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RE: Message From The Angels by Ann Albers

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It's great that you used Ann Albers' message. She is a very interesting person, who is part of the wonderful Phoenix, AZ area metaphysical community. I've had the pleasure of sharing time with her in her home/Arizona Enlightenment Center.

If anyone would like to read more of her messages, her website is http://www.visionsofheaven.com.

From: liane@...Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 20:39:56 -0400Subject: [] Message From The Angels by Ann Albers

Message from the Angels--------------------------------------------------------------------My dear friends we love you so very much,When life seems overwhelming, stop, take a breath and invite Godinto your day. Try to do this for a few minutes whenever you feeloff center and you will find you are able to maintain balance andwise perspective so much more easily. You were never intended to handle life on your own dear friends.You are in partnership with your creator - the One that not onlymade you but breathes life into you at every moment. When you taketime to stop, breathe, and invite God into your life, manywonderful things will begin to take place. You will open yourselfup to the flow of grace that is always being offered to you. Youwill allow your body to be rejuvenated and relaxed. Your mind willstart to relax and you will find greater clarity. You will hearour guidance more easily. Take the time dear friends to breathethe breath of God slowly and deeply as often as you can remember todo so.Life will always have its challenges for that is the very nature ofthis school called earth, and yet you can weather these challengeswith grace, and even joy, knowing that your creator cares about youand that no matter what arises, you have a friend and partner inGod. When you don't know how to pay a bill, stop, breathe slowly anddeeply and ask God to pay it with you. Ask for guidance and thengo about your day expecting that when God is ready guidance willcome. When you don't know how to fit everything you think you must dointo your day, stop, breathe, and ask God to direct your day.Listen to your heart and do what it believes is the highestpriority. God can help organize your days. When you don't know how to satisfy the needs of everyone aroundyou, stop, breathe, pray, and ask God who He wants you to servefirst. You may find the answer is 'you'.Dear ones, guidance, love, hope, inspiration, peace, clarity, andbalance are as close as your next breath. Are you ready to receiveGod's great love. Stop, breathe, take it in, and cherish the giftthat comes with each inhalation.We love you so very much,-- The Angels-- "Life is the sum of all your choices." - Albert CamusVisit our website:www..netor our Lightworking social Networkhttp://.ning.com/Download Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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