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Boosting Memory

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Good Morning!

Boosting Memory

Start your day right with these memory boosting supplements that give

you antioxidant power, anti-aging protection, a lift in energy and

encourage your memory function.

People who take Vitamin C regularly, consistently score higher on

memory tests. Vitaman E is complimented by Vitamin C and work in

great synergy to improve brain function. Vitamin C acts primarily in

cellular fluid. Vitamin C scavenges free radicals and cleans up waste

products. In addition to its anti-oxidative activities, vitamin C

benefits many other body functions.

Carotenoids, of which beta-carotenes are the most popular, are found

in many fruits and vegetables, animals, plants and microorganisms.

The body converts beta carotene into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat-

soluble vitamin essential for vision, growth, cell division,

reproduction and immunity.

Super Omega 3 Fish Oil is known for being rich in unsaturated fatty

acids and provides rich OMEGA-3 fatty acids, (Pure EPA 360mg/DHA

240mg). Alaska Deep Sea Fish Oil are made from natural marine lipid

concentrate and are essential to normal human cell and tissue growth

and maintenance. If not found regularly in the diet, the diet must be

supplemented. These fatty acids are especially abundant in brain

cells, nerve relay stations (synapses), visual receptors (retinas),

adrenal glands, and sex glands.

As we age, a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, may decline. This

chemical is responsible for the excitatory actions in the brain. A

shortage of acetylcholine in the brain has been associated with

Alzheimer's disease. Some help maybe available in this brain-saving

supplement, phosphatidylserine, or PS. It is reputed for its ability

to stimulate production of the acetylcholine. Consider taking 100mg

of PS three times a day for 12 weeks.

Iron should be considered. Taking 8 mg for men with the

recommendation for women is 18 mg. Iron is vital to the body's

formation of red blood cells, which help carry and store oxygen

throughout the body. Plant sources of iron include dried fruits,

whole grains (including wholemeal bread), nuts, green leafy

vegetables, seeds and pulses. Other foods rich in iron but which are

usually eaten in smaller amounts include soya flour, parsley,

watercress, black molasses and edible seaweeds.

Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in almost every cell. It

stimulates the activity of enzymes, which promote biochemical

reactions. Zinc supports a healthy immune system, is beneficial for

wound healing, will maintain your sense of taste and smell and is

needed for DNA synthesis. Foods that contain zinc include oysters

(the most zinc), red meat and poultry. Other good food sources

include beans, nuts, certain seafood, whole grains, fortified

breakfast cereals, and dairy products. Zinc absorption is greater

from a diet high in animal protein than a diet rich in plant


Vitamin B12 bounds to the protein in food. Hydrochloric acid in the

stomach releases vitamin B12 from proteins in foods during digestion.

Once released, vitamin B12 combines with a substance called intrinsic

factor (IF). This complex can then be absorbed by the intestinal

tract. Vitamin B12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood

cells. It is also needed to help make DNA. Vitamin B12 is naturally

found in foods that come from animals, including fish, meat, poultry,

eggs, milk, and milk products. Fortified breakfast cereals are a

particularly valuable source of vitamin B12 for vegetarians.

Folic acid and folate are forms of a water-soluble B vitamin. These

occur naturally in food and can also be taken as supplements. Foods

such as leaf vegetables including spinach and turnip greens are high

in folate as is dried beans and peas, fortified cereal products, and

some other fruits and vegetables. Some breakfast cereals (ready-to-

eat and others) are fortified with 25 percent or 100 percent of the

recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for folic acid.

Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac


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