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Re: Fathering Indigos Male Energy and the Indigo Children

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Great article , thank you. I live in Vancouver Wa. Pretty cool. Love,Stef>> If you are the father of an indigo child (or a mother)...very interesting:> > > Fathering Indigos> Male Energy and the Indigo Children> By Dahlgren> > I am the father of a 12-year-old son who fits the description of an> indigo child. I love the children of indigo persuasion; I see them as> a precious intermediate step that connects the humans we were to the> humans we are becoming in our evolutionary journey. I do not feel they> are here to conquer the world or take things over. Their primary> purpose as a group is to smooth the way for the children of crystal> vibration, the next evolutionary step for humankind on the game-board> of free choice.> > It is my belief that indigo children are here to create a lot of> problems and much of this is appropriate. However, there are limits.> Universal laws are in effect and each action has a consequence. If the> indigos go too far the universe will respond in kind. Therefore, they> need parental help to temper their actions so that they need not face> the wrath of the universe. A father who has in his heart only the> highest desires for his children is ideally suited to take on this task.> > I am painfully aware that these little ones have much to do as I> personally participate in this life drama through the overactive> participation of my son, who has been appropriately labeled a "System> Buster". There are many days I sit with heavy heart, worried, as any> parent would be when reports come back from the teacher saying my son> is disruptive, impulsive, and appears immature for his age. My son is> as precious to me as the air that I breathe. When people tell me that> he is less than what they expect him to be I think: "My son, please> conform. I want these people to see you in the same golden light that> your father does." Yet simultaneously I know he has a job to do and I> know that it's necessary. I am behind his work; however there are> limits, and it's my job to not let him fall on his own sword.> Discipline must be imposed, strongly at times, to stop this very thing.> > Our planet is in the process of balancing the masculine and feminine> energies. Nowhere is this more evident than in family roles.> Traditionally the father took the role of stern disciplinarian and the> mother balanced this by taking on the nurturing role. In our efforts> to find balance within ourselves we have encouraged fathers to become> more nurturing, but in the interim we seem to have swung to the> opposite extreme where neither parent provides the discipline that> used to fall under the domain of the masculine polarity.> > The indigo children are extremely strong-willed and if there is no> balancing discipline to help them develop self-discipline, they may be> inclined to impose their will on others. How do we teach this> self-discipline? I feel that fathers can play an important role here.> By setting firm limits and adhering to them, they teach their children> to do the same for themselves. However, the limits must be based on> truth and integrity. The indigo children seem to have built in "truth> meters". They cannot be lied to, because they will verify internally> the truth of what is said to them. There is a way to approach the> children that will serve them the best and that is to be strong,> forthright, to know what your intentions are before you state them and> to firmly back them up once you have set yourself in a position that> you feel is appropriate to their own highest good.> > It is time that the indigos are questioned seriously by their parents> as to what it is that motivates them in situations they face. They> need to learn self-evaluation of their motives so that they learn how> to interact with themselves appropriately. They understand that right> and wrong is relative and often depends on context... what's right in> one situation may be wrong in another. They notice that adults are> often inconsistent in their behavior so it isn't always easy for them> to build a coherent value system. In the absence of strong role models> it's easy for a child to assume that the only reliable thing to serve> is the self and its goals.> > Indigo children as a group seem to be "pre-programmed" to change> things. We, as adults, are beginning to understand they are paving the> way for the children of Crystal Vibration, but the children themselves> do not consciously realize this. They are not sacrificial lambs; they> have their own goals and purposes in the changes they are making. It> isn't their goal to create chaos, but something inside them won't let> them complacently accept things the way they have always been. When> they imagine something could be better, they seem to be compelled to> speak up or to act in order to make changes. I feel they are here to> create space that can eventually be filled with peace, which allows> the love that brings in the children of Crystal Vibration.> > The Indigo children have much to learn from the Masters that already> walk the planet: many of them are part of the Now/New Age movement and> many are in other areas and religions of the world. However, in order> to best teach the young ones, the Masters must ensure there is balance> between the masculine and feminine vibrations in the home. While in> biology, the masculine vibration is equated with the male gender and> the feminine vibration with the female gender. This is changing as> both genders learn to balance their male and female energies.> > The difference between the balanced male of now and the more polarized> male of the past is that the balanced male of today comes from his> heart in love. When the disciplining is done the new kind of father is> there immediately with love and forgiveness. His arms open once again> soon after the discipline has been imposed. This is a more difficult> role for him to play, because he must be willing to go straight back> into discipline mode if the children need it. However, if a father is> able to do this he also becomes a model for his children to emulate.> He can show the indigo child how to balance strength with love and how> to integrate the polarities of the masculine and feminine energies in> the self. I encourage all fathers to develop this balance within> themselves so they can parent their Indigo children more effectively.> May all those around them assist their purpose and welcome them in> their new role. It is much needed.> > Dahlgren is the father of a son aged 12 and a daughter aged 9.> He lives in Vancouver, Washington, where he works as a scientist. He> can be reached by email at david@...>

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