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I'd like to know how we heal ourselves on this planet? (P'taah)

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Message from P'taah - September 2008 through Jani King Message from P'taah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q: I'd like to know how we heal ourselves on this planet? P'taah: By learning to love who you are. You see, the result of the feelings of disconnection and separation is what creates war and calamity upon your plane. Now, the grander truth, of course, is that you are each Perfect and Eternal Expressions of Source, expression of the Goddess-God or the Divine or whatever label you want to put on the unknowable, the un-label-able really. All right, so the only way that you may know this expression of Source that you are really is to become aware of all of the parts, the disparate parts of you, which you do not own. The parts which you have very harsh judgments about, all of the things that you have hidden since your childhood about yourself. Because until you can take all of these little portions of self, these little terrified portions, and until you can embrace them into the Goddess light of your own being -- that means until you can nurture, until you can, in a way, forgive these parts of you that you judge -- you cannot know wholeness. And if you do not know wholeness, it is very difficult to really allow yourself to touch the part of you that is the all-knowing, the part of you, indeed, that is Goddess-God. So the simple answer is, learn to love who you are absolutely without any judgment at all. You say, "Well how can you do that, really? How can you love the unlovable?" Well, the easiest way to look at this is to say, "Why are there parts of me which I do judge to be unlovable? Why is it that I often have thoughts of jealousy, of greed, of envy? Why is it that I am so afraid of being in lack? Why is it that I am terrified of not being enough?" Well, you learned it very soon after birthing, this fear of not being enough. Indeed when you birthed yourself into this reality, you tapped into the unified field of consciousness. And the unified field of consciousness of humankind is about fear, really; about fear and the yearning to be whole, the yearning to truly know what love is, the yearning to be in eternal connectedness to Goddess-God. So, how do you change it? Learn to love who you are. This means being aware. This means paying attention to every thought. This means paying attention to the feelings that the stories generate. And when we say stories, we are talking about the stories in your life, your relationships, your creations, as it were. Pay attention to how the stories provoke a re-action. And when the reaction is joy and laughter, when the reaction is peace and tranquility, when the reaction is playfulness or wonderment, then indeed, you go along for the ride. But when the reaction is a negative one -- anger, frustration, jealousy etc., then that is the time to stop, to pay attention to this little portion of you inside who is running your life. Pay attention. What does this little part of you need? Why is it reacting in this fashion? What does it really want? What it really wants is to be embraced, to be held, to be told that it is all right. This is the portion of you that was just a very little baby really, this terrified part of you. So every time you are in negative judgment, every time you are in negative reaction, that is your opportunity to stop, to embrace, and to say thank you for the opportunity to know more about love. And that truly is the bottom line. Q: P'taah, I know that the world and people act as mirrors to us. P'taah: Beloved, the mirror is not in the people, it is only in the story. The mirror is really simply in the reaction. That is the mirror. It is not that you look at what you judged to be bad stuff out there and say, "Well, I must be bad or I would not see it." What you say is, "That is bad stuff out there and it makes me feel this way or that way" and that is what you deal with -- not the story, but the feeling. It is not your business what somebody else is doing out there. When we say 'out there', we mean anything from your skin outward. Does that make sense? Q: Well, this is tying into what you have just said. When we look at someone, for example, and we see something in someone else that we don't like, that is, in a sense, something we do not like within ourselves. Is that true? P'taah: Well, not necessarily that you 'do not like'. For instance, you can see somebody, for instance, beating a dog and it brings up rage, it brings up such fury in you, or beating a child. Now, it is not that you would go out to beat a dog or beat a child. Rather the rage is about the powerless to do anything about it, and that is the thing to deal with. Of course, if you have the opportunity to say to somebody, "This is not the appropriate behavior," then you may, or you may not. That is not the point, really. The point is to deal with the reaction and to know that when somebody outside of you is displaying this kind of behavior, this kind of behavior comes from fear of lack, the fear of not being enough, fear of powerlessness, etc. because they do not know any other way to be in that moment. So, it is not the story that is the reflection, but the reflection really is in the feelings that the story provokes and understanding that all of that is an opportunity to transform that feeling within yourself. And every time you do that, every time you do transform the feeling within yourself, then indeed what you are doing is adding another little bit to the collective consciousness of humankind which is moving toward love, moving toward enlightenment of consciousness, you understand? Q: Yes, I do and in transforming that feeling, how do we dissolve the illusion of separation? P'taah: Well, although it is an illusion, it is a very real feeling to all of you. And you can intellectually understand that you are, of course, not separate from anybody else and you are certainly not separate from Goddess-God because that, indeed, is what gives you life. Without that essence of Goddess-God, there is no life at all. So in fact that connectedness is displayed to you in every moment of the day and night. There is not a moment goes by where, if you will stop for a moment and look and feel, that you cannot be in awe of the reflections of divinity, not only that you are personally, even in your embodiment, but that everything that you behold with your eyes, only owes its existence to Goddess-God. You see, when you can see that there is nothing in existence which is not an extension of the mind of Goddess-God, then how can you really feel very separate? You understand? It is when you say your 'thank you's' that you are closest really to being in the awareness that you are a facet of Goddess-God. So when you look about you and you see the beauty of nature, when you are in awe of the wonderment of the face of a babe, or whatever else it is that creates such joy in your heart, and you say, "Thank you," that thank you is likened unto a bridge to the Mind of Creation. So, my beloved ones, sufficient for this day. We love you dearly. Namaste. P'taah http://www.ptaah.com--*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun issetting and it will be over so fast." -- Ken PierpontMuch love to you,Please visit me at:http://livingonlove.ning.comhttp://myspace.com/rarebreezehttp://myspace.com/asundayinjune

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