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Kitty Has a Brand New DO by Zany Mystic

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kitty Has a Brand New "DO"

A few days ago, I was feeling detached and depressed, so plopped down on the lawn outdoors with my dog, DawnE. Her REAL name is Dawn E. Bird, named after my best friend Don, who died in my arms of AIDS. But that’s another story. As usual, the mangy cat which I’ve inherited psychically “sensed me”, as she often does, and slowly sauntered up the grass to be petted. I named her “Furball”, because she has long hair which gets matted up into huge balls that can’t be trimmed away, being too close to the skin. Today, she had several large clumps dangling loose, so with a sigh at being interrupted in my attempt to regain some composure, told her in my best Arnold voice, “Wait here. Ahh’l be back.” A quick trip to the kitchen for scissors, then back on the grass for her trip to “Zany’s Beauty Parlor”.I trimmed carefully both for her sake, and to avoid being scratched or bitten, but she trusted me, knowing

that I was trying to help ease her misery. One of the clumps was about six inches long, by 3 inches wide, and looked like a wig. On a lark, I plopped it onto her head, saying, “Kitty has a new do!” It was such a funny sight that every time she flicked it off, I put it back on and went into hysterics at the sight. “Just LOVE your new WIG, kitty!”, I said. And, “Did you get a new HAT?” It’s DARLING! She finally gave up trying to remove her new “do”, and my dog just sat bemusedly watching this whole scene, thanking the gods it wasn’t HER in the Beauty Parlor Chair! Eventually, we all had our good time, our spirits lifted and my annoyance gone. In the process of helping this poor creature, who could be me hobbling around in pain, I forgot all about my own. This is the true value in being of service to others. We don’t need spiritual labels, such as STS and STO and STA to “get it”.People from all over the world, whose hearts

are open, know intuitively the enormous value of helping another; be it human, animal, plant or mineral. All life is alive and conscious. In our daily rush to acquire pieces of paper and metallic things that weigh our pockets down and jingle, we forget that we can’t eat paper, it has no heart, and it cannot buy happiness. But it can buy food. Years ago, when I lived in San Francisco, I used to walk at night to the local store on the corner for necessities. There was a man on a blanket with his dog, clearly needing a helping hand, with a dish out for donations. One day, it hit me: I’d buy some milk, bread, cheese and snacks for him, and put a couple of dollars in the bag, in case he needed some alcohol or other items. What difference would it make to me if he used the money to drink? I myself was a drug dealer, addicted to speed, but it didn’t put a damper on my heart. Never did.We are what we are, and nothing can alter our intrinsic good

nature.I was so excited to come out and deliver my “care package”. The first time, I just handed it to him, and said, “This is for you…”. He was shocked, and I didn’t linger for kudos. It wasn’t about me. But the next time I saw him, I sat down and talked to him for a while. He turned out to be a very kind, loving being; after all, he had a dog, right? Anyone who loves dogs can’t be all that bad! Eventually, his story emerged. It’s amazing what suffering can do to soften the hard edges. It’s a blur now, but like many other hard luck stories, one thing led to another. I certainly knew that story! I had never expected, being a middle class gay white boy, that I’d end up a major dealer of party drugs to the gay crowd. But that’s where life’s path took me. Eventually, my “bottom” was far more devastating than my friend and his dog. It was my Dark Night of the Soul; one of several. Yet, I too had my “visiting angel of

mercy” in my apartment one night. He said, “I’m an angel and I’m here to warn you.“ Instead of bringing food, it was nourishment for my soul for the truly dark days that would follow.He told me that I would be arrested; twice…that I would spend time in jail, and from there would go through three long rehab programs. There was more shared, but that was the gist. He could only reveal so much to me, but before he stopped, said “I’m telling you this so that you don’t lose hope”. My life from there was never the same. Everything he told me in that brief window of time came true, and took over five years to play itself out. Many other encounters with angels occurred afterward. The most significant was the black man I met in jail, who went by the name of Catman. I write about him in my book, Tales of a Zany Mystic. Since I’m a lousy self-promoter, I’ll say that it’s available at Amazon Books, with many reviews to read. All the

experiences of my life are recorded there, and in retrospect it’s a “Wild Ride” to be sure, full of addictions, dark nights, angels, demons, and ultimately “redemption”. I like to say that the lower we fall, the higher we can ascend. So, this advice is for those of you who are in the midst of your own “dark night”. Know there is Light at the end of the tunnel. We didn’t come here in order to fail. All our traumas and dramas are self-created for growth of the soul, and spirit is with us every step of the way.Due to “free choice” or will, we must ask for help from our “team”. Each of us has a team of experts, call them guides, angels, higher self, Oversoul, God/Goddess, All That Is, but call them! When we do call out for help, it is like casting a safety net. Truth be told, we’re never alone and the net is always there, no matter what. It doesn’t appear this way, due to the nature of living in heavily veiled

consciousness. It’s kind of like those high tech security systems in spy movies, when the infra red light comes on, all the laser beams are obvious. We too are in and around many matrices, most of them unseen by the senses. This underscores the value of going within, hearing one’s own higher information which is always there, and intuiting what to do in the moment. Sometimes, it takes a brick on the head to have a moment of clarity. But when they arrive, we benefit most by facing ourselves in the mirror, taking a deep, hard long look, and by taking responsibility for every step we’ve taken which led us to where we are right now. This is the only way to move onward and upward through the many trials that we ourselves have placed on our own path, for our soul’s greatest growth and reward.Ultimately, all lessons are about LOVE.You know you’re going in the right direction by being TRUE to your Self, not living for or through

others, as nice or as nasty as they may be. They are our props, who agreed to incarnate FOR us; to abuse, mock, ridicule or to love and adore. All is agreed to prior to this incarnation, just as we are here for other’s benefit, and for the collective consciousness of humanity, the planet and the Universe, all the way back to Source. I’ve done many “stupid” things in my life, and I continue to do stupid things, as the lessons spiral around from “the past”, for resolution. The trick in getting the lesson is to not buffer the experience, and to see ourselves clearly. Denial postpones the lesson, and stuffing it creates physical illness. Most illness is created from blockages which are the result of not being truthful with ourselves. Sometimes, we must reach a point of desiring change so much that we’d go to any lengths.By creating a context of visualizing ourselves “free of x, y or z”, the content begins showing up to match our

vision. Within the context, the content includes lapses, failures and problems; but the way through is clear: Never Give Up. If you fall down, emotionally, physically or psychically, get back up on your feet as soon as possible. Dust yourself off, and accept the foibles of being fully human. Congratulations! You’ve graduated. Soon, after the school break, you’ll be designing your next semester of learnings. Does it ever end? No, but we gets lots of breaks, many rewards, and it keeps getting better when we choose “the high road”. The “low road” begins to disappear from view, the higher we climb. Destination: Heaven on Earth!“Remember, small steps, Ellie; that’s the way it’s been done for billions of years…”From the book and movie, CONTACT by Carl SaganZany Mystic


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