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Imbue Everything With Love Thankyou Lightworkers Blog

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Imbue Everything With Love Body: ______________________________Imbue Everything With Loveby Ann

Albersvisionsofheaven. com______________________________Enjoy your lives dear ones! You will always have things to handle, dishes to be done, bills to be paid, people to deal with and yet these things are not obstacles to living your life, they are part of it! God never said you couldn't rest until your chores are done. God never said that you couldn't smile and laugh while the lawsuit or the foreclosure is pending. God never said a separation had to be filled with angst and unpleasantness. God would

ask instead, that you imbue all your actions, all your words, all your tasks, chores and situations with love.LOVE TRANSFORMS - You are the lights in a world that is in turmoil at present. You are the souls who remember that love is the magical elixer of life. You are the ones called to remember that love transforms any situation, no matter how challenging into its highest form. If you are involved in a situation with others that is unpleasant, bless it and send love to all involved. Picture that all involved remember their divine light and don't forget to ask God to help you rememer your own.Love raises

people up to be their best or at the very least to be done with you and leave you alone. Love either draws the positive up and out of people or repels their darkness. Love, dear ones, is what you all seek. Send love via your prayers, kind words, and loving actions out into the world. This does not require you to put up with anything intolerable at all but rather to do and say whatever you have to do and say with love.You can say NO with love. You can set a firm boundary with love. You can fire an employee, if you must, with love, and have the difficult conversations, with love. You can ignore bad behaviors with love. You can do anything you do dear ones, with love. You can say anything you have to

say with a recognition of the divine spark within others. You can ignore behaviors that do not exemplify the truth of a person's soul. And in far more pleasant scenarios you can be the light of God for a stranger who looks like they need a smile, a friendly hello, or an uplifting compliment. You can be the one to imbue a situation that is tense with gentle humor. You can be the hope for another by helping them to believe in themselves and God's love for them.Be the lights in the world dear one. Do not engage in lower behaviors that others would try to draw you into. Do not allow the news, the economy, the talk of wars to draw you into believing that anything other than God

is in charge. If you worship God dear ones, you will draw love into your lives. If you worship the false idols of the world, you must then deal with what they bring. Do not allow anger to run your lives. Do not allow sadness to possess you. Allow yourselves your feelings, then allow them to wash from you and allow the light of God's love to refill the emptiness they leave. Sit, breathe, pray and all will be well and you will dwell in the eternal truth of God's love and be that for the world.Lightworkers Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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