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Victim Speak

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Victim SpeakBy Hoffman


the victim paradigm is an essential part of our soul journey. Wherever

the victim paradigm exists in our life is where we have a soul wound

that needs healing, fear that we came to resolve or karma that we came

to transform. When we have victim energy we attract people and

situations whose purpose is to make our victim status so apparent to us

that we know exactly what we need to transform. But too often their

actions make us feel even more like a victim and our language, our

'victim speak', affirms it for us. Our words are powerful, so

powerful that they create our reality. Every word we speak creates form

out of the energy around us. As we move into miracle mastery

understanding the power of our words is even more important, for we are

creating our future as we speak it. When we use 'victim speak' or words

that affirm our victim status, more of it is created in our life. These

are words like don't or can't, especially when they refer to our

abilities. Or when we use the word 'but' to remind ourselves that we

are not responsible for things that happen to us with excuses for our

choices or behavior. When we are 'trying' to do something we

are always in a state of 'trying', and we do not get to the finish line

because we are always 'trying'. Other victim words including should

have, would have or could have, which we can use to describe what we

may have been able to do if we were better, faster, stronger, braver or

smarter. We always do what we are capable of, no more and no less and

these words merely keep us in the past, reminding us of what we were

once unable to do. Other victim words refer to things that 'always'

happen or we will 'never' do again. These words refer to our victim

paradigm and are reminders of a painful past which will not be repeated

in the future but each time we affirm that we are creating its energy

in our life. We transform the victim paradigm by remembering

that our power lies in the present moment, the past is our history, and

use our words wisely to create a positive, forward moving reality that

is a mirror of our heart's desire. Our words are powerful and we can

use them to powerfully create either what we want or what we do not

want. The Universe never judges us, it merely responds to our requests.

This week, pay attention to your words and notice if there is any

'victim speak' in your vocabulary. You can transform it so your victim

paradigm becomes a victor's reality. Remember, 'the difference between

a victim and a victor is I AM.'

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