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Re: To all My friends, My blog over RAK's page tonight(Please read)

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I don't understand why anyone would do such a thing either. But, I think, the important thing is that you don't stop doing your good work, or let other people bring you down from that. I think everything you do is great, especially the whole not excluding other people because they can't afford to pay for healing, etc. Could you ban these people from the group, so that way they can't spread more malicious rumors? ----- Original Message ----From: <liane@...>To:

Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 6:46:54 PMSubject: [] To all My friends, My blog over RAK's page tonight(Please read)

To all my friends,

Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts

to understand people, I just can't.

I have been living my

life entirely for service of others. I myself, along with so many kind and

generous souls, we created almost two years ago an Organization that would

provide care, comfort and help to many.

This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us, common people, we

are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing and some educational and

spiritual approach to many of the life challenges we are experiencing as a

group, as Humanity .

All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free.

But this does not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this

community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately chose to do

not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw rocks and

spread malicious rumors.

My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain

things like that?

Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a

materialization of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing

and supporting each other over group, and now we are more then 1000 over

NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to be un umbrella, to

platform to help others, common people to shine their light. Through those two

years, many have approached us and even started to work with us, but did not

align with our major guidelines, which is unconditional love and service of

others, not self service. As it is, here on myspace, there are many that are

joining to make this rumor campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or

ostracized from the core group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose

why we were forced to some times take measures.

Humanity Healing is a

Non profit, a little Foundation that is still waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide) ,

we can't by definition, be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE

LAW, The Law of this land.

For the past two

years we had people joining our network, just to prey on others asking for

healing. One person from MySpace thought that just being part of the network

would give her the right to approach

every single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this person

in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she is one of

those spreading slanderous rumors out there.

I will not cite

names, but I really think this is not fair. Why bash people that are working

almost 16 hours a day just to provide extra layers of healing, friendship and

care? What are they profiting from it?

They are the ones

that feel the need to put others down in order to affirm them, they are never

satisfied what anything, they are angry, they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages of any kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our hearts.

We are accused of being

elitists, even when we are constantly inviting people to participate in our

boards, give their input, contribution and opinion.

I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not

only because II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and

sisters of my Soul family, but because ,

I could expand the works I started in

RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are trying to place on me,

out of pure jealousy.

If this impasse

continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page and dedicate exclusively to the

work, my soul calls me to perform, now in bigger scale. You are more then

welcome to join me, let's heal every heart on this planet, one at time, for


Again, I would

invite anyone to be part of our family,

Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that

is part of our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make your

own opinion.

This is all I would ever ask.

With deep respect to


Liane Legey The real

person behind RAK

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My beloved dear one, I am adding the very source of my being my

unconditional to yours so as to illuminate the path for those of us

who at this moment do not quite remember that we are all one. At one

point when my faith needed replenishing and my life situation seems

hopeless where did I turn? To my humanity healing family and what

transpire is beyond understanding or words because within a very

short span of time every facet of my life situation turned around, so

my beloved dear one I do not have to turn to anyone outside of myself

for proof or validation of what is. Your source of light, love and

healing that you and the rest of my divine loves transcend time,

place and the opinion of others.

Truly in love and light


Ps. here are a few of my thoughts I would like to share with you.

My beloved friends I would very much like to share a few of my

thoughts with anyone out there who desire to transcend the opinions

of others to find the most perfect peace and the joy of simple being

human. There is nothing I can write or verbally expresses that can be

about anyone, every bit of my thoughts that I create which is

manifested into whatever outward reality is born solely from my

perception and how I am interpreting what I perceive and whatever is

being expressed outwardly is merely an opinion and should not be

taken personally.

My beliefs are based on my personal understanding and acceptance that

the reality of my being is my consciousness, I am an unfathomable

reality being expressed in a body, this spirit that is housed within

is what animates my body into movements, seeing, hearing, feeling and

thinking I constantly generate new thoughts and thus constantly

create new realities my being which is my thoughts are not fixed for

anyone to figure out , so that leaves me unknowable and this is what

I know the reality of a man to be

In the world of perception none that exist perceive things the same

way and that is what makes and create the beautiful world we inhabit,

for a moment consider and contemplate our physical world and ask

yourself this question " what would my world be like if we all think

and perceive alike " ? Would not that be the most frightening thing to

ever contemplate? For one there would be no diversity only sameness

because it is through the creating, perceiving and expression of our

collective thoughts that create this glorious experience of being



in love and light a

--- In , " " <liane@...>




> To all my friends,


> Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to

> understand people, I just can't.


> I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I


> along with so many kind and generous souls, we created almost two


> ago an Organization that would provide care, comfort and help to


> This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us, common

> people, we are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing


> some educational and spiritual approach to many of the life


> we are experiencing as a group, as Humanity .


> All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free. But this


> not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this

> community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately


> to do not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw


> and spread malicious rumors.


> My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain things like



> Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a


> of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing and

> supporting each other over group, and now we are more then


> over NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to be


> umbrella, to platform to help others, common people to shine their

> light. Through those two years, many have approached us and even


> to work with us, but did not align with our major guidelines, which


> unconditional love and service of others, not self service. As it


> here on myspace, there are many that are joining to make this rumor

> campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or ostracized from the


> group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose why we were


> to some times take measures.


> Humanity Healing is a Non profit, a little Foundation that is


> waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide), we can't by definition,

> be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE LAW, The Law

> of this land.


> For the past two years we had people joining our network, just to


> on others asking for healing. One person from MySpace thought that


> being part of the network would give her the right to approach


> single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this


> in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she is


> of those spreading slanderous rumors out there.


> I will not cite names, but I really think this is not fair. Why


> people that are working almost 16 hours a day just to provide extra

> layers of healing, friendship and care? What are they profiting

from it?


> They are the ones that feel the need to put others down in order


> affirm them, they are never satisfied what anything, they are angry,

> they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages

of any

> kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our




> We are accused of being elitists, even when we are constantly


> people to participate in our boards, give their input, contribution


> opinion.


> I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not only


> II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and

> sisters of my Soul family, but because , I could expand the works


> started in RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are


> to place on me, out of pure jealousy.


> If this impasse continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page


> dedicate exclusively to the work, my soul calls me to perform, now


> bigger scale. You are more then welcome to join me, let's heal every

> heart on this planet, one at time, for real.


> Again, I would invite anyone to be part of our family,


> Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that is

part of

> our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make your


> opinion.


> This is all I would ever ask.


> With deep respect to all


> Liane Legey The real person behind RAK


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I don't charge anyone for anything....it's all free...I charge when

they refuse to take the free stuff....lol


--- In , " " <liane@...>




> To all my friends,


> Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to

> understand people, I just can't.


> I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I myself,

> along with so many kind and generous souls, we created almost two years

> ago an Organization that would provide care, comfort and help to many.

> This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us, common

> people, we are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing and

> some educational and spiritual approach to many of the life challenges

> we are experiencing as a group, as Humanity .


> All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free. But this does

> not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this

> community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately chose

> to do not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw rocks

> and spread malicious rumors.


> My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain things like that?


> Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a materialization

> of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing and

> supporting each other over group, and now we are more then 1000

> over NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to be un

> umbrella, to platform to help others, common people to shine their

> light. Through those two years, many have approached us and even started

> to work with us, but did not align with our major guidelines, which is

> unconditional love and service of others, not self service. As it is,

> here on myspace, there are many that are joining to make this rumor

> campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or ostracized from the core

> group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose why we were forced

> to some times take measures.


> Humanity Healing is a Non profit, a little Foundation that is still

> waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide), we can't by definition,

> be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE LAW, The Law

> of this land.


> For the past two years we had people joining our network, just to prey

> on others asking for healing. One person from MySpace thought that just

> being part of the network would give her the right to approach every

> single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this person

> in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she is one

> of those spreading slanderous rumors out there.


> I will not cite names, but I really think this is not fair. Why bash

> people that are working almost 16 hours a day just to provide extra

> layers of healing, friendship and care? What are they profiting from it?


> They are the ones that feel the need to put others down in order to

> affirm them, they are never satisfied what anything, they are angry,

> they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages of any

> kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our hearts.



> We are accused of being elitists, even when we are constantly


> people to participate in our boards, give their input, contribution and

> opinion.


> I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not only because

> II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and

> sisters of my Soul family, but because , I could expand the works I

> started in RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are trying

> to place on me, out of pure jealousy.


> If this impasse continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page and

> dedicate exclusively to the work, my soul calls me to perform, now in

> bigger scale. You are more then welcome to join me, let's heal every

> heart on this planet, one at time, for real.


> Again, I would invite anyone to be part of our family,


> Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that is part of

> our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make your own

> opinion.


> This is all I would ever ask.


> With deep respect to all


> Liane Legey The real person behind RAK


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Sweet Sister Liane~

The why people do & say such things is not really in our

understanding because of the positive way we try to percieve things.

The people out there spreading the rumors are doing so maliciously as

they just weren't ready to be a part of this group & what we

represent & do. They just didn't " GET IT " yet.... We must learn to

leave all of that negativity out there & try to realize that they are

still living the very HUMAN side of themselves. We need to send them

LOVE & BLESSINGS & then let Spirit lead them where they need to be.

I know it's hard to not take things like that personally, but always

remember what you mean to all of us here. If people listen to the

rumors, then they also are not ready for this wonderful group. As

members of H.H. we support each other & follow the rules set up. If

someone cannot adhere to that, then let them go with love. And get on

with the extraordinary works that we do here! We ALL so much hold

you in the highest esteem & value all the work that you do!



--- In , " " <liane@...>




> To all my friends,


> Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to

> understand people, I just can't.


> I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I


> along with so many kind and generous souls, we created almost two


> ago an Organization that would provide care, comfort and help to


> This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us, common

> people, we are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing


> some educational and spiritual approach to many of the life


> we are experiencing as a group, as Humanity .


> All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free. But this


> not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this

> community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately


> to do not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw


> and spread malicious rumors.


> My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain things like



> Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a


> of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing and

> supporting each other over group, and now we are more then


> over NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to be


> umbrella, to platform to help others, common people to shine their

> light. Through those two years, many have approached us and even


> to work with us, but did not align with our major guidelines, which


> unconditional love and service of others, not self service. As it


> here on myspace, there are many that are joining to make this rumor

> campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or ostracized from the


> group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose why we were


> to some times take measures.


> Humanity Healing is a Non profit, a little Foundation that is


> waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide), we can't by definition,

> be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE LAW, The Law

> of this land.


> For the past two years we had people joining our network, just to


> on others asking for healing. One person from MySpace thought that


> being part of the network would give her the right to approach


> single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this


> in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she is


> of those spreading slanderous rumors out there.


> I will not cite names, but I really think this is not fair. Why


> people that are working almost 16 hours a day just to provide extra

> layers of healing, friendship and care? What are they profiting

from it?


> They are the ones that feel the need to put others down in order


> affirm them, they are never satisfied what anything, they are angry,

> they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages

of any

> kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our




> We are accused of being elitists, even when we are constantly


> people to participate in our boards, give their input, contribution


> opinion.


> I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not only


> II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and

> sisters of my Soul family, but because , I could expand the works


> started in RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are


> to place on me, out of pure jealousy.


> If this impasse continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page


> dedicate exclusively to the work, my soul calls me to perform, now


> bigger scale. You are more then welcome to join me, let's heal every

> heart on this planet, one at time, for real.


> Again, I would invite anyone to be part of our family,


> Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that is

part of

> our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make your


> opinion.


> This is all I would ever ask.


> With deep respect to all


> Liane Legey The real person behind RAK


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I Love and Honor You Liane. Some folks, are so enmeshed in the darkness of their own souls journey, that they rebel against the Light.

If all was well with everyone, would Humanity Healing be necessary?

I EXPECT, rocks, bottles,chains,curses,contempt,ridicule, derision and all other forms of negativity. Simply because, people are scared and don't have their own answers, except those that they are fed, on a daily basis, from outside themselves and what they have been taught by others, who seek to control them. Do not lose that BIG Heart, that you have grown, and share, on a daily basis. Just say 1 prayer, I think you already know it, but here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQeeZDkMCUQ and know, I mean KNOW, it has not been in vain.

with Gratitude and Love


From: <liane@...>Subject: [] To all My friends, My blog over RAK's page tonight(Please read) Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 4:46 PM

To all my friends,

Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to understand people, I just can't.

I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I myself, along with so many kind and generous souls, we created almost two years ago an Organization that would provide care, comfort and help to many. This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us, common people, we are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing and some educational and spiritual approach to many of the life challenges we are experiencing as a group, as Humanity .

All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free. But this does not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately chose to do not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw rocks and spread malicious rumors.

My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain things like that?

Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a materialization of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing and supporting each other over group, and now we are more then 1000 over NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to be un umbrella, to platform to help others, common people to shine their light. Through those two years, many have approached us and even started to work with us, but did not align with our major guidelines, which is unconditional love and service of others, not self service. As it is, here on myspace, there are many that are joining to make this rumor campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or ostracized from the core group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose why we were forced to some times take measures.

Humanity Healing is a Non profit, a little Foundation that is still waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide) , we can't by definition, be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE LAW, The Law of this land.

For the past two years we had people joining our network, just to prey on others asking for healing. One person from MySpace thought that just being part of the network would give her the right to approach every single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this person in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she is one of those spreading slanderous rumors out there.

I will not cite names, but I really think this is not fair. Why bash people that are working almost 16 hours a day just to provide extra layers of healing, friendship and care? What are they profiting from it?

They are the ones that feel the need to put others down in order to affirm them, they are never satisfied what anything, they are angry, they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages of any kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our hearts.

We are accused of being elitists, even when we are constantly inviting people to participate in our boards, give their input, contribution and opinion.

I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not only because II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and sisters of my Soul family, but because , I could expand the works I started in RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are trying to place on me, out of pure jealousy.

If this impasse continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page and dedicate exclusively to the work, my soul calls me to perform, now in bigger scale. You are more then welcome to join me, let's heal every heart on this planet, one at time, for real.

Again, I would invite anyone to be part of our family,

Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that is part of our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make your own opinion.

This is all I would ever ask.

With deep respect to all

Liane Legey The real person behind RAK

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I've went back and forth on this, trying to " see within " the matter...

I feel a lot of " blocking " energy which only means one thing...we

block when we're " hurt " .

When hurt about something, especially deeply, we tend to throw a

blocking shield of energy. It's how we defend against what we feel is

attack...on our person, our actions/efforts, our thoughts, on our being.

What " you " have done amounts to what you loved to do. The natural flow

of who you are, why you came here, has turned into what we all now see

growing all the time.

It did not appear overnight, it was a process, of growing, and

learning, of experiencing this into being. And as this happened, we

found that we " attracted " more of the " like minded/like hearted " . More

that believed, as you did, were attracted to that energy, light, love,

and healing.

It was discovered, and experienced, the fact that healing happens when

we " give it " . Light and Love were given to others, and we could

experience light and love ourselves. It can only be given...we can

only receive by doing so. It can't be bought or sold.

But one other thing is attracted. And that is " everything else " .

Light, Love and Healing attract more of the same, becoming even more

powerful, yet, it is what is not these things that need it the most.

All yearn for these and will also be attracted. They come for

healing...they come for more light. They seek more love. And it's not

usually a conscious thing, but unconscious, for the soul knows what

needs to happen.

This is why many will experience old issues coming up that had been

long forgotten. This process must be expected as we grow, for to

become pure light again, we must look on all within us that isn't

that. And, forgive everything connected with it.

Because, as a whole of the ONE, or the collective, be it this group,

organization, or the world at large, what's not love and light will

float up to our awareness to also be healed, and loved, and the energy


Mirrors always reflect back to us what is within, what we need to

address in our own beings, individually or organizationally. Whatever

that reveals in the personal space of ourselves to mean for each, one

thing is always clear...forgiving ourselves and others...and forgiving

situations and circumstances. It releases all blocks and allows energy

to flow.

We rejoice when we see our efforts produce real and incredible

results. It gives back to us in many ways, yet, when it feels like we

have somehow failed, even one...we feel that too. Our compassion so

great that we DO live our work...our PASSION. We do it because it's

what we are...it's who we are.

Hey, I can't keep track of all the rumors about me...and I start most

of them...lol. People will be and do what they do. Seems I remember

some reference to a guy long ago they started rumors about, drug out,

whipped and hung up. Now they have a whole religion about him. Seems

he shared himself in light and love, and healing as well.

You are loved and you know this from the tons of emails, and posts.

You know this from many phone calls and other response. And when more

love is needed, you know there's even more overflowing into each moment.

When you get a tack in your foot, take that big gulp of air, roll your

eyes round and round, and give'em hell...then take the tack out,

pamper the foot and continue along the path.

You know I love ya, now -straighten up. Your all about laughing and

smiling and abusing kittens in emails.


> >

> >

> > To all my friends,

> >

> > Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to

> > understand people, I just can't.

> >

> > I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I myself,

> > along with so many kind and generous souls, we created almost two


> > ago an Organization that would provide care, comfort and help to


> > This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us, common

> > people, we are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing and

> > some educational and spiritual approach to many of the life challenges

> > we are experiencing as a group, as Humanity .

> >

> > All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free. But this


> > not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this

> > community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately chose

> > to do not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw rocks

> > and spread malicious rumors.

> >

> > My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain things like


> >

> > Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a materialization

> > of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing and

> > supporting each other over group, and now we are more then 1000

> > over NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to be un

> > umbrella, to platform to help others, common people to shine their

> > light. Through those two years, many have approached us and even


> > to work with us, but did not align with our major guidelines, which is

> > unconditional love and service of others, not self service. As it is,

> > here on myspace, there are many that are joining to make this rumor

> > campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or ostracized from the core

> > group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose why we were forced

> > to some times take measures.

> >

> > Humanity Healing is a Non profit, a little Foundation that is still

> > waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide), we can't by definition,

> > be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE LAW, The Law

> > of this land.

> >

> > For the past two years we had people joining our network, just

to prey

> > on others asking for healing. One person from MySpace thought that


> > being part of the network would give her the right to approach every

> > single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this


> > in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she

is one

> > of those spreading slanderous rumors out there.

> >

> > I will not cite names, but I really think this is not fair. Why


> > people that are working almost 16 hours a day just to provide extra

> > layers of healing, friendship and care? What are they profiting

from it?

> >

> > They are the ones that feel the need to put others down in order to

> > affirm them, they are never satisfied what anything, they are angry,

> > they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages

of any

> > kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our hearts.

> >

> >

> > We are accused of being elitists, even when we are constantly

> inviting

> > people to participate in our boards, give their input,

contribution and

> > opinion.

> >

> > I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not only


> > II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and

> > sisters of my Soul family, but because , I could expand the works I

> > started in RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are


> > to place on me, out of pure jealousy.

> >

> > If this impasse continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page and

> > dedicate exclusively to the work, my soul calls me to perform, now in

> > bigger scale. You are more then welcome to join me, let's heal every

> > heart on this planet, one at time, for real.

> >

> > Again, I would invite anyone to be part of our family,

> >

> > Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that is

part of

> > our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make your own

> > opinion.

> >

> > This is all I would ever ask.

> >

> > With deep respect to all

> >

> > Liane Legey The real person behind RAK

> >


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Sweet Liane,Your message brought to my mind a quote by Monet that I used tohave on my MySpace page. I love this quote "Those who danced werethought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music."Those who would spread rumors...tell lies...of course they will ~ THEYCAN NOT HEAR OUR MUSIC! (Father forgive them for they know not whatthey do!!!)I love you...we love you...good grief I feel so much love for you!!! ~ groovin', lovin', dancin' and looking quite insane ~>> > To all my friends,> > Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to> understand people, I just can't.> > I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I myself,

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Awww my beautiful Liane,

Please don't be sad. Remember when one generates alot of light the darkness don't like it and throws things at you. This is a throw so celebrate with joy knowing you have upset the one who shall not be named with the God gifted goodness inside of you that you are using to create and bless others with. If it all gets to be too much I am here my friend always with arms wide open! I love you Liane!

(((((Warm Hugs)))))

> >> >> > To all my friends,> >> > Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to> > understand people, I just can't.> >> > I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I myself,>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Liane,

I am so proud to be part of this wonderful group. Most of the people in this group are loving, wonderful people, who don't prey upon one another, but reach out when others need help. If others are spreading rumors about this group, then they never really "got" what we are about. We all travel a different path in life and sometimes we can reach out to help others, and then ask for help when we need it - just not constantly. >> > To all my friends,> > Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to> understand people, I just can't.> > I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I myself,> along with so many kind and generous souls, we created almost two years> ago an Organization that would provide care, comfort and help to many.> This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us, common> people, we are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing and> some educational and spiritual approach to many of the life challenges> we are experiencing as a group, as Humanity .> > All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free. But this does> not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this> community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately chose> to do not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw rocks> and spread malicious rumors.> > My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain things like that?> > Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a materialization> of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing and> supporting each other over group, and now we are more then 1000> over NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to be un> umbrella, to platform to help others, common people to shine their> light. Through those two years, many have approached us and even started> to work with us, but did not align with our major guidelines, which is> unconditional love and service of others, not self service. As it is,> here on myspace, there are many that are joining to make this rumor> campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or ostracized from the core> group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose why we were forced> to some times take measures.> > Humanity Healing is a Non profit, a little Foundation that is still> waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide), we can't by definition,> be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE LAW, The Law> of this land.> > For the past two years we had people joining our network, just to prey> on others asking for healing. One person from MySpace thought that just> being part of the network would give her the right to approach every> single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this person> in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she is one> of those spreading slanderous rumors out there.> > I will not cite names, but I really think this is not fair. Why bash> people that are working almost 16 hours a day just to provide extra> layers of healing, friendship and care? What are they profiting from it?> > They are the ones that feel the need to put others down in order to> affirm them, they are never satisfied what anything, they are angry,> they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages of any> kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our hearts.> > > We are accused of being elitists, even when we are constantly inviting> people to participate in our boards, give their input, contribution and> opinion.> > I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not only because> II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and> sisters of my Soul family, but because , I could expand the works I> started in RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are trying> to place on me, out of pure jealousy.> > If this impasse continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page and> dedicate exclusively to the work, my soul calls me to perform, now in> bigger scale. You are more then welcome to join me, let's heal every> heart on this planet, one at time, for real.> > Again, I would invite anyone to be part of our family,> > Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that is part of> our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make your own> opinion.> > This is all I would ever ask.> > With deep respect to all> > Liane Legey The real person behind RAK>

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> >

> >

> > To all my friends,

> >

> > Today I am sad. I am sad because, despite of all my attempts to

> > understand people, I just can't.

> >

> > I have been living my life entirely for service of others. I


> > along with so many kind and generous souls, we created almost two

> years

> > ago an Organization that would provide care, comfort and help to


> > This Organization is Humanity Healing Foundation. All of us,


> > people, we are working on volunteer basis, trying to give healing


> > some educational and spiritual approach to many of the life


> > we are experiencing as a group, as Humanity .

> >

> > All the services that Humanity Healing provides are free. But this

> does

> > not really matter. It saddens me the fact that many inside this

> > community here on MySpace, we have people that, has deliberately


> > to do not help or contribute, but instead decided to bash, throw


> > and spread malicious rumors.

> >

> > My question is why? Why do people decide to do certain things like

> that?

> >

> > Humanity Healing is not a dream of one person; it is a


> > of the dreams of many. We are 803 souls conversing, discussing and

> > supporting each other over group, and now we are more then


> > over NING social network. Since its start, *HH* was conceived to

be un

> > umbrella, to platform to help others, common people to shine their

> > light. Through those two years, many have approached us and even

> started

> > to work with us, but did not align with our major guidelines,

which is

> > unconditional love and service of others, not self service. As it


> > here on myspace, there are many that are joining to make this


> > campaign grow. They claim they got banned, or ostracized from the


> > group of Humanity healing, but they do not disclose why we were


> > to some times take measures.

> >

> > Humanity Healing is a Non profit, a little Foundation that is


> > waiting for its 501-c3 status (Nationwide), we can't by


> > be a platform for anybody's personal gains, IT IS THE LAW, The Law

> > of this land.

> >

> > For the past two years we had people joining our network, just to


> > on others asking for healing. One person from MySpace thought that

> just

> > being part of the network would give her the right to approach


> > single person that asked for healing and prayers and charge this

> person

> > in the name of *HH*. Needless to say she got banned, and now she


> one

> > of those spreading slanderous rumors out there.

> >

> > I will not cite names, but I really think this is not fair. Why


> > people that are working almost 16 hours a day just to provide


> > layers of healing, friendship and care? What are they profiting


> it?

> >

> > They are the ones that feel the need to put others down in order


> > affirm them, they are never satisfied what anything, they are


> > they are jealous and they are small.We refuse to be hold hostages


> any

> > kind of any group , or persons,because this is a work from our


> >

> >

> > We are accused of being elitists, even when we are constantly


> > people to participate in our boards, give their input,


> and

> > opinion.

> >

> > I personally am proud to be a part of Humanity Healing, not only

> because

> > II am having the privilege to be in contact with Many brothers and

> > sisters of my Soul family, but because , I could expand the works


> > started in RAK to many others. I will not accept labels some are

> trying

> > to place on me, out of pure jealousy.

> >

> > If this impasse continues, I will be forced to close Rak's page


> > dedicate exclusively to the work, my soul calls me to perform,

now in

> > bigger scale. You are more then welcome to join me, let's heal


> > heart on this planet, one at time, for real.

> >

> > Again, I would invite anyone to be part of our family,

> >

> > Humanity healing sees no personal gain, just ask anyone that is


> of

> > our networks, analyze all this with your clear mind, and make

your own

> > opinion.

> >

> > This is all I would ever ask.

> >

> > With deep respect to all

> >

> > Liane Legey The real person behind RAK

> >


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