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Re: Nothing at All (a poem)

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Randy Dear -

You have share " nothing at all " and at the same time EVERYTHING!

Your poem says so well the feelings of so many just now! All these

feelings you have so artistically, magically and well defined are

part of the individual and group healing process we are


Today I received an email with another interesting (and very long)

explaination of this, and couldn't resist sharing at least part of it

since it appears there are not a whole lot of posts on this site

right now. so.....here goes....

Now on our spiritual journeys we are....

" required to face the shadow, go toe to toe with the darkness and

master the realm of polarity with non-attachment, non-judgment

applying perfect love and faith. This is the direct process required

of the " Ascension Resurrection " , the ability to transform anti-life

forces (also known as anti-christ) into the eternal life. (also known

as christ energies) To those Warriors of Light; you are just now

learning why your contract of polarity integration was required from

you. You are recognized, known and supported with your profound gift

and contribution to humanity.

Many of your planetary spiritual family had not recognized this

contract and you have felt alone. Understand that this level of

alchemy has been perfect, necessary and profoundly transformative for

human beings and the entire Universe.

We are now realizing the revelation inherent in those moments that

had confused us in comprehending our true purposes. Your agreements

and personal transmutation have given the gift of Ascension and

freedom as a choice available to the human race. We have all done

this together, and this was our piece of the divine co-mission.

For this family, please be aware that current Bloodline

detoxification may create symptoms such as:

skin rashes

eye issues

liver flutter

spleen flutter

digestive problems

diarrhea or changes in bowel elimination

fatigue and need for sleep

Ancestral clearings, relatives showing up suddenly, etc. "

© 2008,

This is a direct quote from a Newsletter so I Include author's

credit, copyright and include the ES website url.



If any of you would like me to copy and paste the entire current

newsletter post from which the above is only a part, that goes into

greater detail on this, feel free to send me an email and I'll get it

copied and pasted right to you! It appears that from the web site

that you would have to " join " to get the current newsletter that was

sent to me by a buddy today (and for me that would only further

complicate my life just now).

So - in the meantime, dear family - Hang in there!

We are all in this together and share many of the same emotions

during this time though individual and unique in our experiences of

it. Remember you are most precious and loved and a needed and a

dynamic part of this whole, and this whole transformation.

And also, All remain in my prayers from the heart of the sacred Black

Hills, in constancy.

Mitakuye Oyasin,




> Nothing At All




> Behold, the syllables of sadness.

> Weeping tormented words

> escaping the pencil I hold

> because you are no longer held.


> Oh the moment in time.

> The one my lonely longing mind

> grasped in blindness

> and labeled as ours.


> This one memory-

> This picture of you

> burned into the back of my eyelids

> still finds you clearly

> each and every time I blink.


> Each molecule which represented your essence,

> I still feel, taste, and hear.

> You flow through my blood totally,

> except for your heart,

> which you never gave.


> The heart.

> The single thing of who we are.

> This of you I never knew,

> and at the time, didn't care.

> The intoxication of your beauty

> overwhelmed my reasoning.


> (Sigh) I realize this now.

> What should have happened didn't,

> and what didn't should have.

> Yet I miss you dearly

> to this day,

> and tomorrow never comes.


> My soul committed suicide

> just to know and savor

> the false religion

> held in the moisture of your lips

> and your breath,

> inhaled into my lungs.

> The warmth in your eyes...


> All emotions ripped away,

> as I sit today in yesterday.

> Totally numb and void of feeling,

> except for the pain of not feeling pain.

> Tears for tears which no longer flow.

> A broken heart to fill my empty chest.

> Nothing now becomes everything.


> Everything.

> A neon sigh of what never was,

> showing the world what I now am.

> Passing faces on crowded streets

> asking what is wrong.

> My reply remains;

> " Nothing. Nothing at all " .









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dear peaceful; thank you for that acknowledgement. My words are not meant to

spread sadness but to show the strength to never give up and a reminder that we

all share the same emotions. Most simply prefer to keep them silent. So if a bad

stormy day comes just remember randy gets equally wet. May all here have a most

wonderful weekend. Randy.

----- Original Message -----

Subject: [] Re: Nothing at All (a poem)

Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 20:04:21

From: peaceablewhitebuffalo <peaceablewhitebuffalo@...>

< >

Randy Dear -

You have share " nothing at all " and at the same time EVERYTHING!

Your poem says so well the feelings of so many just now! All these

feelings you have so artistically, magically and well defined are

part of the individual and group healing process we are


Today I received an email with another interesting (and very long)

explaination of this, and couldn't resist sharing at least part of it

since it appears there are not a whole lot of posts on this site

right now. so.....here goes....

Now on our spiritual journeys we are....

" required to face the shadow, go toe to toe with the darkness and

master the realm of polarity with non-attachment, non-judgment

applying perfect love and faith. This is the direct process required

of the " Ascension Resurrection " , the ability to transform anti-life

forces (also known as anti-christ) into the eternal life. (also known

as christ energies) To those Warriors of Light; you are just now

learning why your contract of polarity integration was required from

you. You are recognized, known and supported with your profound gift

and contribution to humanity.

Many of your planetary spiritual family had not recognized this

contract and you have felt alone. Understand that this level of

alchemy has been perfect, necessary and profoundly transformative for

human beings and the entire Universe.

We are now realizing the revelation inherent in those moments that

had confused us in comprehending our true purposes. Your agreements

and personal transmutation have given the gift of Ascension and

freedom as a choice available to the human race. We have all done

this together, and this was our piece of the divine co-mission.

For this family, please be aware that current Bloodline

detoxification may create symptoms such as:

skin rashes

eye issues

liver flutter

spleen flutter

digestive problems

diarrhea or changes in bowel elimination

fatigue and need for sleep

Ancestral clearings, relatives showing up suddenly, etc. "

© 2008,

This is a direct quote from a Newsletter so I Include author's

credit, copyright and include the ES website url.

http://www.energeti csynthesis. com

************ ********* ********* ********* ******

If any of you would like me to copy and paste the entire current

newsletter post from which the above is only a part, that goes into

greater detail on this, feel free to send me an email and I'll get it

copied and pasted right to you! It appears that from the web site

that you would have to " join " to get the current newsletter that was

sent to me by a buddy today (and for me that would only further

complicate my life just now).

So - in the meantime, dear family - Hang in there!

We are all in this together and share many of the same emotions

during this time though individual and unique in our experiences of

it. Remember you are most precious and loved and a needed and a

dynamic part of this whole, and this whole transformation.

And also, All remain in my prayers from the heart of the sacred Black

Hills, in constancy.

Mitakuye Oyasin,




> Nothing At All




> Behold, the syllables of sadness.

> Weeping tormented words

> escaping the pencil I hold

> because you are no longer held.


> Oh the moment in time.

> The one my lonely longing mind

> grasped in blindness

> and labeled as ours.


> This one memory-

> This picture of you

> burned into the back of my eyelids

> still finds you clearly

> each and every time I blink.


> Each molecule which represented your essence,

> I still feel, taste, and hear.

> You flow through my blood totally,

> except for your heart,

> which you never gave.


> The heart.

> The single thing of who we are.

> This of you I never knew,

> and at the time, didn't care.

> The intoxication of your beauty

> overwhelmed my reasoning.


> (Sigh) I realize this now.

> What should have happened didn't,

> and what didn't should have.

> Yet I miss you dearly

> to this day,

> and tomorrow never comes.


> My soul committed suicide

> just to know and savor

> the false religion

> held in the moisture of your lips

> and your breath,

> inhaled into my lungs.

> The warmth in your eyes...


> All emotions ripped away,

> as I sit today in yesterday.

> Totally numb and void of feeling,

> except for the pain of not feeling pain.

> Tears for tears which no longer flow.

> A broken heart to fill my empty chest.

> Nothing now becomes everything.


> Everything.

> A neon sigh of what never was,

> showing the world what I now am.

> Passing faces on crowded streets

> asking what is wrong.

> My reply remains;

> " Nothing. Nothing at all " .









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