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Uriel's Message -- Who Do You Control?

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Uriel's Message -- Who Do You Control?By Hoffman

It may be difficult for you to acknowledge, as you participate in

lessons with others, that you have no control over the life or choices

of anyone around you. Even those who are your soul mates or part of

your soul group are in control of their own life path and soul journey.

Whether they make decisions that you consider weak or powerful,

wise or ill-advised, you have no control over any aspect of their life,

no matter how much you may want to prevent them from harm. You can send

them healing, love and light, but you have no control over how they

will respond, or whether they will use the gifts you have given them.

When you try to control you are acting from fear and your belief in

others' powerlessness.

Even your children have their own soul journey that you do not

control. The Indigo and Crystal children have karmic journeys to travel

and many have chosen their contracts carefully, to ensure the greatest

healing and transformation for themselves, their generation and the

world. You can prepare them for their journey in the best way possible

but you have no control over how they travel through it. Your efforts

to control these children may be met with great resistance as they know

their purpose and that of their journey, and how important their work


Your ability to control extends to your own reality and soul

journey. Within your soul journey you have the possibility to alter the

vibrations of the planet when you work through love and abandon

control. Your attempts at control arise from your fear, especially that

fear that comes from knowing the karmic journeys you have traveled with

others and what may be included in their experiences. Do not doubt

their wisdom or the purpose of their journey. Your energy is best

utilized when you believe in others' wisdom and power instead of trying

to control them because you believe they are powerless and fear for


These are times that require great spiritual courage. There are

choices to be made that will determine whether one is ready for

ascension into spiritual mastery or requires additional time for

learning and integration. Each person will choose according to their

soul's need for healing. No one has control or influence over another's


In your human experience you have expectations of responsibility

based on relationships but in your spiritual experience you are all

souls on a journey to wholeness, each one with infinite power and a

healing purpose. When you release your need to control because you are

in fear you empower yourself and everyone to fulfill their journey in a

powerful way.

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