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The Greatest Barrier to Experiencing Fifth Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

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(Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness, Part 4)

We sense a level of skepticism when we tell you fifth-dimensional

consciousness is available in your present moment. This is especially

true of those still experiencing difficulties. You say, " If I were

truly living in the fifth dimension, my experiences would be flowing

more smoothly. " It's important to understand that while the fifth

dimension is accessible to you, it's not mandatory. This is the

difference. In order to step into a room, you send a signal to your

feet and legs to move you forward. It is the same with stepping into

the next dimension. You must set an intention and propel yourself


Some of you say " But I have done this. I set my intention and

propelled myself and nothing happened. " If this is the case, consider

if there are ways in which you aren't fully embracing the infinite

nature of your being. Examine every aspect of your being to determine

if lingering, residual thoughts, feelings and beliefs are anchoring

you into third-dimensional consciousness. Once you accept you are the

creator God of your own reality, you will find yourself becoming

increasingly aligned with the powerful nature of your Divine being.

Self-Pity as a Third-Dimensional Anchor

The greatest single barrier to entering fifth-dimensional

consciousness is the emotion of self-pity. Self-pity is the doorway

-- the catalyst so to speak -- for many troubling and weighty emotions

such as anger, jealousy and resentment. We are talking about the

whole gamut of negative emotions.

Underneath the emotion of self-pity lies a convoluted maze of

thoughtforms. Distilled to their essence, these thoughtforms bind you

into the illusion of hapless victimhood. Self-pity denies the Divine

essence of your being. In order to experience self-pity, you must on

some level believe you are a small and hapless being in a very big and

scary universe.

Karmic Blueprints and Your Wounded Inner Child

As a child, it is easy to believe you are a small blip in a big and

insensitive world. As you grow in spiritual understandings and

reconnect with understandings gained in other lifetimes, this

helplessness fades away. That is, unless some part of you remains

trapped in a " wounded inner child " perspective. From this perspective,

it is easy to believe you were victimized by your parents. Many still

cling to the belief that emotional wounding they suffered in childhood

binds them to irreversible circumstances. This is limited thinking.

Once you understand that you chose your parents with full knowledge of

the experiences they would offer, you are able to free aspects of your

consciousness still trapped in childhood traumas. This emotional

freedom helps heal your sacred wound. This wound usually occurs

before seven years of age and stamps out the " karmic blueprint " you

will work with throughout your lifetime. This karmic blueprint is

derived from previous lifetimes and represents understandings you

intended to gain in the present lifetime.

Self-Pity as Prerequisite for Negative Emotions

You may be surprised to learn self-pity is the most used emotion --

and the most useless. Self-pity must first exist before fear and

anger can come into play. Feeling sorry for yourself creates negative

emotion. Self-pity denies you are an all-powerful being who set up

the circumstances of your life prior to your birth. It denies you

access to the gifts of each experience you create in your life. It

denies you access to Inner peace and self-love. It denies that you

hold an important spiritual purpose for your present lifetime, that

you are a wise and powerful being with a vast array of spiritual gifts

and talents.

The key to moving past any tendency toward self-pity is accepting

responsibility for one hundred percent of your reality. When you

accept you are the creator of your reality, you short-circuit any

tendency toward self-pity. This allows you to align with the powerful

essence of your Divine nature.

Soul Contracts and Pre-Birth Planning

It may very well be that outer people and circumstances appear to play

a large part in some of your experiences. If others have played a

vivid enough role that you were totally engaged and convinced, give

them an award. They are friends of your soul with whom you created

contracts before incarnating into your present lifetime. Understand

many of the events of your life were chosen by some aspect of your

consciousness prior to your birth. This was not your conscious mind

but an aspect of your higher consciousness that knew exactly what you

needed to experience in this lifetime.

As you come into the realization that you preplanned many of your

experiences before you came here, you might be tempted to judge

yourself. This is totally unnecessary. You're not being asked to

judge yourself, only to see yourself. Each experience is programmed

to help you come into deeper levels of understanding who you are. As

you awaken to your true nature, the entire universe reveals itself to


In light of this, do you now see how absurd it is to experience

self-pity? If you planned it all, there is no one outside of you

doing anything to you. If you look at any circumstance long enough,

you will see how it is helping you grow and expand. As you accept the

gifts of your experiences, you are transformed. As you come into a

place of gratitude for the experience, you align with your higher

self. This is a powerful alliance that empowers you to create and

experience whatever you choose on planet Earth. You effectively

become spirit incarnate and as such you're able to step easily and

effortlessly into fifth-dimensional consciousness.

Next week we will explain the role spiritual guidance plays in

accessing fifth-dimensional consciousness.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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