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<< Confused about what mixed carotenes are? That was not clear to me?

We have seen that a number of times on the list. Also what is lypocene? >>

" mixed carotenes " means alpha and beta carotene plus things like xeazanthan

and lutein. There are a lot of products called " mixed carotenes " that

contain these.

Lycopene is another carotene like thing - you know it as the red coloring in



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Mixed carentoids are things like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, etc.

Excellent anti-oxidants. Lycopene is also a good one.

The increased stimming seems to be directly related to moving

the metals around and out, not due to yeast. Kids without yeast

on either stool culture or urine organic acid test seem to stim

just as much those with yeast when LA is added. And those on

Nystatin still experience the same increase in stimming.


------------------ Reply Separator --------------------

Originally From: " Sollinger, (HR Systems) "


Subject: [ ] supplements

Date: 08/14/2000 02:58pm

Hi Listmates Andy, and Dr. Holmes,

Saw the information on vitamin supplements to be taken before


Vit B complex, Vit C and milk thistle 4 x daily. Also zinc,

magnesium, and

Vit E . Confused about what mixed carotenes are? That was not clear

to me?

We have seen that a number of times on the list. Also what is

lypocene? I

am planning to start chelation with my daughter in October with Dr.


I had another thought recently with no medical background to give


But it seems that the children are a lot more stimmy, and irritable


they begin the ALA with DMSA protocol. Do you think that YEAST is

part of

the culprit here? What if the children were put on nystatin or

something to

that effect at the SAME TIME as chelation. Could that reduce some of


side effects?.

- S.



Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive

chemistry experiments.




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Is anyone on the list doing sara

's diet lutein free? What is the problem with this with autism?


Re: [ ] supplements

><< Confused about what mixed carotenes are? That was not clear to me?

>We have seen that a number of times on the list. Also what is lypocene? >>


> " mixed carotenes " means alpha and beta carotene plus things like xeazanthan

>and lutein. There are a lot of products called " mixed carotenes " that

>contain these.


>Lycopene is another carotene like thing - you know it as the red coloring







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  • 2 years later...

People: since we're developing quite a thread on this topic, please include

the subject " supplements " when replying........

Thank you for your cooperation.

on 2/3/2003 3:40 PM, Hipp at @... wrote:

>>> No, you don't need supplements if you cover your needs with the food you

>>> eat,


> No offense intended, but I consider this to be dangerous advice. Walford

> discusses supplementation at length in his books. And the general conclusion

> is that the likelihood of a true practitioner of CR getting the ON without

> supplementation is small.


> Walford gives excellent advice on supplementation. I recommend following it.

> And reading his lengthy treatment of the subject to understand what an inexact

> science it is.



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> By all means use supplements as needed, but don't assume

> that they are exactly equivalent to the natural vitamins, or that

> more is automatically better.

Yes. And the one thing most everyone seems to agree on is that getting it from your food is the better plan. Just not easy to do or be sure of.

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>> No, you don't need supplements if you cover your needs with the food you eat,

>No offense intended, but I consider this to be dangerous advice. Walford discusses supplementation at length in his books. And the general conclusion is that the likelihood of a true practitioner of CR >getting the ON without supplementation is small.

>Walford gives excellent advice on supplementation. I recommend following it. And reading his lengthy treatment of the subject to understand what an inexact science it is.


I agree with both of you. Walfords advice on this is generally good. The RDAs are just the levels established to avoid disease - not the optimal levels. Supplementation with moderate amounts of the vitamins that do not have an upper dose limit seem safe to me. These are the B vitamins, E and C. Also - I don't eat dairy and have a special requirement for iron that make it difficult to get enough calcium and iron from a low calorie diet. As we age, we do not always absorb vitamins well. The RDA might not even be the RDA for you. This is a individual thing that needs to be tuned. I know, for instance, even though I get the RDAs of B vitamins - I need more than that. I feel calmer and my body is more "comfortable" if I take a B-50. I also need twice the RDA of biotin or my skin is itchy. On the other hand, it is important to try to get the RDAs from your food - because there are probably undiscovered micronutrients in the foods that are not in the vitamin pill. I make my son take food-based multi-vitamins for this reason - beside eating very healthily.

You need to be careful about Vitamin A in the retinol form. There have been several articles recently about its possible relationship to osteoporosis. Many multis have too much retinol. I do not take a multi - but take all the parts without any extra A. A is very easy to get from food. Extra C beyond the RDA is likely to be valuable. I take 500 mg of C - an amount that is possible, but not easy, to get from diet alone.

I take an expensive mixed E and 1 gram of fish oil and flax oil a day. The amount of E (400 mg of mixed tocopherols/ 400 mg of mixed tocotrienols) is more than you could ever get from diet. The fish and flax oil could be part of a normal diet. If you take fish and flax oil, you need the antioxidants in the E. If you use processed polyunsaturated oils, the E is a good idea.

Minerals are very tricky - they need to be balanced. More is not better for the minerals - you want to get the right amount within a range. The only way I would supplement minerals is if you track your diet and you are consistently low in one or more of the minerals. Then you should try to correct it with food. I was low in copper and added a cup or two of cocoa a day. I eat the Brazil nut or two a day for selenium. I do take a calcium supplement - Bone-up - but only enough to bring up my total for the day to 1200 mg.

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And I agree with you, , I just don't have any idea what the optimum is or what the balance is.


----- Original Message -----

From: ,

Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:32 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Supplements

>> No, you don't need supplements if you cover your needs with the food you eat,

>No offense intended, but I consider this to be dangerous advice. Walford discusses supplementation at length in his books. And the general conclusion is that the likelihood of a true practitioner of CR >getting the ON without supplementation is small.

>Walford gives excellent advice on supplementation. I recommend following it. And reading his lengthy treatment of the subject to understand what an inexact science it is.


I agree with both of you. Walfords advice on this is generally good. The RDAs are just the levels established to avoid disease - not the optimal levels. Supplementation with moderate amounts of the vitamins that do not have an upper dose limit seem safe to me. These are the B vitamins, E and C. Also - I don't eat dairy and have a special requirement for iron that make it difficult to get enough calcium and iron from a low calorie diet. As we age, we do not always absorb vitamins well. The RDA might not even be the RDA for you. This is a individual thing that needs to be tuned. I know, for instance, even though I get the RDAs of B vitamins - I need more than that. I feel calmer and my body is more "comfortable" if I take a B-50. I also need twice the RDA of biotin or my skin is itchy. On the other hand, it is important to try to get the RDAs from your food - because there are probably undiscovered micronutrients in the foods that are not in the vitamin pill. I make my son take food-based multi-vitamins for this reason - beside eating very healthily.

You need to be careful about Vitamin A in the retinol form. There have been several articles recently about its possible relationship to osteoporosis. Many multis have too much retinol. I do not take a multi - but take all the parts without any extra A. A is very easy to get from food. Extra C beyond the RDA is likely to be valuable. I take 500 mg of C - an amount that is possible, but not easy, to get from diet alone.

I take an expensive mixed E and 1 gram of fish oil and flax oil a day. The amount of E (400 mg of mixed tocopherols/ 400 mg of mixed tocotrienols) is more than you could ever get from diet. The fish and flax oil could be part of a normal diet. If you take fish and flax oil, you need the antioxidants in the E. If you use processed polyunsaturated oils, the E is a good idea.

Minerals are very tricky - they need to be balanced. More is not better for the minerals - you want to get the right amount within a range. The only way I would supplement minerals is if you track your diet and you are consistently low in one or more of the minerals. Then you should try to correct it with food. I was low in copper and added a cup or two of cocoa a day. I eat the Brazil nut or two a day for selenium. I do take a calcium supplement - Bone-up - but only enough to bring up my total for the day to 1200 mg.

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: can you explain this further? What is a " food-based " multi-vitamin?

on 2/4/2003 10:32 AM, , at mrobinso@... wrote:

> I agree with both of you........... I make my

> son take food-based multi-vitamins for this reason - beside eating very

> healthily.

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R. wrote: I take an expensive mixed E and 1 gram of fish oil and

flax oil a day. The amount of E (400 mg of mixed tocopherols/ 400 mg

of mixed tocotrienols) is more than you could ever get from diet.

Hi , what brand(s) of Vitamin E do you take? If you buy it online

please let us know where. Thanks!


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>> R. wrote: I take an expensive mixed E and 1 gram of fish oil and

>>flax oil a day. The amount of E (400 mg of mixed tocopherols/ 400 mg

>>of mixed tocotrienols) is more than you could ever get from diet.

>Hi , what brand(s) of Vitamin E do you take? If you buy it online

>please let us know where. Thanks!


The best Vitamin E supplements I can find are the Yasoo brand at www.yasoohealth.com. I can't find them at any stores. I take a 400/400 and a Maxi-gamma (for Alzheimers protection) every day. I give my 16-year old an Anti-oxidant factor and my husband just takes the 400/400. The 400/400 is what they recommend for people over 40. 100/100 is enough for younger people. They have an excellent tocotrienol mix for people with high cholesterol. My cholesterol did go down 20 points after I started the 400/400.

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  • 10 months later...

a: if at all possible try to get your nutrients from food. Other

than that, a good multi-vitamin/mineral should do the trick.

The only supplement I take nowadays is melatonin.

on 12/31/2003 8:02 AM, lv2breathe@... at lv2breathe@... wrote:

> Hi


> I am vegan, too. I eat a lot like Hakan below except without the muesli and

> vitamin supplements (I probably should do the latter but I don't know which

> one to pick). Anyone else want to share what vitamins work for you? I worry

> that they aren't digested or that they'll throw my system off balance.


> One other topic: My vegan diet is actually quite economical because the base

> of my diet is grains, beans and steamed vegetables. The vegetables are much

> more economical purchased at farmer's markets. There are some expensive vegen

> items...like seaweed or some fancy condiments or anolog meats...but they don't

> have to be eaten everyday....and the seaweed that lasts a long time.


> Suggestions for supplements? Thanks


> a


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Shanna:

About ten years ago I decided to calculate how much of two nutrients

I would be consuming, in comparison with the average american not

taking any supplements, if I were to take one pill/capsule of them

ONCE A WEEK. One of these was folic acid, the other was probably

vitamin E.

What I found in each case was that, taking just one pill/capsule a

week, I would be consuming roughly ten times as much as the average

north american. So then I asked myself whether ten times as much was

enough, or whether I really needed to consume 70 times as much (by

taking them daily). I didn't know the answer, but from then on,

apart from selenium, I have only taken the supplements I do take,

once a week.

Once a week I take vitamins C and E; folic acid; aspirin; lycopene;

calcium; zinc; a multi-vitamin (yes I know the nutrient quantities

are negligible); and chromium picolinate (200 mcg Cr/week). And

selenium daily in the form of a brazil nut.

The only supplement I have ever taken that seems to have a noticeable

beneficial effect is the chromium picolinate. (It is illegal to sell

this supplement in this country as some people had been using it in

large quantities for athletic purposes). I am reminded about thirty

years ago it was illegal to sell folic acid! Chromium is an

essential nutrient (one of those that is essential in small

quantities but toxic in large quantities). If on a Monday or Tuesday

I find myself saying 'jeez I am just not on top form today am I?', I

ask myself whether I took my supplements (chromium) on the weekend.

Usually the explanation is 'No'!

I have been experimenting with CRON for a few months. It was BT120YD

that convinced me to eat brazil nuts.


> My question is whether you (anyone/everyone here) would share your

> personal decision re: supps. Have you taken them in the past? Do


> currently take supps of any kind? What and how much? Also I'm

> wondering how long each of you have been doing CRON (has this

> affected your decision re: supps?)


> Thanks in advance for sharing!

> Shanna

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35 years ago, my mother got nutrition religion, lost over 100 lbs

through eating healthier foods and began taking supplements. At that

time, I became interested in supplementation as well, and I began

taking supplements at age 15 and continue to do so. Over the years,

the type of supplementation has changed depending upon my changing

life circumstances (pregnancy and breastfeeding being the biggest

changes) and new information.

I have taken a multi-vitamin called " Dynovites " for over a decade. I

vividly recalling entering the health food store and the clerk asking

me what my profession. Based upon my answer, she suggested Dynovites.

Currently I take calcium/magnesium, selenium, indole-carbinol-3,

green tea extract capsules and vitamin C.

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What's in Dynovites?

The only thing that turns up in my searches is a kid's chewable


>From: " bernadettepawlik " <bernadettepawlik@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: Supplements

>Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 19:19:54 -0000


>35 years ago, my mother got nutrition religion, lost over 100 lbs

>through eating healthier foods and began taking supplements. At that

>time, I became interested in supplementation as well, and I began

>taking supplements at age 15 and continue to do so. Over the years,

>the type of supplementation has changed depending upon my changing

>life circumstances (pregnancy and breastfeeding being the biggest

>changes) and new information.


>I have taken a multi-vitamin called " Dynovites " for over a decade. I

>vividly recalling entering the health food store and the clerk asking

>me what my profession. Based upon my answer, she suggested Dynovites.

> Currently I take calcium/magnesium, selenium, indole-carbinol-3,

>green tea extract capsules and vitamin C.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 8/6/2004 4:12:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, tbayuk@... writes:

I am going to make a new list and post them.


In addition to your supplement list, could you post what your regimen is as far as exercise, etc. and how long you've been on LDN, how much you take and what other results you've noticed and how long they took to appear.

I'm sure you've written this in the past, but I don't remember.

Hope you don't mind.



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Guest guest

Hi ,

1. Phenylalanine Comes in D, L, and DL combo Is it good to take, how much

etc. Heard that Dr. B recommends that you take it to help keep your

endorphins up?

He recommends this to help with spasms. If you have high blood pressure be

sure to check it, this may raise your blood pressure.

2. Benfotiamine

150 mg 3 or 4 times daily

3. 4AP


4. Collidal Silver

1 Tsp. under tongue daily 1200 ppm.



Same questions. Do they help? Which Ones? How much to take? With food/or


Thanks for any and all help............... in California

----- Original Message -----

From: " lorenzo " <clorenzo02@...>

<low dose naltrexone >

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 2:37 PM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements

> I am so impressed with the information that I get from all of you, and


> your opinions so could you advise me on the following? I am currently

> taking 3.5 of the LDN and by the way LOVE IT and so far is the best thing

> I've found to help me. I am very interested in taking vitamins, diet etc.

> and feel I need all the help to feel better or as good as I can. What do


> know/advise on the following.

> 1. Phenylalanine Comes in D, L, and DL combo Is it good to take, how


> etc. Heard that Dr. B recommends that you take it to help keep your

> endorphins up?


> 2. Benfotiamine


> 3. 4AP


> 4. Collidal Silver


> Same questions. Do they help? Which Ones? How much to take? With


> without?

> Thanks for any and all help............... in California


> _________________________________________________________________

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Hi Tom

I know there has been a lot of controversy about Benfotiamine. I also heard that you take it. Do you see any benefits from it? What is it suppose to do? I mentioned it to my Nutritionalist on my last visit. I don't remember exactly what he said but I do remember him saying that he didn't want me on it.

I just want to hear your views on this.



----- Original Message -----

From: Bayuk

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 2:50 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements

Hi ,1. Phenylalanine Comes in D, L, and DL combo Is it good to take, how muchetc. Heard that Dr. B recommends that you take it to help keep yourendorphins up?He recommends this to help with spasms. If you have high blood pressure besure to check it, this may raise your blood pressure.2. Benfotiamine150 mg 3 or 4 times daily3. 4AP??4. Collidal Silver1 Tsp. under tongue daily 1200 ppm.Regards,TomSame questions. Do they help? Which Ones? How much to take? With food/orwithout?Thanks for any and all help............... in California----- Original Message ----- From: " lorenzo" <clorenzo02@...><low dose naltrexone >Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 2:37 PMSubject: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements> I am so impressed with the information that I get from all of you, andtrust> your opinions so could you advise me on the following? I am currently> taking 3.5 of the LDN and by the way LOVE IT and so far is the best thing> I've found to help me. I am very interested in taking vitamins, diet etc.> and feel I need all the help to feel better or as good as I can. What doyou> know/advise on the following.> 1. Phenylalanine Comes in D, L, and DL combo Is it good to take, howmuch> etc. Heard that Dr. B recommends that you take it to help keep your> endorphins up?>> 2. Benfotiamine>> 3. 4AP>> 4. Collidal Silver>> Same questions. Do they help? Which Ones? How much to take? Withfood/or> without?> Thanks for any and all help............... in California>> _________________________________________________________________> FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now!> http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/>>>>>>

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Guest guest

Hi Marie,

I am definitely in favor of it. I have been taking it for about 6 months 150mg 4X a day. I have also added some additional supplements

I am going to make a new list and post them.

I' have not been able to flex my feet ( toes towards me) in several years .........and now I can. I am also getting increased feeling and movement in by buttocks and legs. I can stand and do toe raises, something I could not do for a year or so.

The longer this goes on, the more I am convinced and I mean convinced that nutrition, exercise, supplements, and avoidance of allergens and drugs is the very best treatment.

The doctors, the researcher's, just don't get it. This body of ours is designed to go 100 years with a little guidance and care.

They are wrong, plain and simple. They say we can't regenerate nerves............then why can I suddenly flex my feet and do toe raises? I'll tell you why because we can and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

They say new channels of nerve transmission open that have not been used before, that is their explanation ( feeble at best ). I say Bull----, those channels have been closed for over a year. Now they are open because of what I am doing. We can beat this and we will beat this.

I have been at this for over 20 years and the progress comes when I learn and experiment and DEFINITELY IGNORE the doctor's advice.

I am sorry if I have offended those that rely on their doc's but I just can't help how I think. There is not one doc that has ever helped me........and I truly am improving.



----- Original Message -----

From: Marie Deady

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 3:41 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements

Hi Tom

I know there has been a lot of controversy about Benfotiamine. I also heard that you take it. Do you see any benefits from it? What is it suppose to do? I mentioned it to my Nutritionalist on my last visit. I don't remember exactly what he said but I do remember him saying that he didn't want me on it.

I just want to hear your views on this.



----- Original Message -----

From: Bayuk

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 2:50 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements

Hi ,1. Phenylalanine Comes in D, L, and DL combo Is it good to take, how muchetc. Heard that Dr. B recommends that you take it to help keep yourendorphins up?He recommends this to help with spasms. If you have high blood pressure besure to check it, this may raise your blood pressure.2. Benfotiamine150 mg 3 or 4 times daily3. 4AP??4. Collidal Silver1 Tsp. under tongue daily 1200 ppm.Regards,TomSame questions. Do they help? Which Ones? How much to take? With food/orwithout?Thanks for any and all help............... in California----- Original Message ----- From: " lorenzo" <clorenzo02@...><low dose naltrexone >Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 2:37 PMSubject: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements> I am so impressed with the information that I get from all of you, andtrust> your opinions so could you advise me on the following? I am currently> taking 3.5 of the LDN and by the way LOVE IT and so far is the best thing> I've found to help me. I am very interested in taking vitamins, diet etc.> and feel I need all the help to feel better or as good as I can. What doyou> know/advise on the following.> 1. Phenylalanine Comes in D, L, and DL combo Is it good to take, howmuch> etc. Heard that Dr. B recommends that you take it to help keep your> endorphins up?>> 2. Benfotiamine>> 3. 4AP>> 4. Collidal Silver>> Same questions. Do they help? Which Ones? How much to take? Withfood/or> without?> Thanks for any and all help............... in California>> _________________________________________________________________> FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now!> http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/>>>>>>

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I was never able to curl my toes. I still can't fully curl my right foot, but after 2 months being on LDN I discovered that I could curl my left foot toes. I'm ONLY taking LDN.

----- Original Message -----

From: Bayuk

low dose naltrexone

Cc: MS-Christians ; MSersLife ; mscured ; MSfriends ; MSViews_Multiple_Sclerosis ; MS_Community

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 16:12

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements

Hi Marie,

I am definitely in favor of it. I have been taking it for about 6 months 150mg 4X a day. I have also added some additional supplements

I am going to make a new list and post them.

I' have not been able to flex my feet ( toes towards me) in several years .........and now I can. I am also getting increased feeling and movement in by buttocks and legs. I can stand and do toe raises, something I could not do for a year or so.

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Hi Arlene,

My computer is back up. I'm working on the list, later todat or tomorrow.



----- Original Message -----

From: arlizotte@...

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 4:35 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Supplements

In a message dated 8/6/2004 4:12:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, tbayuk@... writes:

I am going to make a new list and post them.


In addition to your supplement list, could you post what your regimen is as far as exercise, etc. and how long you've been on LDN, how much you take and what other results you've noticed and how long they took to appear.

I'm sure you've written this in the past, but I don't remember.

Hope you don't mind.



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Wow, this IS monumental. My supplements are a little

more haphazard than this. You should try the urine

therapy as well. It would save you a fortune. By the

way i'm not joking there!

What can you recommend for cognitive problems. This

has been quite severe for me in the past and I have an

appt. with a neuro psychologist soon but I can't see

how he will help with cognition.

When I recently saw my neuro I told him I had

cognitive problems. I pronounced it cogn-eye-tive, he

asked me to repeat myself 3x, and he then laughed at

me. 'you mean cog-nit-ive?' I don't think he knows

what cognitive means!! This upset me as I've only read

about it not heard it pronounced before.

Also I went in with diplopia. Do you know what he said

to me? I quote 'You look fine to me'.

A nero of all people should know some MS symptoms are


What does the cranberry and jarrow do for the eyes?


--- Bayuk <tbayuk@...> wrote:

> Tom Bayuk


> 19868 Cypress Woods Ct.


> North Fort Myers, Florida 33903


> 239-543-4105


> tbayuk@...




> Hi Folks,


> Here is my monumental supplement list, it is a pain

> every day and expensive. However, maybe not. I

> have been doing this for almost 20 years. No drugs

> and doing very well.




> I make a drink out of the Herbal mix, Life Extension

> mix and the Whey Glutamine. The Whey Glutamine

> makes our bodies make Glutathione which is needed by

> every cell. If Glutathione is taken as a

> supplement it is destroyed in the stomach before it

> can enter the bloodstream.




> I also stretch and exercise throughout my waking

> hours.


> Regards,


> Tom




> Supplement list:




> Jarro-Dophilus+FOS .....Digestion....3 capsules

> daily


> MSM..Required by all cells............750mg


> Bilberry..For Eyes...............80mg


> Neptune Krill Oil ................3000mg


> Jarrow Vision Optimizer.....Eyes.....3 capsules

> daily


> Milk Thistle.................. 150mg


> Glycine...amino acid............500mg


> CO-Q10..................100mg


> Grape seed extract...Anti-oxidant......100mg


> Life Extension Booster.............1 capsule


> " " Mix.......3 scoops mixed in

> water


> " " Herbal Mix.....3 " "

> " "


> Bromeplex....Digestion..........2 capsules


> Circumin....Prevents immune dysfunction ?.380mg


> Colostrum.......Myelin........ 500mg


> Vitamin D-3..................2000IU


> Potassium...................100mg


> Octacosanol......Stamina...........8000mcg


> Magnesium.................400mg


> Cranberry Extract.....Urinary.......3000mg


> Benfotiamine...Lipid form of Thiamine....150mg 4 X

> a day


> Nat'l. Prostrate...Men only....... ..1 capsule daily


> Stinging Nettle..Boosts ..... .....300mg


> Alpha Lipoic Acid..Anti-oxidant........250mg


> GLA...Essential fatty acid..........3000mg


> Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder..Produces

> Glutathione, required by every human cell.







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First things first........get a new doc your current doc is an insensitive,

ill-informed detriment.

There is a Chinese herb " Congrong Huanshao " that has been used for cognitive

problems quite successfully for several thousand years. It is a little

expensive about $18.00 for 60 capsules. Suggested dosage 3 capsules 3X a

day. You can get it from Health King Enterprise & Balanceuticals Group,

Inc. 238 W. 31st, Chicago, Il. 60616 ( 312) 567-9978.

You might also try " Ginkgo Biloba "

The Cranberry Extract is for the kidneys and urinary function. " Jarrow " is

simply the brand name.



----- Original Message -----

From: " Audrey Henry " <mumpuss@...>

<low dose naltrexone >

Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 12:56 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] supplements

> Tom,

> Wow, this IS monumental. My supplements are a little

> more haphazard than this. You should try the urine

> therapy as well. It would save you a fortune. By the

> way i'm not joking there!

> What can you recommend for cognitive problems. This

> has been quite severe for me in the past and I have an

> appt. with a neuro psychologist soon but I can't see

> how he will help with cognition.


> When I recently saw my neuro I told him I had

> cognitive problems. I pronounced it cogn-eye-tive, he

> asked me to repeat myself 3x, and he then laughed at

> me. 'you mean cog-nit-ive?' I don't think he knows

> what cognitive means!! This upset me as I've only read

> about it not heard it pronounced before.


> Also I went in with diplopia. Do you know what he said

> to me? I quote 'You look fine to me'.

> A nero of all people should know some MS symptoms are

> invisible.

> What does the cranberry and jarrow do for the eyes?

> Audrey




> --- Bayuk <tbayuk@...> wrote:

> > Tom Bayuk

> >

> > 19868 Cypress Woods Ct.

> >

> > North Fort Myers, Florida 33903

> >

> > 239-543-4105

> >

> > tbayuk@...

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Folks,

> >

> > Here is my monumental supplement list, it is a pain

> > every day and expensive. However, maybe not. I

> > have been doing this for almost 20 years. No drugs

> > and doing very well.

> >

> >

> >

> > I make a drink out of the Herbal mix, Life Extension

> > mix and the Whey Glutamine. The Whey Glutamine

> > makes our bodies make Glutathione which is needed by

> > every cell. If Glutathione is taken as a

> > supplement it is destroyed in the stomach before it

> > can enter the bloodstream.

> >

> >

> >

> > I also stretch and exercise throughout my waking

> > hours.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Tom

> >

> >

> >

> > Supplement list:

> >

> >

> >

> > Jarro-Dophilus+FOS .....Digestion....3 capsules

> > daily

> >

> > MSM..Required by all cells............750mg

> >

> > Bilberry..For Eyes...............80mg

> >

> > Neptune Krill Oil ................3000mg

> >

> > Jarrow Vision Optimizer.....Eyes.....3 capsules

> > daily

> >

> > Milk Thistle.................. 150mg

> >

> > Glycine...amino acid............500mg

> >

> > CO-Q10..................100mg

> >

> > Grape seed extract...Anti-oxidant......100mg

> >

> > Life Extension Booster.............1 capsule

> >

> > " " Mix.......3 scoops mixed in

> > water

> >

> > " " Herbal Mix.....3 " "

> > " "

> >

> > Bromeplex....Digestion..........2 capsules

> >

> > Circumin....Prevents immune dysfunction ?.380mg

> >

> > Colostrum.......Myelin........ 500mg

> >

> > Vitamin D-3..................2000IU

> >

> > Potassium...................100mg

> >

> > Octacosanol......Stamina...........8000mcg

> >

> > Magnesium.................400mg

> >

> > Cranberry Extract.....Urinary.......3000mg

> >

> > Benfotiamine...Lipid form of Thiamine....150mg 4 X

> > a day

> >

> > Nat'l. Prostrate...Men only....... ..1 capsule daily

> >

> > Stinging Nettle..Boosts ..... .....300mg

> >

> > Alpha Lipoic Acid..Anti-oxidant........250mg

> >

> > GLA...Essential fatty acid..........3000mg

> >

> > Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder..Produces

> > Glutathione, required by every human cell.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >






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Could you please tell me from what source you get your Benfotiame?


-------Original Message-------

From: low dose naltrexone

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:34:55

MS-Christians ; mscured ; MSersLife ; MSfriends ; MSViews_Multiple_Sclerosis ; jjworld ; A Home away from Home a MS Support Board; low dose naltrexone ; MS_Community

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] supplements

Tom Bayuk

19868 Cypress Woods Ct.

North Fort Myers, Florida 33903



Hi Folks,

Here is my monumental supplement list, it is a pain every day and expensive. However, maybe not. I have been doing this for almost 20 years. No drugs and doing very well.

I make a drink out of the Herbal mix, Life Extension mix and the Whey Glutamine. The Whey Glutamine makes our bodies make Glutathione which is needed by every cell. If Glutathione is taken as a supplement it is destroyed in the stomach before it can enter the bloodstream.

I also stretch and exercise throughout my waking hours.



Supplement list:

Jarro-Dophilus+FOS ……………Digestion…………3 capsules daily

MSM……Required by all cells………...…………….750mg

Bilberry..For Eyes…………………………………….80mg

Neptune Krill Oil ……………………………………..3000mg

Jarrow Vision Optimizer……………Eyes……………3 capsules daily

Milk Thistle………………………………………….. 150mg

Glycine………amino acid…………………………….500mg


Grape seed extract………Anti-oxidant………………100mg

Life Extension Booster……………………………….1 capsule

“ “ Mix……………..3 scoops mixed in water

“ “ Herbal Mix……...3 “ “ “ “

Bromeplex…………Digestion……………………….2 capsules

Circumin…………Prevents immune dysfunction ?…380mg

Colostrum…………………Myelin……………….. 500mg

Vitamin D-3…………………………………………..2000IU




Cranberry Extract……………Urinary……………….3000mg

Benfotiamine………Lipid form of Thiamine……….150mg 4 X a day

Nat’l. Prostrate………Men only………………… ….1 capsule daily

Stinging Nettle……Boosts …………… ……………300mg

Alpha Lipoic Acid……Anti-oxidant………………….250mg

GLA………Essential fatty acid……………………….3000mg

Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder..Produces Glutathione, required by every human cell.

____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

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I get it from www.benfotiame.net



----- Original Message -----


low dose naltrexone

Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 3:03 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] supplements


Could you please tell me from what source you get your Benfotiame?


-------Original Message-------

From: low dose naltrexone

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:34:55

MS-Christians ; mscured ; MSersLife ; MSfriends ; MSViews_Multiple_Sclerosis ; jjworld ; A Home away from Home a MS Support Board; low dose naltrexone ; MS_Community

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] supplements

Tom Bayuk

19868 Cypress Woods Ct.

North Fort Myers, Florida 33903



Hi Folks,

Here is my monumental supplement list, it is a pain every day and expensive. However, maybe not. I have been doing this for almost 20 years. No drugs and doing very well.

I make a drink out of the Herbal mix, Life Extension mix and the Whey Glutamine. The Whey Glutamine makes our bodies make Glutathione which is needed by every cell. If Glutathione is taken as a supplement it is destroyed in the stomach before it can enter the bloodstream.

I also stretch and exercise throughout my waking hours.



Supplement list:

Jarro-Dophilus+FOS ……………Digestion…………3 capsules daily

MSM……Required by all cells………...…………….750mg

Bilberry..For Eyes…………………………………….80mg

Neptune Krill Oil ……………………………………..3000mg

Jarrow Vision Optimizer……………Eyes……………3 capsules daily

Milk Thistle………………………………………….. 150mg

Glycine………amino acid…………………………….500mg


Grape seed extract………Anti-oxidant………………100mg

Life Extension Booster……………………………….1 capsule

“ “ Mix……………..3 scoops mixed in water

“ “ Herbal Mix……...3 “ “ “ “

Bromeplex…………Digestion……………………….2 capsules

Circumin…………Prevents immune dysfunction ?…380mg

Colostrum…………………Myelin……………….. 500mg

Vitamin D-3…………………………………………..2000IU




Cranberry Extract……………Urinary……………….3000mg

Benfotiamine………Lipid form of Thiamine……….150mg 4 X a day

Nat’l. Prostrate………Men only………………… ….1 capsule daily

Stinging Nettle……Boosts …………… ……………300mg

Alpha Lipoic Acid……Anti-oxidant………………….250mg

GLA………Essential fatty acid……………………….3000mg

Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder..Produces Glutathione, required by every human cell.

____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

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Thank you Tom!

-------Original Message-------

From: low dose naltrexone

Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 08:50:05

low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] supplements


I get it from www.benfotiame.net



----- Original Message -----


low dose naltrexone

Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 3:03 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] supplements


Could you please tell me from what source you get your Benfotiame?


-------Original Message-------

From: low dose naltrexone

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:34:55

MS-Christians ; mscured ; MSersLife ; MSfriends ; MSViews_Multiple_Sclerosis ; jjworld ; A Home away from Home a MS Support Board; low dose naltrexone ; MS_Community

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] supplements

Tom Bayuk

19868 Cypress Woods Ct.

North Fort Myers, Florida 33903



Hi Folks,

Here is my monumental supplement list, it is a pain every day and expensive. However, maybe not. I have been doing this for almost 20 years. No drugs and doing very well.

I make a drink out of the Herbal mix, Life Extension mix and the Whey Glutamine. The Whey Glutamine makes our bodies make Glutathione which is needed by every cell. If Glutathione is taken as a supplement it is destroyed in the stomach before it can enter the bloodstream.

I also stretch and exercise throughout my waking hours.



Supplement list:

Jarro-Dophilus+FOS ……………Digestion…………3 capsules daily

MSM……Required by all cells………...…………….750mg

Bilberry..For Eyes…………………………………….80mg

Neptune Krill Oil ……………………………………..3000mg

Jarrow Vision Optimizer……………Eyes……………3 capsules daily

Milk Thistle………………………………………….. 150mg

Glycine………amino acid…………………………….500mg


Grape seed extract………Anti-oxidant………………100mg

Life Extension Booster……………………………….1 capsule

“ “ Mix……………..3 scoops mixed in water

“ “ Herbal Mix……...3 “ “ “ “

Bromeplex…………Digestion……………………….2 capsules

Circumin…………Prevents immune dysfunction ?…380mg

Colostrum…………………Myelin……………….. 500mg

Vitamin D-3…………………………………………..2000IU




Cranberry Extract……………Urinary……………….3000mg

Benfotiamine………Lipid form of Thiamine……….150mg 4 X a day

Nat’l. Prostrate………Men only………………… ….1 capsule daily

Stinging Nettle……Boosts …………… ……………300mg

Alpha Lipoic Acid……Anti-oxidant………………….250mg

GLA………Essential fatty acid……………………….3000mg

Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder..Produces Glutathione, required by every human cell.

____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

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