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Emerging Infections of the Central States - Conference

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<<From: " and/or Robynn " <nebneb@...>

Subject: Emerging Infections of the Central States - Conference

This could be a worthwhile event to go to. I understand that Dr.

Crist, speaking on Friday, is highly competent about Lyme testing. He truly

understands the inadequacies involved. Unfortunately I don't know much

about the other doctors listed here, does anyone else? ( Kline Beecham

is one of the sponsors.) Does anyone on this list think thay may be able to



Emerging Infections of the Central States

2nd Annual Conference>>>


Hi Robynn and Everyone!

This is a sterling list of people, if I may say so. Some I know personally,

some by their publications, presentations or other means. There are a few

I'm not familiar with.

I wouldn't worry about the sponsors. Glaxo Wellcome' is sponsoring the LDA

conference, and these pharmaceutical/biotech giants have sponsored good

conferences before. It looks like with the number of sponsors there is not

an overwhelming contribution from other than the GKLDA and likely St. Lukes

Hospital. I will be interested in any comments on the vaccine which would

not seem appropriate for an unidentified Borrelia disease, so called,

" Lyme-like " illness.

Some of the Who's Who:

Masters is well known, well published and well liked, not necessarily in

that order.

Masters, Oliver, and Mac have been working on the mysteries of

Missouri Borrelia and other strains for several years. Mac has a PCR

for multiple Midwest Borrelia strains, but lacks funding. Hopefully things

have improved there since I last heard. We are lucky to have Denny Donnell,

MD, MPH who has made various contributions in research and education.

Brewer is an excellent doctor who works with the complexities of Lyme,

herpes viruses and hypercoagulation/regulatory protein disorders, the later

two seen in LD, CFS, FM patients in particular. There is an overview of his

work with an MS patient in the " The Virus Within " and otherwise in some

online CFS transcripts of Dr. Berg of Hemex Labs, Inc.

Tessa Gardner has published some of the most comprehensive information on

pediatric and congenital LD. Christensen is an academic physician and

educates naysayers, as he once was, on the disease. That takes courage to

break the status quo with your colleagues by a change in position. He

studied what was going on here with some of the doctors and patients and he

could not deny the facts nor did his eyes deceive him. More would do well to

follow his example.

Crist, as Robynn pointed out, has a very good reputation as well. If I am

not mistaken, he also covers things like nutrition, supplements and other

remedies for improving health.

I am probably leaving somebody out, but I look forward to the presentations

and meeting some of these Midwest pioneers I only know by name.

And Happy Day, the conference is 20-minutes rather than 20-plus hours away

from me. :) I will be there rain, sleet, snow and hope to see you there.

Best wishes,



Donna Herrell

About Health Guide to Lyme Disease



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