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Fw: A Special Need and Focus...........

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My friend , from The Reconnections, just sent this out, so I'm forwarding it to the group - follow your heart and inclintations, regarding his request. Zany

Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 11:04 AMHello Friends,

I have a special need and focus to put before you today. My dear

friend and heart-sister Shirley Simon is going in for emergency

bypass heart surgery today. She is 73, and has been ill for quite

some time. Many of you know Shirley from the 2002 and 2003 Conclaves, and she

was also the channel for those lovely Language of Light Symbols that

are printed on the Star Children CD, and most all transmissions which

come forth from the Guides these days. Shirley has been a mainstay for Nina and myself since long before

this Reconnections Journey began. And she has touched the lives of

literally thousands in her travels around the globe. She sounded in good spirits last night, and the energies feel good

around this. Still.......Spirit prompted me to go to my expanded

Family of the Heart for comfort and power, that she might TRULY FEEL

the warmth of our love and concern. The surgery is scheduled for 1pm today (Pacific Time). That would be

about 2 hours from the time I am sending this e-mail. AS I pondered this sudden challenge in Shirley's journey, my mind

went to the "Open-Heart Mergery" transmission, where the Recons used

this very operation as an analogy for the coming Awakening and

Expansion of the Collective Oneself. It was written on Valentines

Day, 2002, after September 11. http://www.reconnections.net/open_heart_mergery.htm

If you have time, please review this message and focus on Shirley in

the next few hours. May her sudden challenge help knit us ALL

together during these powerful and exciting times on Planet Earth. Blessings,




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