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Hi Everyone,I just remembered a channeling from Kryon this past summer where he talks about this experiment.  Here is an excerpt from the channeling on what Kryon has to say about it:Live Kryon ChannellingAsheville, North CarolinaJuly 12 , 2008"Current Events"As channelled by Lee Carroll for KryonNumber Two: Next month [August 2008], a grand experiment takes place.The largest machine on Earth comes online [starts up] studying thesmallest things that exist, things that are invisible. We speak now ofthe large atomic accelerator in Switzerland... current events. Thereare many who have said, "This is dangerous." It is not. No more energywill be created there than is present in the barrage of cosmic energythat hits the earth every moment of every second. All they are doingis creating that same energy in a controlled way so that they maystudy it. They cannot study it when it's random.They use protons and anti-protons and they speed them up to 90% (+) ofthe speed of light. Then they crash them into each other in thelargest physical experiment that's ever been. Let me tell you what thepotentials are, and remember you heard it here first. [Kryon smile]What they're looking for is interdimensional energy. They are lookingfor what they suspect must be there, and they will find it. They willfind it because they're looking at Universal creative energy. Let metell you the profundity of what they're about to discover within thisnext decade: They will re-write the scenario of how the Universestarted. The Big Bang never was (as we have discussed with you manytimes). The very idea of the Big Bang is a three-dimensionalexplanation of an interdimensional attribute. Universes are createdall the time through interdimensional shift - when one dimensionliterally collides with another. It's a grand quantum event. This iswhen you get all of the attributes that you describe as the Big Bang.A review: In 3D, you had many scientists looking at what they felt wasproof of the Big Bang theory. They had found the residual of what theythought was proof (cosmological constant). Names like Hubble andothers were at the forefront of this. However, this is now about to bechallenged by the observation of the smallest particles known.First, even the Big Bang theory had to be interdimensional at itsbeginning. For there is acknowledgment that everything traveled fasterthan light and everything happened all at once. Back in those days ofthis theory, it was simply understood that somehow there was a breakin 3D for a moment in order to create what you see. Today that wouldhave been seen as an attribute of a quantum event, and that's whatthis laboratory will discover, for they are about to see the residualof an interdimensional collision. It's everywhere. It's the newcosmological constant. Once you begin to see the dimensions that areinvisible or at least see the attributes that they trace in theexplosions that are artificially created, it will be obvious. All ofthis is to say to you in this cryptic way that this particularexperiment is safe, long term, and your science will finally be ableto see interdimensionality at its best.When nothing happens, and the earth is not swallowed up in a blackhole created in Switzerland, will you remember this message? Will youlook at those who said otherwise and hold them responsible for thedrama they created? We shall see. That was number two.On Sep 10, 2008, at 9:51 AM, lianeqrz_legey wrote:Dear Fellow Light Worker PLEASE READ THIS - IT IS VERY IMPORTANT - IT IS NOT A HOAX OR JUST A BIT OF FUN On Wednesday 10th September 2008 scientists at CERN in Switzerland will turn on an experiment to accelerate electrons to extremely high speeds. Their aim is to cause particles to collide, replicating the situation one billionth of a second after the 'big bang', which created the universe. Whilst hundreds on scientists involved in the project consider it to be safe, there are some eminent scientists who are trying to have the project stopped. They are currently seeking injunctions through the European courts. They believe this experiment could ultimately result in mini black holes or even a quasar (baby star) forming within the earth, eventually destroying the earth from the inside out, possibly having knock on implications for the whole universe. As light workers we have the ability to partition spirit asking for their assistance in keeping the world safe Over the last few years there has been a great emphasis on manifesting, on creating the world we want and living our reality. Now is the time to put these techniques into practice. Humans have free will and so God, the angels and great spiritual beings are only able to intervene if we ask them to do so under the Law of Grace for the highest good of all concerned. Please, please, please, what ever your culture, religion or spiritual belief , please spend time over the next few days and particular on Wednesday 10th September 2008.  Light candles, dedicated to our wondrous planet. Meditate. Invoke the beings of light to fill humanity with love and compassion. Hold a vision of a healthy, harmonious planet. Use the techniques you have learnt and partition spirit in any way that feels appropriate to you. Ask the spirit world to take what ever action is appropriate for the highest good of all. NOW is the time for Light Workers around the world to unite. The power of many united is far stronger than one person acting alone. Please pass this message on to your friends and fellow light workers. Thousands of light workers can make a change by acting together...NOW. Please do you bit. With angel blessings Ann (Suan) Palmerwww.touchedbylight.co.uk When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.-- Wayne Dyer 

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Dear Liane I just finished watching all of the videos on this this morning and have been keeping up with it on my nasa page I know how it makes me feel which I need to keep inside but how does one actually ask for help ? with my spirits it's a given for love and safety but than there is my higherr self which I argue with alot or should I say instead of being so fiesty how do I actaually say we need you now in all things i read about stuff it says to actually ask which confuses me the way I work is if you see it you do it mentality and I have one other concern what will or can it do to us as far as our sensitivity much love always me this thing is of great health concern to our world <3 always love melianeqrz_legey <butterflygris@...>

wrote: Dear Fellow Light Worker PLEASE READ THIS - IT IS VERY IMPORTANT - IT IS NOT A HOAX OR JUST A BIT OF FUN On Wednesday 10th September 2008 scientists at CERN in Switzerland will turn on an experiment to accelerate electrons to extremely high speeds. Their aim is to cause particles to collide, replicating the situation

one billionth of a second after the 'big bang', which created the universe. Whilst hundreds on scientists involved in the project consider it to be safe, there are some eminent scientists who are trying to have the project stopped. They are currently seeking injunctions through the European courts. They believe this experiment could ultimately result in mini black holes or even a quasar (baby star) forming within the earth, eventually destroying the earth from the inside out, possibly having knock on implications for the whole universe. As light workers we have the ability to partition spirit asking for their assistance in keeping the world safe Over the last few years there has been a great emphasis on manifesting, on creating the world we want and living our reality. Now is the time to put these techniques into practice. Humans have free will and so God, the angels and

great spiritual beings are only able to intervene if we ask them to do so under the Law of Grace for the highest good of all concerned. Please, please, please, what ever your culture, religion or spiritual belief , please spend time over the next few days and particular on Wednesday 10th September 2008. Light candles, dedicated to our wondrous planet. Meditate. Invoke the beings of light to fill humanity with love and compassion. Hold a vision of a healthy, harmonious planet. Use the techniques you have learnt and partition spirit in any way that feels appropriate to you. Ask the spirit world to take what ever action is appropriate for the highest good of all. NOW is the time for Light Workers around the world to unite. The power of many united is far stronger

than one person acting alone. Please pass this message on to your friends and fellow light workers. Thousands of light workers can make a change by acting together...NOW. Please do you bit. With angel blessings Ann (Suan) Palmer www.touchedbylight.co.uk Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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