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Re: Moments In The Sun - Re: A question for this group.

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It seems to me this person does place a condition on

her help.....The condition is gratitude. All gifts of

love and kindness are without expectaton, including

ALL that that may encompass. Do not even reward

yourself for what you have done....for it is a given

to do....

just my thought.

--- <knightsintention@...> wrote:

> I've by-passed this thread several times, just

> because it is a personal

> one...for everyone who experiences it. It's personal

> for the one who

> helps, and for the one who receives the help. " Help "

> is personal and

> dependent/independent. When we have to ask for, or

> require help, we feel

> we are giving up our independence, as if we have

> lost the very thing

> that we are, and become dependent on another.


> When we help another, we are choosing to " share " our

> independence with

> another. Be it a place to sleep, our food, our time,

> or any other

> material or service, it is " part of us " we are

> offering. If it were not,

> from where would it come to give?


> This is what makes it so personal...so deep a thing.

> This is why it

> affects us the way it does, good or bad. We already

> know when offering

> to help that it will tap us at many levels, and

> usually, we prepare

> ourselves for this " flow " that will be given, that

> will be required.


> Remember the story of the Christ [teacher], who

> " felt " [emotion] his

> " power " [resources] leave him when " touched "

> [involved]? The one who

> touched him was healed [restored]. He was left

> " weakened " . A void had

> been created, much had been " given " . It is what we

> allow into this

> vacuum that is important.


> I have " used " many people in my life. I, of course,

> never saw it as that

> but is what I was doing. In my mind, in most cases,

> I was even trying to

> help...to find a better way...to do something

> different, yet, when I

> failed, or came short, it was others who suffered as

> a result. If my

> business plan didn't make money, or even get off the

> ground, those

> promises I had made failed too, thereby I failed

> others. Their

> expectations of others, that I had given them,

> crashed.


> I've been given a ride, a place to sleep for a day

> or a month, given a

> job, money, a hand up, even a hand out. I've been

> given advice, and an

> ear full. And yes, most of those times, I was truly

> thankful for what I

> received, yet at the same time, I was also more

> concerned with; getting

> out of feeling obligated quickly; getting on with

> what I needed to do;

> soaking up the " sun " as long as possible,

> because....I was going to need

> it for what my life had waiting to teach me yet....


> That's what this is. Soaking up the sun. Have you

> ever been really cold,

> during those winter months, and even though it's

> cold outside too, you

> walk out into the sunshine, and there's a spot

> there, right " there "

> where the sun just seems so warm, inviting,

> empowering...... You stand

> there for as long as possible, just to soak up all

> you can,

> because....everything else is cold, and it's hard,

> at this " time " to

> gain the warmth you " need " . Someone may be yelling

> at you to come on,

> or...you've got to go, got to get other things done,

> but just one

> second, minute...right now...soak it up.


> Because of where we may be, in our lives, in our

> learning, in our

> becoming...we seek the strength to go forward. We

> like to think we have

> all we need, and we dislike asking for, and usually

> in accepting any

> help. At least sub-consciously, " we know " what we

> are asking, or

> receiving. It is a supreme act in both giving help,

> and in accepting

> help. And, " it is the SAME act " . For we are really

> giving and receiving

> completely of ourselves. We are helping ourselves.

> We are accepting from

> ourselves.


> " No Energy Is Ever Wasted " or can be destroyed. The

> same love and giving

> offered is always forever doing what it was intended

> to do. It can only

> then be an illusion that it is doing anything else.

> Even when

> relationships of any kind come to an end[?], or it

> seems others have

> used us in our attempting to help them, they ARE

> being helped, even when

> there appears to be a fall-out, or a coming to an

> end.


> Usually such a thing is what the sub-conscious has

> decided is the next

> step to pull us in from " standing in the sun too

> long " , not because

> standing there is not healing and restorative for

> us, but because, the

> one giving at this time is weakening and the link

> must be broken

> immediately for the sake and well being of both.


> Remember the shows and movies where the vampire

> offers their own blood

> to another " like them " because they are in need,

> yet, " not too much " ,

> else they could both die? Same thing.


> Giving does drain us, and at times, we are not full

> enough to give all

> we would, even beyond our own possibility...yet, it

> is in the giving,

> and draining ourselves, that we create a void, which

> in turn absorbs

> many times more for the coming work. Our " power "

> will leave us when we

> are touched, but it has not disappeared and is

> working to do what it sat

> out to do. We have simply experienced being

> GOD....and Be-Ing Human.





> D~




> >

> > Should you be punished when you try to help

> someone personally?

> >

> > The reason I am asking is that recently I helped

> someone, took Her

> to

> > my home, shared everything I had and this person

> > turned out to be the most selfish and ungrateful

> individual on the

> face

> > of the Earth.

> > It is the downside of helping and loving without

> conditions or

> > questioning?

> > Why we feel the need to do this to ourselves?

> > This time, I guarantee you all, I learned my

> lesson.

> > I will never do this again.Not without asking

> the key questions...

> >

> > Just a thought, your feedback , please!

> >




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