but he never will move a finger... " he is (after 2 weeks of using

30-50 c.c.. of ozone at vein) able to: Walk (with the help of crutches),

talk, move his arms and legs with coarse and fine movements, able to use a

cell phone (pulsing the buttons to place a call), control his sphincters

(able to defecate and urinate at the bathroom.. a lot of money saved in


We apply this in a every other day basis, with an ozonator kind plasma

tubes, using pure medicinal oxygen. The size of syringe barrel is 50 c.c.

that can be adjusted for 20-30- or 50 c.c.

Precautions? None. You can administer this ozone some quickly and none

reactions. Some patients reports coughing that can be counteracted with

natural orange juice but this coughing is related with the quantity of ozone

vs. the corporal surface.

At first, we tough that applying ozone I.V. will lead us to an embolism...

for more info ask Dr. Saul Pressman, he is the master of this technique.


Can you briefly describe what is involved in IV. o3?

Method? Size of syringe barrel? Precautions?

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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Guest guest

Sorry if I am cross posting with another person, but not having the part of

the E-mail that speaks about it as a reference, I suppose that this is on my

last post that refers to HBOT and Ozone...

Here in Mexicali we are using the application of I.V. ozone with very good

results... as an example, a patient, male that was paraplegic, only moving

eyes, and with the obscure prognosis of a doctor that said " Sorry for your

patient, but he never will move a finger... " he is (after 2 weeks of using

30-50 c.c.. of ozone at vein) able to: Walk (with the help of crutches),

talk, move his arms and legs with coarse and fine movements, able to use a

cell phone (pulsing the buttons to place a call), control his sphincters

(able to defecate and urinate at the bathroom.. a lot of money saved in


We apply this in a every other day basis, with an ozonator kind plasma

tubes, using pure medicinal oxygen. The size of syringe barrel is 50 c.c.

that can be adjusted for 20-30- or 50 c.c.

Precautions? None. You can administer this ozone some quickly and none

reactions. Some patients reports coughing that can be counteracted with

natural orange juice but this coughing is related with the quantity of ozone

vs. the corporal surface.

At first, we tough that applying ozone I.V. will lead us to an embolism...

for more info ask Dr. Saul Pressman, he is the master of this technique.


Can you briefly describe what is involved in IV. o3?

Method? Size of syringe barrel? Precautions?

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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Thank you very much. My next task would be to find a source of the 50cc


If you can direct me, I would be much obliged.

If you will post your address, I would like to make a donation to

help with your patients expenses.

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Guest guest

Thank you very much. My next task would be to find a source of the 50cc


If you can direct me, I would be much obliged.

If you will post your address, I would like to make a donation to

help with your patients expenses.

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Guest guest

Thank you very much. My next task would be to find a source of the 50cc


If you can direct me, I would be much obliged.

If you will post your address, I would like to make a donation to

help with your patients expenses.

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Guest guest

Dear Wayne,

You are not crazy, but you do not take the engineering requirements

seriously enough.

If you were to suffer a sudden loss of pressure, you would go into rapid

decompression, producing a condition known infamously as 'the bends'. That

direction will buy you a nice quiet place on Boot Hill.

It would be much safer to go sit at the bottom of your pool, and breathe

oxygen, although that is not totally without problems either.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH


> Evening Dr. Saul and the list,



> >But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT chambers


> >for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.


> No doubt others have thought of the question I have.


> Surely a super craftsman with determination could build a home system from

> junk he can find here and there to result if a fully functional HBOT



> I have an eight by 10 walk in cooler that is virtually air tight. It


> be sealed with any material imaginable.


> Getting the door to be pressure tight would be the only problem. Maybe we

> could swipe the hatch off a submarine or similar.


> I am into control systems, at one time manufactured medical products,

> designed manifolds and valves. I could certainly build a fully computer

> controlled system for the HBOT.


> Tell me I am crazy.... if you think so. <grin>


> Wayne






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Dear Tim,

Maybe those persons giving the application of I.V. ozone are going or

working for the money. We are a non-profit organization, please visit:

www.cancer-alternatives.com Thank you.


P.S. " a pop " mean per application? Our costs per application is .20 (twenty

cents) IT IS TRUE!


If IV ozone costs 20 cents, or even 20 dollars, per treatment in Mexico, I'm

flabbergasted that I was told I was being given a " good price " for IV ozone

at $350 a pop. Is there a reasonable explanation for why it costs so much

less south of the border?


>> Here ALL the treatments are free, and the

application of ozone in the vein cost us 20 dollar cents... just my 2


M.D. Ac.D. E.E. D.D.S.>>

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Dear Peggy,

Lower costs.

If you exclude the cost of the ozone generator and the glass syringe, and

the time of the administrator, and the overhead to keep the doors open

(all fixed costs)

the operating costs per shot consists of oxygen, electricity and a needle.

Of that, the oxygen and electricity per shot would be somewhere under one

tenth of a cent.

It is the cost of the needle that makes up virtually the total operating


Now you can see why people who require a lengthy series of treatments often

opt for buying their own generator, which can then be used to treat 20

people a day, if you want.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH


> If IV ozone costs 20 cents, or even 20 dollars, per treatment in Mexico,

I'm flabbergasted that I was told I was being given a " good price " for IV

ozone at $350 a pop. Is there a reasonable explanation for why it costs so

much less south of the border?


> Peggy

> >> Here ALL the treatments are free, and the

> application of ozone in the vein cost us 20 dollar cents... just my 2


> M.D. Ac.D. E.E. D.D.S.>>







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Yes of course I can give the address for the glass syringes or I can sell

some syringes. But we are in real financial problems and in need of 1600.00

dollars to make a " wholesale " shipment from China for 150 syringes (100 30

c.c. and 50 syringes 50 c.c. here is our web page to let you know how are we

hard working to get some few dollars:


My address:


1205 Eady Ave.

Calexico CA 92231-3517


P.s. If I sell some syringes, we will getting some dollars for our

sustain... after we get the shipment.


Thank you very much. My next task would be to find a source of the 50cc


If you can direct me, I would be much obliged.

If you will post your address, I would like to make a donation to

help with your patients expenses.

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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Guest guest

Wayne, Are you out of your mind?


> Evening Dr. Saul and the list,



> >But I though that you posted previously that there were HBOT chambers


> >for $40,000. Not yours, but other ones.


> No doubt others have thought of the question I have.


> Surely a super craftsman with determination could build a home system from

> junk he can find here and there to result if a fully functional HBOT



> I have an eight by 10 walk in cooler that is virtually air tight. It


> be sealed with any material imaginable.


> Getting the door to be pressure tight would be the only problem. Maybe we

> could swipe the hatch off a submarine or similar.


> I am into control systems, at one time manufactured medical products,

> designed manifolds and valves. I could certainly build a fully computer

> controlled system for the HBOT.


> Tell me I am crazy.... if you think so. <grin>


> Wayne






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