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Re: Hurricanes

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Hey we are waiting for the wrath of Ivan anytime..Do any of you remember Tammi from down here?? She lives near N.O...Anyway she called because they may be evacuating tomorrow and is gona be about 20 minutes from me..I can't wait..She isn't looking forward to it but I am..I miss her..She seems to be doing well on the chemo..She has great spirits and is waiting for it to be over so she can start back on TX for the Hep..If only I could be so strong!! I'll let ya'll know if she comes down ok??/

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

Boy you guys in the southeast have been hit hard this season!!! Thank God it hasn't got to you in Loosiyanna... Have you got storms from it? I remember when I was living in New Orleans, it rained harder than I had ever seen before. My car was parked right in front of the door to my apartment and I had to run out to roll up the windows. I was drenched in those few seconds out there. We get plenty of rain here in Wisconsin, but I haven't seen anything like that. -dz-Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hey Sharon..DAMN IVAN!! He is going in the gulf and F called to say he is on his way in..Now I have to make my 3rd trip to go down there in 2 days!!!!!!!! NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!!!!!

Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote:

Ya'll are neighbors. Cool.

SharonGeauxTamiLouBear@... wrote:

Hi Jan,

I'm in Opelousas, about 15 miles from Lafayette. Sounds like we have a lot in common. I also have a 14 year old daughter. My shots are kicking my butt right now. But I think the Ribavirin is worse in the long run. It seems like everyday there is some new symptom.

Thank you for the welcome and I look forward to talking to you.

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Oh poor Tammi, I have notice she hasn't posted in a while since she had to move. Sorry to hear about her on Chemo, give her my well wishes.

-----Original Message-----From: Janet [mailto:jfw4359@...]Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 7:27 PM Subject: Re: [ ] Hurricanes

Hey we are waiting for the wrath of Ivan anytime..Do any of you remember Tammi from down here?? She lives near N.O...Anyway she called because they may be evacuating tomorrow and is gona be about 20 minutes from me..I can't wait..She isn't looking forward to it but I am..I miss her..She seems to be doing well on the chemo..She has great spirits and is waiting for it to be over so she can start back on TX for the Hep..If only I could be so strong!! I'll let ya'll know if she comes down ok??/

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

Boy you guys in the southeast have been hit hard this season!!! Thank God it hasn't got to you in Loosiyanna... Have you got storms from it? I remember when I was living in New Orleans, it rained harder than I had ever seen before. My car was parked right in front of the door to my apartment and I had to run out to roll up the windows. I was drenched in those few seconds out there. We get plenty of rain here in Wisconsin, but I haven't seen anything like that. -dz-Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hey Sharon..DAMN IVAN!! He is going in the gulf and F called to say he is on his way in..Now I have to make my 3rd trip to go down there in 2 days!!!!!!!! NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!!!!!

Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote:

Ya'll are neighbors. Cool.

SharonGeauxTamiLouBear@... wrote:

Hi Jan,

I'm in Opelousas, about 15 miles from Lafayette. Sounds like we have a lot in common. I also have a 14 year old daughter. My shots are kicking my butt right now. But I think the Ribavirin is worse in the long run. It seems like everyday there is some new symptom.

Thank you for the welcome and I look forward to talking to you.

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I hope you guys have a nice visit. Sorry that Tammi may have to evacuate, that's got to be difficult. Keep us posted. -dz-Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hey we are waiting for the wrath of Ivan anytime..Do any of you remember Tammi from down here?? She lives near N.O...Anyway she called because they may be evacuating tomorrow and is gona be about 20 minutes from me..I can't wait..She isn't looking forward to it but I am..I miss her..She seems to be doing well on the chemo..She has great spirits and is waiting for it to be over so she can start back on TX for the Hep..If only I could be so strong!! I'll let ya'll know if she comes down ok??/

Dave <dhz920@...> wrote:

Boy you guys in the southeast have been hit hard this season!!! Thank God it hasn't got to you in Loosiyanna... Have you got storms from it? I remember when I was living in New Orleans, it rained harder than I had ever seen before. My car was parked right in front of the door to my apartment and I had to run out to roll up the windows. I was drenched in those few seconds out there. We get plenty of rain here in Wisconsin, but I haven't seen anything like that. -dz-Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hey Sharon..DAMN IVAN!! He is going in the gulf and F called to say he is on his way in..Now I have to make my 3rd trip to go down there in 2 days!!!!!!!! NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!!!!!

Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote:

Ya'll are neighbors. Cool.

SharonGeauxTamiLouBear@... wrote:

Hi Jan,

I'm in Opelousas, about 15 miles from Lafayette. Sounds like we have a lot in common. I also have a 14 year old daughter. My shots are kicking my butt right now. But I think the Ribavirin is worse in the long run. It seems like everyday there is some new symptom.

Thank you for the welcome and I look forward to talking to you.

Do you ? - 50x more storage than other providers!


Do you ? Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.



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  • 1 year later...

A bit of advice that came from our company yesterday -

First, make sure your work/family/friends have an

emergency contact name and number of someone who lives

in another state or far away from you (many of us list

our spouse, child or parent as our emergency contact,

of course if they live nearby, they would be impacted

by a the same events).

Second, if you have direct deposit into a local bank -

look at setting up an account with one of the big

national banking institutions. During last year's

storms, some people who used local banks had no access

to their $$ because those banks were also hit. Most

direct deposit set ups will allow more than one

account, and even if you only put $1 per pay check

into the national-chain bank, in an emergency your

direct deposit can be re-routed to a wider-reaching

financial institution.


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  • 1 year later...

I'm not in Florida but I lived on the shore of Galveston Bay for 35 years. I have been through 3 pretty strong hurricanes in my life so I understand where you are coming from. If the storm grows in strength and you can't travel long distances go to a hospital and wait there in their waiting room. Any large building that is built solid. It's hard to make a decision to run or stay. I would rather run than take my chances with the storms. They can bring is such high tidal surges and on the Gulf of Mexico it can be strong, high and windy. Stay safe and don't take any chances. The strong storms is one of the reasons we moved to an area where the water and the wind does effect our lives any more. Rita


Way off-topic here, but is anyone else in FL? I'm sitting right in Fay's bullseye, all alone down here. My mother is in one hospital in MA, my sister in another, both with little time left. I am too sick with Morgellons to travel. I moved down here for my "dream retirement" less than 3 years ago.Book of Job, Redoux

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Well, I guess I made one heck of a bad choice to move down here.

This is where I got sick, lost my savings,home, pets, etc. No do-

overs, though. So I have to put one foot in front of another (like

all of us, I guess).


> I'm not in Florida but I lived on the shore of Galveston Bay for 35

years. I have been through 3 pretty strong hurricanes in my life so I

understand where you are coming from. If the storm grows in strength

and you can't travel long distances go to a hospital and wait there

in their waiting room. Any large building that is built solid. It's

hard to make a decision to run or stay. I would rather run than take

my chances with the storms. They can bring is such high tidal surges

and on the Gulf of Mexico it can be strong, high and windy. Stay safe

and don't take any chances. The strong storms is one of the reasons

we moved to an area where the water and the wind does effect our

lives any more. Rita



> Florida



> Way off-topic here, but is anyone else in FL? I'm sitting right


> Fay's bullseye, all alone down here. My mother is in one hospital


> MA, my sister in another, both with little time left. I am too


> with Morgellons to travel. I moved down here for my " dream

retirement "

> less than 3 years ago.

> Book of Job, Redoux


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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel the barametric pressure drop.

Some days when this happens, I am literally knocked out for about 3 hours.

I feel points in my body that dont hurt any other time.

I also have written Liane..I am not at all ok with manipulating storms of any kind

for any reason.

We as whole...mankind in general, have taken and taken from the earth, experimented and destroyed.

My beleif is the storms are a part of the karma created from mans foolishness.

Not nice to fool with Mother Nature.



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Hi ,

I'm sorry that you're so down, but I can totally understand. I finally talked to

my brother in Abbeville just a few minutes ago. They were fine during Gustav. He

said that the winds are picking up from Ike where he is right now and they're

ready to evacuate if need be.

Honey I'll be praying for you. Try and do 10 LL breaths tonight, 10 tomorrow and

build from there,

Love, Liz


i'm the one that has been having stress with hurricanes. i'm heather..

im in baton rouge la

gustav caused my home to be without power for 2 weeks. i lost my

fridge and 2 weeks of work.

fema says my claim isnt legit... and redcross wont help either.


ive been really stressed and depressed. the fema home inspector came

this afternoon and interrogated me... and i'm not happy right now.

i need to start doing my breaths again and go to the gym more often

but.... i feel so down and just like i dont want to do anything it

seems. i'm extremely fatigued as well... im not sure how to get out of

this rut.


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Oh , I'm so sorry about all the trouble you've had. It can be so

hard to do anything when you are worn out and depressed. You will be

especially in my prayers and keep in touch if you can. This is a great

group of ladies and we all care about you and what you are going through.

See if you can do what Liz suggested. Only do 10 breaths tonight and

then 10 tomorrow and then maybe 11 the next day and once you get back

with it you will build up momentum and before you know it you'll be back

to your 40 a day.



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Finding balance -(walking in a sacred manner) is a challenge in these

times of great change - sometimes the walk takes us to places of

exhaustion for we are only human, yet also spiritual warriors in our

great spiritual quest.

My prayers go with you and all who wish storms to subside. However,

that said, my visions have shown (since 1999) that a HUGE cleansing

would be coming/needed for Mother Earth to heal herself from all the

imbalances, abuses that humankind has bestowed on her and all our

relations, pollution, negative energies, greed, destruction of

species, etc. etc. etc......a vortex is a blending of negative and

positive forces in the process of finding balance.

so, the KEY is to attempt to come back to grips with living balances

within our own authentic selves, expressing our unique talents given

us for these times, while learning to live in harmony with the nature


These storms would not be here if it were not needed to cleanse and

heal. If our prayers go contrary to Mother Earths natural processes

of healing and growth we may indeed find ourselves exhausted. Yes,

sadly, at times life is lost in this process, and much physical

destruction of " stuff " comes with storm - but those needed for the

healing and comfort and the nurturing things ahead on Mother Earth

will find their way of living in harmony within the vibrations of

life, and will live to see the great healing this represents in ways

that cannot yet be imagined by many still stuck in the present

illusion of this " system " of things.

That's the " bad " and the " good " news - change hurts - and sometimes

we just plain poop out and need a nap - but it has been said by more

eloquent ones than I - all IS proceeding exactly as it should....

Be flexible and not rigid in your quest, continue to speak truth in

your experiences, accept in gratitude the fact that we are all

breathing during this great time of change, we breath together upon

the heartbeat of Mother Earth. We are here for a unique and specific

purpose for which we each can be response-able for our own precious

and sacred part. Compassion, love to those suffering, and trust that

this all will reveal new life and breath and a better place for

future generations. While keeping our intense compasion for those

who suffer, and lend a hand as we find opportunity within our own two

hands, another part of the challenge is not to get stuck in seeing

only a small part of the larger picture - the tapestry is alive and

vibrantly rich and there is much to precieve with which we all may

grow to the new places ahead for us!

Plus - good soil must contain all the elements of decay to enrich it

for the baby seeds of new life to sprout - the circle is round - and

most beautiful in it's wholeness.

Have you visited Humanity Healings' Inspiring and Timely YouTube Page

on this subject? when natural disasters strike - Pictures and music

speaks so elequently here


in this meditation -

please check it out loved ones - and be strong - for, this too shall


Mitakuye Oyasin,



> Hi Family,


> I am wondering if any of the other empaths on our list feel like


> hurricanes suck the energy right out of you? I have been doing

meditations to

> help transmute the hurricanes into healing energy for the earth,

but today feel

> like I can barely move. I am not sick, I just feel like my limbs

do not have

> the strength to get up and go.


> I am not that close to the hurricane. I am in South Carolina.

So, I am not

> sure if it is the actual hurricane doing it to me or just the


> that I know will begin soon. Anyone have any feelings about this?




> In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl


> (translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)

> _In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit


> (http://spiritlibrary.com/center-of-the-sun/in-lakech-ala-kin-the-


> -heart)


> visit me at: _www.myspace.com/senegalady_





> May we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace,

> humble in our needs,

> and generous in our giving.


> Joanne Sunshower




















> **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

fashion blog,

> plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)


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As these storms have been approaching...I have been in much physical pain...nine days of migraines and deep shoulder and middle back pain...with great fatigue. I have no doubt this is attributed to the energy shifts caused by this storm....or the storm caused by these energy shifts...dyslexia...did the chicken or the egg come first kinda thought..Mother Earth is going through labor pains...maybe it's a menstrual cycle..cleansing her womb. It is a necessary process, if Mother is out of balance then we too are needing new balance. I pray for all who are suffering losses right now...and remind myself to feel gratitude for all that I am blessed with. Seems Humanity has been receiving some pretty strong spankings from Mother...and they tend to be ignored by those who are not directly and immediately affected. ....my empath within sends prayers to those with

blinders on...that they may SEE that we are all either part of the solution or part of the problem....Let us hold hearts and hands...LOVE our MOTHER...our sisters and brothers...as this cleansing process continues so that true healing can occur...In LOVE and LIGHT....serene

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  • 1 year later...

I do not understand spending a fortune on a home and then having it destroyed by a hurricane. In these places it happens over and over again. In Hawaii only the non natives build by the sea. Not only are there hurricanes but there are tidal waves. Yep, that is what I want while I am eating my lunch.

From: Carlene <carlene.grimshaw@...>Subject: Re: Hello from Iowa/BRRRRRRRRRRRR Date: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 4:19 PM

Sue - Like you I fear hurricanes. We get the odd cyclone in Hervey Bay.Equivalent to your hurricanes. I also fear crocodiles which I believeare just barely north of us. Apparently they have been spotted not farfrom here. Horror! Just thought I would mention this. lol Enjoy areally nice day to you and all.Love & hugsCarlene>>>> Cyn,>> I have been told that Tennessee is just beautiful. I have vacationedon the North Carolina Coast. Very lovely. I chose not to have it on thelist of places to move to because of hurricanes.> I thrive on living near the ocean. That leaves out places

likeTennessee for us. We fell in love with Savannah. You all of course allknow I adore the South. Savannah is so very beautiful and while it isslow paced like the South it is still cosmopolitan. Something all ofhere desire. It also has the college of art. Which has drawn in quitethe creative and artistic community. We hope that by this time nextwinter we will be there.> You have a definite time period. It won't be long before you arethere. You will be surprised how fast that time will go. You know whathelps? Go on realtor. com and start looking at houses. Print out theones you like. Get some poster board and start creating your dreamboard. Put up pics of Tennessee, things you want in a house, the housesyou like, beautiful phrases that inspire you...etc. Once it is done makesure it is in a place you can see it all the time. This will keep yourdream alive. You can make as many as you want. I

am on realtor. com allthe time. I also have one dream board and i am working on number two.> hugs,> Sue------------------------------------

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Hurricanes AND tidal waves. Double horror!! Your line, Sue, " Yep, that

is what I want while I am eating my lunch. " Hilarious! ha ha ha

> >

> >

> >

> > Cyn,

> >

> > I have been told that Tennessee is just beautiful. I have vacationed

> on the North Carolina Coast. Very lovely. I chose not to have it on


> list of places to move to because of hurricanes.

> > I thrive on living near the ocean. That leaves out places like

> Tennessee for us. We fell in love with Savannah. You all of course all

> know I adore the South. Savannah is so very beautiful and while it is

> slow paced like the South it is still cosmopolitan. Something all of

> here desire. It also has the college of art. Which has drawn in quite

> the creative and artistic community. We hope that by this time next

> winter we will be there.

> > You have a definite time period. It won't be long before you are

> there. You will be surprised how fast that time will go. You know what

> helps? Go on realtor. com and start looking at houses. Print out the

> ones you like. Get some poster board and start creating your dream

> board. Put up pics of Tennessee, things you want in a house, the


> you like, beautiful phrases that inspire you...etc. Once it is done


> sure it is in a place you can see it all the time. This will keep


> dream alive. You can make as many as you want. I am on realtor. com


> the time. I also have one dream board and i am working on number two.

> > hugs,

> > Sue






> ------------------------------------



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Sue, that's funny but, people spending on homes in part are for the safety features when experiencing a hurricane and securing up the proper codes for your wonderful homes in sunny S FL. One cannot see a hurricane coming, so while eating lunch, I haven't experienced that as of yet, lol. I like the comical side though, unrealistic, but comical.

Even my thought of leaving this area is something I'd like to do one day, I will still move to another area north of me that still has hurricanes.


From: Urbanczyk <featherednst@...>Subject: Re: Re: Hurricanes Date: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 7:26 PM

I do not understand spending a fortune on a home and then having it destroyed by a hurricane. In these places it happens over and over again. In Hawaii only the non natives build by the sea. Not only are there hurricanes but there are tidal waves. Yep, that is what I want while I am eating my lunch.

From: Carlene <carlene.grimshaw>Subject: Re: Hello from Iowa/BRRRRRRRRRRRRDate: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 4:19 PM

Sue - Like you I fear hurricanes. We get the odd cyclone in Hervey Bay.Equivalent to your hurricanes. I also fear crocodiles which I believeare just barely north of us. Apparently they have been spotted not farfrom here. Horror! Just thought I would mention this. lol Enjoy areally nice day to you and all.Love & hugsCarlene>>>> Cyn,>> I have been told that Tennessee is just beautiful. I have vacationedon the North Carolina Coast. Very lovely. I chose not to have it on thelist of places to move to because of hurricanes.> I thrive on living near the ocean. That leaves out places likeTennessee for us. We

fell in love with Savannah. You all of course allknow I adore the South. Savannah is so very beautiful and while it isslow paced like the South it is still cosmopolitan. Something all ofhere desire. It also has the college of art. Which has drawn in quitethe creative and artistic community. We hope that by this time nextwinter we will be there.> You have a definite time period. It won't be long before you arethere. You will be surprised how fast that time will go. You know whathelps? Go on realtor. com and start looking at houses. Print out theones you like. Get some poster board and start creating your dreamboard. Put up pics of Tennessee, things you want in a house, the housesyou like, beautiful phrases that inspire you...etc. Once it is done makesure it is in a place you can see it all the time. This will keep yourdream alive. You can make as many as you want. I am on realtor. com

allthe time. I also have one dream board and i am working on number two.> hugs,> Sue------------ --------- --------- ------

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I was actually joking about the Tsunami's that Kauai and the other island experience. Those you cannot see coming. Traditionally the homes are built very high up in the mountains. Not on the water. The "mainlanders" build close to the water and when a hurricane comes to the islands or a Tsunami no matter how up to code and fortified the homes are they are lost. We had friends on Kauai (they have moved now) that rebuilt three times from the ground up.

Same issue on the coast of NC. We looked into the codes and what it takes to have a home on the coast. The insurance is enormous. Even with the special windows, steel shutters and all the other special met codes you lose so much over and over. We are just not willing to go through that. Too much stress. However Savannah is 100 miles off the gulf and the storms follow the gulf. Savannah get missed by the hurricanes. So I can have my South and my ocean. Soon I hope.



From: Carlene <carlene.grimshaw>Subject: Re: Hello from Iowa/BRRRRRRRRRRRRDate: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 4:19 PM

Sue - Like you I fear hurricanes. We get the odd cyclone in Hervey Bay.Equivalent to your hurricanes. I also fear crocodiles which I believeare just barely north of us. Apparently they have been spotted not farfrom here. Horror! Just thought I would mention this. lol Enjoy areally nice day to you and all.Love & hugsCarlene>>>> Cyn,>> I have been told that Tennessee is just beautiful. I have vacationedon the North Carolina Coast. Very lovely. I chose not to have it on thelist of places to move to because of hurricanes.> I thrive on living near the ocean. That leaves out places likeTennessee for us. We

fell in love with Savannah. You all of course allknow I adore the South. Savannah is so very beautiful and while it isslow paced like the South it is still cosmopolitan. Something all ofhere desire. It also has the college of art. Which has drawn in quitethe creative and artistic community. We hope that by this time nextwinter we will be there.> You have a definite time period. It won't be long before you arethere. You will be surprised how fast that time will go. You know whathelps? Go on realtor. com and start looking at houses. Print out theones you like. Get some poster board and start creating your dreamboard. Put up pics of Tennessee, things you want in a house, the housesyou like, beautiful phrases that inspire you...etc. Once it is done makesure it is in a place you can see it all the time. This will keep yourdream alive. You can make as many as you want. I am on realtor. com

allthe time. I also have one dream board and i am working on number two.> hugs,> Sue------------ --------- --------- ------

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in Louisiana , above the I-10 line it is fairly safe. no tsunami's . just lites go out and limbs through roof maybe.but not flood.no off ground bouilding.so look at map.above I-12,luv k/la

From: Carlene <carlene.grimshaw>Subject: Re: Hello from Iowa/BRRRRRRRRRRRRDate: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 4:19 PM

Sue - Like you I fear hurricanes. We get the odd cyclone in Hervey Bay.Equivalent to your hurricanes. I also fear crocodiles which I believeare just barely north of us. Apparently they have been spotted not farfrom here. Horror! Just thought I would mention this. lol Enjoy areally nice day to you and all.Love & hugsCarlene>>>> Cyn,>> I have been told that Tennessee is just beautiful. I have vacationedon the North Carolina Coast. Very lovely. I chose not to have it on thelist of places to move to because of hurricanes.> I thrive on living near the ocean. That leaves out places likeTennessee for us. We

fell in love with Savannah. You all of course allknow I adore the South. Savannah is so very beautiful and while it isslow paced like the South it is still cosmopolitan. Something all ofhere desire. It also has the college of art. Which has drawn in quitethe creative and artistic community. We hope that by this time nextwinter we will be there.> You have a definite time period. It won't be long before you arethere. You will be surprised how fast that time will go. You know whathelps? Go on realtor. com and start looking at houses. Print out theones you like. Get some poster board and start creating your dreamboard. Put up pics of Tennessee, things you want in a house, the housesyou like, beautiful phrases that inspire you...etc. Once it is done makesure it is in a place you can see it all the time. This will keep yourdream alive. You can make as many as you want. I am on realtor. com

allthe time. I also have one dream board and i am working on number two.> hugs,> Sue------------ --------- --------- ------

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