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BREAKING NEWS: Vaccines do not cause autism???

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they are saying that right now on the today show. Even my severe headache hurts

MORE watching the smirk look Matt Lauer has on his face. Sigh. Here we go again.

Al the weather guy made a comment about how this was going to trigger a fire

storm of conterversy. Yep. It is!


BREAKING NEWS: Vaccines do not cause autism???

Last night CNN claimed that vaccines don't cause autism and discredited Dr.

Wakefield's research. Most of us know better and have been researching the

truth for a long time, despite what the pharmaceutical companies want the

misinformed masses to believe.

This is why we must plant seeds with our FREE " Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate "

card, enable to reach anyone wanting the truth. Please send or resend your

mailing address, if you would like a package of around 100 cards. We have

plenty in stock, so we can send you a larger order too. Thank you all dearly

for your continued support and Yah (God) bless you alot, April Renýe

VIC (Vaccine Information Coalition)

Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic!

Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!

For more information visit www.vacinfo.org or call 800-939-8227


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Last night CNN claimed that vaccines don't cause autism and discredited Dr.

Wakefield's research. Most of us know better and have been researching the

truth for a long time, despite what the pharmaceutical companies want the

misinformed masses to believe.

This is why we must plant seeds with our FREE " Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate "

card, enable to reach anyone wanting the truth. Please send or resend your

mailing address, if you would like a package of around 100 cards. We have

plenty in stock, so we can send you a larger order too. Thank you all dearly

for your continued support and Yah (God) bless you alot, April Renée

VIC (Vaccine Information Coalition)

Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic!

Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!

For more information visit www.vacinfo.org or call 800-939-8227

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Someone already posted a “I’m

so glad I chose to vaccinate my kids†on my local autism list.

I told her not to believe mainstream media and that the Wakefield

thing was a witch hunt.

Too many kids at preschool have autism now that didn’t before

shots.. they’re not innocent or good!


mom to: 18, Jon 16, 14, 12, 9, Christian (7/16/03 to

8/22/04), 5, Isaac 3 and , due 3/2011

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for

possibly current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

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News just in Child Health Safety


From: Venita Garner <nitagarner@...>Subject: RE: BREAKING NEWS: Vaccines do not cause autism???Vaccinations Date: Thursday, 6 January, 2011, 16:47

Someone already posted a “I’m so glad I chose to vaccinate my kids†on my local autism list.

I told her not to believe mainstream media and that the Wakefield thing was a witch hunt.

Too many kids at preschool have autism now that didn’t before shots.. they’re not innocent or good!

Nita, mom to: 18, Jon 16, 14, 12, 9, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 5, Isaac 3 and , due 3/2011http://momof6.dotphoto.com for possibly current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.comLearn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

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My SIL posted this on facebook and flew into a RAGE with me when I dared to

refute it. She had posted something to the effect of " see all you paranoid

parents out there you are wrong. " AHHHHHHH

Now she has decided it is her goal in life to educate my dumb self. I have

refused to battle with her and only to state that this is MY choice for MY

family. It is making her crazy that won't see her way. Nor will I engage in here

look at this research battle.

I am confidnet that my 100's of hours of reaserch have helped me to make the

right decision.

I was tempted to throw the resarch at her that shows that parents that choose

not to vaccinate are more often than not highly educated.



> From: Venita Garner <nitagarner@...>

> Subject: RE: BREAKING NEWS: Vaccines do not cause autism???

> Vaccinations

> Date: Thursday, 6 January, 2011, 16:47









> Someone already posted a “I’m so glad I chose to vaccinate my kids†on

my local autism list.


> I told her not to believe mainstream media and that the Wakefield thing was a

witch hunt.


> Too many kids at preschool have autism now that didn’t before shots..

they’re not innocent or good!



> Nita, mom to: 18, Jon 16, 14, 12, 9, Christian

(7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 5, Isaac 3 and , due 3/2011

> http://momof6.dotphoto.com for possibly current pictures and


> Learn from the mistakes of others.  Trust me... you can't live long enough to

make them all yourself.


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You have to wonder why it is so important to other people that you vaccinate your children to the point of fighting you. I mean, really, why? Is it because of their irrational fear that their vaccines won't work? Is it because they don't want to believe otherwise because then they'd have to have a plan B if their child gets a "vaccine-preventable" disease?

There are a lot of issues parents face but I can't imagine somebody screaming "Nah-nah, I was right" over say, opinions on diet or stroller brands. What is it about vaccines that makes people so rude and obnoxious?

I would just tell people like your SIL that I don't make medical decisions based on media reports.

I do like the idea about throwing that research at her. Do you have it? Here is a link to the study: (http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/114/1/187) If you go to the right, you can get full text or a pdf version.

Winnie RE: BREAKING NEWS: Vaccines do not > cause autism???> > Vaccinations > > Date: Thursday, 6 January, 2011, 16:47> > > > > >  > > > > > > > > > > > > Someone already posted a “I’m so glad I chose to vaccinate > my kids†on my local autism list.> >  > > I told her not to believe mainstream media and that the > Wakefield thing was a witch hunt.> >  > > Too many kids at preschool have autism now that didn’t > before shots.. they’re not innocent or good!> >  > > > > Nita, mom to: 18, Jon 16, 14, 12, > 9, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 5, Isaac 3 and , > due 3/2011> > http://momof6.dotphoto.com for possibly current pictures and > http://nitasspot.blogspot.com> Learn from the mistakes of > others. Trust me... you can't live long enough to make them > all yourself.> >> > >

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I wonder the same thing! What

on earth IS it? I think it may have to do with the mud flinging… ‘well you’re a

terrible awful neglectful parent if you don’t vax b/c you are just wishing your

child to die of that X horrible diseaseâ€â€¦ I mean, them’s are fightin’ words yk?

Everybody has an opinion on something. Geez, I remember asking

several friends on what motor oil was good. I got all different answers and

some of them contradicted the other “good†oils.. so I know for absolutely

every decision someone will support me and someone will disagree

It’s like formula. Such a hot button. I think when people just

get on the defensive that bad to some innocent comment it’s because there is a

lot of guilt. They’re afraid to vax and they’re afraid NOT to vax. They’re not

comfortable within themselves to treat their child, they depend on “the doctorâ€

(after all, he went to medical school and sees sick kids all the time. he must

know how to make my child better, right?)

They want to force me to vax.. I want to force them to NOT vax..

they don’t like that.. but what makes them think them forcing me to vax is any

better??? It doesn’t make sense. They’re not thinking logically. They’re



mom to: 18, Jon 16, 14, 12, 9, Christian (7/16/03 to

8/22/04), 5, Isaac 3 and , due 3/2011

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for

possibly current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.

You have to wonder why it is so important to other people

that you vaccinate your children to the point of fighting you. I mean, really,


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>>>You have to wonder why it is so important to other people that you vaccinate your children to the point of fighting you. I mean, really, why?<<<I often hear that from people who have immune-compromised children. Their argument is that everyone should get vaccinated to protect their kids and others with suppressed immunity. Although I don't agree I have trouble finding a succinct way to disagree without seeming callous.Jen in WA

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Lord save me… my local autism

group is going to drive me NUTS! Some of them are definitely provax and tell me

that I’m not protecting my child.

I replied with yes, I am protecting my child.

I wondered aloud on the last sentence that why is it that a

provax mom can call me not protecting my child and that’s all OK but do I then

get the chance to say I don’t agree they should be able to inject their child

with legal poison?

She’s currently got whooping cough that she blames on some

unvaxxed person/child. I told her she could have gotten it anyway and my

unvaxxed children are not spreaders of disease and they’re very healthy

I didn’t get feedback here from the other note, so I never sent

it yet. I thought it would blow over on the autism list by now, you know how

email lists are.. give it 2 or 3 days and subjects move on

I know it doesn’t do any good but when someone calls me

irresponsible for not vaxxing, I’m going to ask them why should I inject legal poison

into my kid for their own sake? Are they willing to cough up money to help pay

for any negative that should occur?


mom to: 18, Jon 16, 14, 12, 9, Christian (7/16/03 to

8/22/04), 5, Isaac 3 and , due 3/2011

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for

possibly current pictures and http://nitasspot.blogspot.com

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long enough

to make them all yourself.


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