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THE LIGHT WITHIN /What's Up On Planet Earth?

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September 12 , 2008


The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation.

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energies have not changed much over the past few weeks, so even though

there is not much to tell, in a strange way, there is.


are still in a stage where we have unplugged from one “outlet,†and our

plugs are hanging in mid-air until we plug into a new “outletâ€â€¦but the

glimmerings are arriving for that very new outlet in strange and

sometimes subtle ways. This is an exciting time indeed. While we are in

the unplugged stage, we are preparing and re-aligning in preparation.

We are preparing for a whole new us with a very new role, or new aspect

to our current roles.


then, being unplugged means that things are still, as we bottom out

before we begin again. When things are still, at times it can feel that

there is more going out than coming in, but this will change when we

plug in once again. Things may be still without, but not within!


this preparation period, we were given the opportunity to open and to

embody much more light. After this stage is complete, we then begin to

feel the glimmerings of a very new connection.


may suddenly feel very empowered for no particular reason. You may feel

like taking a stand. You may feel ready to let go of any of the old

that has entwined itself around you or that perhaps you interacted with

out of politeness. You may feel like you did your part in a higher way,

but you were the only one, and now you must move on….ready to

dis-connect completely from any energies that were in a very different

space than you. You may feel like it is time to have your way.


are having dreams of empowerment, of re-connecting to something new,

solid, and of a much higher order, and others are finding new strength

in setting boundaries. The past year and a half have been challenging

for many, but we are about to finally re-connect to something we have

not felt for a very long time…and it will be even better than what we

have known thus far.


may be feeling the glimmerings of being strong once again, as during

the dis-connect, we can become disconnected from our true and authentic

selves because we are moving into a more pure and higher vibrating

version of ourselves. This can make one feel weak, fragile, lost,

weepy, and frightened, but it is only temporary. It reminds me of a

heart transplant surgery, when the old heart is removed, and all the

blood is drained from a patient before a very new heart is then



addition, a big shift has occurred over the past several months, even

though it may not have seemed like much was happening at all. This

shift is directly related to what is about to occur, and all of it has

to do with re-connecting to a new and different energy. Over the past

several months, we were removed from the old, prohibited from holding

it up in any way, and may now have found ourselves in a very new space.

Our old roles of holding the light for the entire planet were now

abruptly over. This may have caused confusion for some, as who we had

always been had suddenly changed, but we are, as always, evolving. We

did not need to do this anymore, as we had completed one very important



times past, the higher energies would bombard the planet, and thus,

create frequent shifts. But as time went on, and as we progressed so

much in our spiritual evolutionary process, the higher vibrating

energies coming from the outside began to diminish and subside in

frequency and duration. There-for, these phases of “everything is going

so well!†and “there is so much light!†became fewer and far between.


there is good reason for this seeming lack of light and presence of

“darkness.†We are now embodying much more light within. And because of

this, it no longer needs to arrive from the outside. So then, we may

think that any big phases of light filled ease and glory that we had

experienced in the past may never come again, as we have not seen them

like we used to. But what is actually occurring is that we need to

carry the ball now…ourselves. The scales have tipped….we are the light

as never before. There is still the same amount of light, only it is

has now been distributed a bit differently, as it is now within us to a

much greater degree.


this way, we are very strangely releasing from the whole…the whole

being the outside energies of the universe or Source, as well as the

whole being the old energies of prior creations on the planet. And yes,

of course we are still and will always be connected to Source, only now

we will be running and managing our energy in higher and different

ways. We will be finding that the way we utilize energy will now be a

bit different. We will thus need to manage energy through ourselves in

different ways, and we will be guided and connected to these different

ways without needing to consciously know how. So then, we have



this way, we are now being encouraged to do what we want to do. This

means that connecting to outside energies of Source like we may have

done in the past, in order to tap into the “flow†of finding our

direction or path, are not nearly as necessary. “What are you talking

about ?†Say, for instance, that we need to make a decision. In

times past, we may have looked for “a sign†or we may have waited to be

guided by the higher energies of Source, or placing the light outside

of us. We can now choose what we want, and then make it work. It is

entirely up to us. There is no right or wrong, or even guidance from

above, as the only guidance now is that “it is up to us.†We have

earned it. We are re-connecting then, but we are re-connecting to

ourselves…our true, authentic, and light filled selves.


we are also connecting to a new whole, while we release from an older

and more densely vibrating whole of the past. The new whole is

comprised of purer energies…and most importantly, it is comprised of

us. So then, we are connecting to ourselves and we are also connecting

to each other. It is then, much more about us now.


we release the “old whole,†we begin to learn about discernment and

boundaries. Although we may still have many different energies wanting

to arrive within our spaces, we will now interact with them in new and

better ways. This is because we are no longer connected to them in the

ways of the past. We are now more detached and can simply see love in

every situation, as we now know that everything is not about us. We

need no longer “work with them†or even try and be a part of them. We

are no longer connected, so we can now observe them, know that they are

not about us, and hopefully see them in a loving way.


things are about to transpire, but these wonderful things are all in

relation to how we choose to handle or interpret what occurs for us on

a daily basis. We need not be “waiting†for a better day to arrive, as

each day has, as always, its’ own gifts and beauty if we only choose to

look. The better day, then, comes through us. In this way, we are now

more powerful than ever before. Yes, we may have utilized this

knowledge and these principles in times past, but there has been a

monumental shift now, so things are different in this regard.


the equinox of September 22nd draws near, so will our shifting and

connecting to things new. Brighter and better things will depend upon

each and every one of us now, more than ever before, as we are the

ultimate creators. Connecting to our passion, to our true and authentic

selves, to what makes us feel great, and to good and special friends

are the ultimate ways to connect to more light. And knowing who we

really and truly are, while bringing that gift to the planet, will

automatically place us in one big and awesome alignment.


will be in North Carolina spending time with my grandchildren from

September 15th until September 25th. I do not have internet access

there that allows me to post new energy alerts on the web site, so

there will not be a new energy alert until after September 25th

(unless, of course, there is some incredibly exciting news to report

before I leave on the 15th!)

As always, much love to you all…..


Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,

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