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Techniques For Being In The Moment

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Techniques for Being in the Moment

Ken Page


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Energetic Clearing, Balancing, and Centering Technique

The key to the success

of Heart & Soul Healing is that the entire process is self-empowering

and on going. Heart & Soul Healing is a process where you

become love. The results do not just start and stop with a class

or a private session. There are simple and specific self-empowering,

clearing and balancing techniques developed by Ken Page which CAN BE USED BY ANYONE. These techniques

are the 'Basic Fundamentals' of Heart & Soul Healing. They are a

result of information Ken and have gathered in over 20,000

personal sessions and years of workshops and seminars with people from all walks of life

and from all over the world.

Heart & Soul Healing techniques involve four basic principles:

non-projection of energythe ability and intent to stay in your own space and be in the momentthe daily incorporation into your life of a dynamic clearing process which takes, on the average, 30 to 45 seconds of your timekeeping yourself clear while you eat.

We teach these four processes, or techniques, to all of our classes and to our practitioners. We are including them into our private session work as well.

We will begin with the idea of non-projection of energy. This has been taught and

spoken about for more than 25 years in all our classes, individually

and joint: One thing continues to come to our attention: most


people are taught and continually asked to project - send out energy, light

and love to all those around them.

An interesting phenomenon

occurs when we project

anything to anybody outside of our own personal space, no matter how

innocent or well meaning our original intent is. (By projection we

mean any thoughts

or feelings sent out to influence others, visually, mentally, or spiritually,

through ideas, meditations, or prayers). All of us live with many


polarities in our third dimensional world. To impose our idea of what

should or should not be to anyone else at any time is a form of energetic

invasion of their space and their ability to be a creator. Sending

love, for example, to someone else is complicated because we might

not know



they are here to learn. We don't know what the lessons really are, or

where they are truly coming from. We might be working on humility


they might be working on guilt. As a result others may need to learn

things in a very different way than the way we might choose for ourselves.

Whatever the case, we are doing well just to clearly understand and know these

things about ourselves.

All of us know for

sure we are working on certain

lessons, we are operating with our own personal perspective of love

and we have created individual situations we are doing our best to


As we project our version of anything, (for example, love), to others,

we are immediately drawn into an energetic exchange, triggered by


polarities and distortions we may have over that particular feeling,

idea, or emotion. As a result, many of us begin to feel psychically

beat up, or pushed around, and we often have no idea why. Consider the idea

of not projecting at all. Rather than send out energy of anything,


the essence of the energy itself....in other words: BE LOVE.

Now that you are not projecting anything outward, it will be easier to stay in your own space. Proceed to the second process: the technique of clearing yourself within 30 to 45 seconds. What if we were to tell you there was a place where you were alone, 3, 4, 5 or more times a day, in complete privacy, where you basically have nothing else to do but just be? Impossible? No, not really. This place is of course, the bathroom! While this might even seem laughable to some of you, think a moment. If we said you would have to stop your busy schedule even just two times a day to change your life and even if we could give you provable results, how many of us would really follow through? This is why we are suggesting you simply begin the following clearing technique the very next time you go to the bathroom. In that moment of privacy, whether you are sitting or standing, do the following: Using your intent and focus, bring your hands up, over your head and as you relieve yourself, simply think CLEAR. As you think 'Clear', bring your hands down across the front midline of your body. This action, while your body is actually physically releasing, is a powerful affirmative process. Bring yourself into your own space. Anything you can do on a physical level is always much more powerful in our third dimensional world.

This brings us to our third technique: Being in your space and staying in the moment. Very few of us are HERE- 100% of the time - completely, totally, 100% present in our moments. Would you be surprised to know that almost without exception our energy fields can at any given time, be so far out that it can stretch from a block or two, to many miles out around where we live or work, or both? This third process begins by simply pulling yourself in, just using your conscious intent and focus. A very easy way to do this is to extend your arms out from your body, as if getting ready for a wide embrace. Focusing on that thought, begin to bring your arms in closer to yourself, enveloping and holding your own incoming energy. Bring your hand(s) to your belly button (the hara point). Continue reminding yourself that you are 'here', 'present' and ask yourself to just 'Be All Here'. Hold your hand(s) on your belly for about 10 to 15 seconds, be in the moment and bring a good feeling of love into yourself.

Just remember to love yourself like you love a sunset, a walk on the beach, sleeping in on a rainy day - anything that brings a good feeling to you. It is the energy of that good feeling that can change your vibration just one percent - loving yourself just one percent more will change your vibration. That's it! That is all there is to it.

Repeat this each time you go to the bathroom during the day and you will have consciously cleared yourself and all your fields four, five, or more times each day! Anything you do with conscious attention and focus everyday, even if it only takes 20-30 seconds of your time, will change your life. While it may seem too simple, try it for just three short days. Your life will change dramatically. Rather than being automatically drawn into reactive interactions, you will be able to remain in choice. You will be able to maintain a proactive state where you can choose how, where and when you wish to interact with others.

Bringing yourself back into your own space will benefit you on every level of your life: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The best and most helpful state of being, (for ourselves and others), is to be unconditional with ourselves. Have unconditional love for yourself - every aspect, whether you are tall, fat, big, or small. You will find and it will not take very long, be it a few days, or a few weeks, most people will start treating you very differently. You will actually become unconditional love. You will be it. It seems it is not a matter of what you say anymore, it is a matter of being what you are, of walking your talk. As you become more and more unconditional with yourself, the balance of your being ness will radiate, not project, out through the compassion you have become and people will react differently with you.

Another factor in remaining in the moment is to BREATHE! Find your breath whenever you are anxious, fearful or feel you are not thinking clearly. If you do not know where your breath is: you do not know where you are. Put 'sticky' notes all around yourself (bathroom mirror/ refrigerator door/ car dashboard) that merely say 'breathe'. Just the act of drawing in a slow breath will re-focus you and assist in quieting your mind. Three breaths can take you into a present moment space. Allow your breath to take you rather than you taking your breath without conscious awareness in that moment.

Find the timeless space and state between the past and the future by being in the moment. If you're always thinking about how you could have changed things, or done them differently, you are in the past. If you are always thinking ahead, with thoughts like " as soon as I get this done, then I can go do that, " then you¹re living in the future. The most interesting fact most of us seem to miss when we wish to change something about our life, is the only place we can ever create anything is in the moment, in the now. There is no other time for us except this moment. Do what you love to do as often as you can. Do your best to create in the timeless space of the moment. When you are in this space of creation, you're the finest reflection of Source you can be. If those around you continue to trigger you or push your buttons, remember that others usually reflect back to you the issues you've come to learn and resolve. Use those times when you get thrown off balance to go back in linear time to find and understand where the issue began. Do your best to understand the energy around the issue itself, whether it's about abandonment, self worth, trust, guilt, shame, being alone, or power and control. Until you understand the energy around the issue, your subconscious will continue to create event after event, so you can keep looking at what you came to learn. Once you understand the issue, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, a charge will no longer exist around it. Until you realize you have agreed to co-create these patterns of events to act as a catalyst to keep you focused on your issues, you will unknowingly continue to divert most of your creative energy into drawing such circumstances and people to you.

The last technique I recommend is keeping clear while you're eating. One of the things I'm finding with most of my clients is their kidneys, intestines and livers are all vibrating in similar ways, based on what they're thinking when they're eating. Because we¹re all so busy and have very little time to ourselves, what happens? How many of us eat on the run, using our meal time to think about problems, worries and troubles? What are we doing by holding those kinds of thoughts while we're simultaneously wolfing down our food? We're taking the energy of our thoughts -- worry, anger, fear, disappointment, sadness, doubt, etc -- and sending those vibrations to every cell in our bodies along with the food we're eating. Do your best to keep your thoughts clear while you¹re eating. If there's any conflict around you -- including what you're reading, watching on TV, or how you¹re interacting with others, the conflict vibration will be absorbed into your body, right along with your food. If you can't think happy thoughts' while you¹re eating, at least eat in peace and quiet.

In summary, remember to do what you love to do, bring your passion into every aspect of your life (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), center yourself in the moment, be unconditional with yourself and hold compassion for others. By doing so you will change your life more than you can possibly imagine. When you find yourself in the moment, not projecting outwardly, but being in your own space, being love and expressing unconditional love for yourself, you will begin to resonate more and more of what you truly are. You'll find you can bring in all aspects of yourself. You'll become more holographic as your vibration changes and you no longer vibrate with the lower polarities.

I realize some of the things I've suggested may be different from the way you may have been taught in the past. Please consider what I've suggested. Work with it for a short time and see what happens. Remember, no projections at all: no projection on what you want for your kids, your partner or even the world! Just stay in your space, loving, respecting and being one with yourself, while being love. Do your best to always create in a space where you're happy and playful. If you find yourself in a spiral of emotions or confusion, do something physical - dance, play, take a walk - breathe and break that spiral. Get yourself back into a centered, balanced state. Only create within that space. Love, accept and honor yourself for the unique being you are. Spend just a few moments a day on yourself, being love and you will change your life!

And most importantly, remember to play!


LIGHT ARTS, ADL., Heart & Soul Healing, HSH, Multidimensional Cellular

Healing, MCH, Living Light Breath-Unity Consciousness, INscension, Third Eye

of Horus Mystery School, Gates of Quan Yin, Blended Energy, Bio-Energetic and

Holographic RePatterning, are all trademarked names belonging to Ken Page,

Nester and

Clear Light







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