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Strengthen Your Reiki Energy

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Strengthen Your Reiki Energy

by Lee Rand


strength and value of the Reiki treatments you give can be improved by

observing some simple guidelines. There are other things you can also

do that will increase the strength of our Reiki. Remember, Reiki comes

from an unlimited supply and contains the loving wisdom of the highest

spiritual power. There is no limit to the benefit and value that is

possible for you to receive from Reiki. As you try the techniques in

this article, intend that they will work for you and know in your heart

that this is right and you will get the improved results you seek.


quality of the energy in the room you do your Reiki treatments in is

important if improved results are what you seek. Make sure the room is

not too hot or too cool. Make sure there is fresh air from an open

window or that the room is not stuffy. A clean and orderly room is also

helpful as negative psychic energy tends to collect around disorder and

clutter Smudge the room with sage before and after a treatment to

release any negative energies left by past clients and to act as a

blessing. As you smudge, call in the ancestors and the ascended masters

and Reiki guides asking them to bless you and your client and to help

you with your healing treatment. Place pictures of Dr. Usui, Dr.

Hayashi, and Mrs. Takata around the room and ask them to be present

also. The use of incense, essential oils or fresh flowers will also act

to raise the vibration. Soothing music during the treatment will help

the client move into a more receptive state of mind.


the client comes, sit in a meditative state with your hands on your

legs doing Reiki on yourself. Then after a few minutes, use your

dominate hand to intently draw the Reiki Power symbol in light on each

wall, and on the ceiling and floor. As you do this state " I bless this

room with light " three times for each place. Then draw the power symbol

in the center of the room and send Reiki into the room to fill the room

with healing energy. You can also send distant Reiki to your client

while they are on their way to the session so they will be relaxed and

in a receptive state when they arrive.


starting the treatment, place the power and master symbols on your palm

chakras. This will more completely open the palm chakras and energize

them. Then draw a large power symbol down the front of your body to

protect and empower you and draw smaller power symbols on each chakra.

Placing the symbols into the clients crown chakra, and seeing them pass

into the clients heart is also valuable before starting as it raises

the vibration of the treatment and makes the energy of the symbols more



is an interesting feature of Reiki that when giving a treatment, Reiki

will continue to flow regardless of what you do with your mind. You can

talk to others about any subject - including trivial matters, or gossip

or even talk on the phone and Reiki will continue to flow and the

client will receive some benefit. However, this sort of behavior does

not produce the best results with Reiki. It must be kept in mind that

giving Reiki is a spiritual experience and is more appropriately given

with reverence. By meditating on the flow of Reiki as it passes through

you, rather than talking, you will not only experience the energy more

directly, but will also increase its flow. As you meditate on the Reiki

energy, your mind merges with it and causes your energy field to

resonate in greater harmony with the flow of Reiki, thus allowing it to

flow more freely. As you do this, you may feel currents of energy

flowing through various parts of your body including your spine,

chakras, arms and hands. You may also feel heat, soothing sensations,

vibrations, pulsations or waves of energy passing through you. By using

your inner eye, you may also be able to see the Reiki energy. This may

appear as tiny particles of white or golden light, or other colors of

energy flowing through you. As you meditate and merge with these

sensations, your mind will be uplifted, becoming more optimistic.

Feelings of joy, peace and spiritual love will be experienced.

Wonderfully positive fantasies and visions of higher spiritual planes

can also be experienced. By going inward and looking up through your

crown chakra, it is even possible to psychically travel up to the

source of Reiki and merge with it. All these experiences are very

enjoyable and can be deeply healing for the practitioner at the same

time that they increase the benefit to the client. As you meditate on

Reiki in this way, you will also be opening the pathways through which

Reiki is able to flow, thus increasing the strength of Reiki you are

channeling to your client. This is a very enjoyable way to improve the

quality of the Reiki you give.


prayer to your Reiki treatments is also an effective way to increase

its strength. While your are giving a treatment, you can pray out loud

or to yourself. Call on the ascended Reiki masters, or on Jesus, St.

Germain, Buddha, Krishna, Babaji, or other ascended masters, angels, or

spirit guides, or pray directly to the infinite God/Goddess or to the

Reiki energy itself. As you pray, ask that your Reiki be strengthened

and ask it to bless you and your client. Ask it to bless and guide your

Reiki practice and to guide you in increasing its strength and the

benefit it provides you and those you treat. Accept the fact that there

is no limit to the value and healing power that is available to you and

ask that you be blessed with an abundance of healing, loving spiritual

energy so that you will be of greater service to others. Combine your

prayers with the above technique of merging with the energy and feeling

it as it flows through you. By praying as you do Reiki, your prayers

will be more powerful because when doing Reiki, you are more directly

connected to the higher power which is the source of all answered



a special healing guide(s) that will work with you will also improve

your treatments. While Reiki comes directly from God, there are

spiritual guides who are adept at healing. They can add their Reiki

energies to yours and also channel Reiki directly to the client. Many

have reported that they felt additional hands on them and the presence

of someone else in the room during a Reiki treatment. Having a sincere

desire to help and praying that a healing guide or angel will come to

help you can bring this about. Also, using the " Meet Your Reiki Guides "

tape listed in the newsletter can create this connection.


Reiki practitioners report that their Reiki seems to have lost some of

its power and they wonder why this happens and what can be done to get

it back. It is a fact that when doing Reiki, the practitioner also

receives a treatment. When this happens, sometimes negative energy is

loosened and begins to move through the practitioners system on its way

out. This energy can sometimes get stuck temporarily so that ones Reiki

tends to work on the practitioner more than flowing to others. What is

needed is for the practitioner to receive a treatment. This will

release the blocked energy and restore the flow of Reiki. Remember, we

need to maintain a balance of Reiki by treating ourselves, giving

treatments to others and receiving treatments from others.


Reiki can also increase when you take your next level of Reiki

training. The attunement for the next level and the use of the

symbol(s) that go with it can definitely improve the quality of your

Reiki treatments. This is regularly reported to occur by most students.

One practitioner reported that his wife was in continuous pain which

was only partially and temporally removed with his Reiki II treatments.

After taking the Master training, one treatment using the Master symbol

completely released the pain and it didn't return. Your Reiki can also

improve by receiving additional attunements for the same level you

already have. Even though you need only one attunement to have Reiki

for the rest of your life, extra attunements for the same level you

have will further refine and strengthen your Reiki. Many Masters will

give extra attunements for free or for a low fee. Sometimes new Masters

need people to practice on, go ahead and volunteer. A group of Masters

can practice attunements on each other and strengthen their Reiki at

the same time. Have each Master give the Master attunement to each

person in the group. If you have five Masters, then each will receive

four Master attunements and give four. This can be very powerful.


Gong and Tai Chi are methods of developing your Chi and opening the

pathways that Chi or Ki flows through. The pathways that are opened in

these exercises are the same ones that Reiki flows through. On the

average, most people who have practiced this type of moving meditation

have stronger Reiki than those who have not. Find a teacher you feel

comfortable with and take up the regular practice of Chi Gong or Tai

Chi and not only will it be healthy for you, but your Reiki will also



is possible to use self-hypnosis and meditation as well as affirmations

to improve your Reiki. Simply enter self-hypnosis or meditation and

suggest to yourself that your Reiki is getting stronger and stronger

and stronger and it will. You can also do this while giving a



the " Chanting Reiki Masters " tape while give a treatment can also

improved the value of your Reiki. The tape was made by 18 Reiki Masters

who chanted the names of all four Reiki symbols into a microphone while

intending that all who hear the sound will be healed. Most who play the

tape while giving a treatment notice an improvement in the quality of

their Reiki.


sacred pictures in your Reiki room when you are doing Reiki can also

increase the value of your treatments. This includes pictures of Jesus,

Buddha, Krishna or any other spiritual teacher or great being. The

Beaming Reiki Masters picture in the back of " Reiki, The Healing Touch "

will also raise the vibration of your treatments as well as the

Antakarana that is given in the Master training. You can place these

cards under your Reiki table or on the wall of your healing room.


are a few methods of improving the strength of your Reiki. Try them.

Also remember that Reiki has it's own consciousness and by simply

intending to find ways to improve the value you pass on to others with

your treatments, and by being open to its guidance, the Reiki energy

will guide you to additional ways. Reiki comes from an infinite supply.

There is no limit to the healing power that is available to you. Focus

on love and compassion. Trust in your inner guidance and take action on

it. You will not be disappointed.

-- " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath TagoreDownload Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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