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Re: Re: Fwd: On Humanity Healing Foundation: A thought for ...

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What is going to last? I don't understand.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

"You need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow." Thich Nhat Hanh

In a message dated 11/1/2008 1:59:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, jsm2224@... writes:

Hi all sending love I was told this is going to last for longer than last time remember when we started climbing fast and high in June during the summer equinox and we were over flowing with love and like rivers of unsettling emotions it's hard for me to put what I truly feel into words for you but this is suppose to last for months I was told <3 so maybe were scouring the pan so to speak as were reaching for Fuzzy Bunny's <3 <knightsintention@...> wrote:

This is a week of letting go's I think.It seems that several issues came up that needed my attention acrossseveral websites, blogs, MySpace's and the Network @ Love.I wouldn't get the first issue resolved before the next came to myattention, and what had been a week of posting lots of inspiringinformation, turned into internal support on a large scale.Issues like a member on the network sending hundreds of invites toothers with some kind of wrong information that it was a "extremedating site". You can imagine the surprise of new members showing upleft and right, and the dismay of seeing profiles and comments thathad no place there. Talk about pulling ones hair out cancelinginvites, documenting infractions, and banning various ones already onthe site took awhile.Then a member got caught up in the banning due to content, so a seriesof back and forth emails over that. Let's just say, that in a certaincontext, in a certain area, the info would have been acceptable, butnot all of it on his profile, but he could link to it. I agreed tolift the ban on those conditions, which were refused, and this whileattempting to stand with one of my Admin's decisions...a well definedkind of balancing act. I value their decisions.Then there was another in regard to a post on "Love", that didn't setwell with a few, out of misunderstanding what it was saying, but did a wonderful job taking care of that.That just a few examples...I have to remember that I/we, have received literally thousands ofpositive relies and comments on the things we do, but it's always thatone here, or there that sometimes trouble me still.Those are the ones my heart goes out to, and some part of me seeks tofind out what else I can do, to convey understanding. It's incrediblethat many received something out of what I/we had posted, or wasthinking and wrote about, but I would, and do, question myself, my ownunderstanding of anything, when the few others haven't received someblessing from it.It's not that any would disagree or have some other views. But Iquestion myself as to my ability to be of service, "where it counts".What was it the Christ said once, "I didn't come to heal the well, butto bring Light to darkness", that is, more information where it hasn'tbeen, mainly, more Love.Besides that, there was a situation the other morning which surprisedme, again. Last year, when the city's contract crew cam through theally clearing the thru way and lines, they actually came in the yardout back and hacked the crap out of two trees to get at all the limbs.What was once a nice secluded and well hidden back area was now wideopen, shade gone, and looked like the hurricane had moved through. Ihad said then they didn't want to find me home the next time they camethrough, not even knowing what my reaction might be to that, butassuming not very "purty".On this recent morning had come home for lunch and couldn't getout because of them in the alley...so I thought it was them, they werea few houses down appearing to be clearing.I whipped that truck around in contorted circles trying to jerk it outsideways to get it pointed the other way in a space as tight as thetruck itself, with T in a hurry to be back running late.Some of what I said was heard I'm sure, and would have been absorbedby those working just down the way, actually there for a client toclear an over grown gate.This would put me on the other side of your example, as the one beingthe ***. Very much unlike me in every way, as I send love into all Ido, and into the community.I would venture to explain in this that, not to excuse them, thosethat yelled at you, or me for that matter, but to point out, they tooreacted to "some thing" and you were just there at the time.I think it lends to the deeper meaning of "letting it go", and in"forgiving all others". Especially when even ourselves find momentswhen we did not react/respond in the way we normally would have.The letting go, just like forgiveness is "two way".With Love[but don't be cuttin' my stinkin' bushes]>> Thank You ,> This statement in your post made my entire day.> May you always be willing to let go of that which no longer serves> > so you can get a better grasp on those things that do.> I lost an unhappy customer today and normal cicumstances, I couldunderstand.> I work very hard physically doing landscaping all year long.> I mow yards and groom them ...I was verbally attacked today andallowed it, I try to take things in stride, some people just cant healthemselves and look for scapegoats.> SO baaa baaa I was the goat but could not let go of the disappointment.> Today just hit me and I could not shake it...then your post arrived.> Thank You again.> Blessings,> Peacie>Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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