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Not-So-Random Acts of Kindness

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"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. " ~ Penn

You Can Make Your Own Life Better by Doing One or Two ofThese Simple Acts of Kindness Every Week:

1. Write a note of appreciation to your mail and newspaper carriers.2. Compliment a stranger, with sincerity and a smile.3. If you know someone in financial difficulty, anonymously mail them $5, $10 or $20.4. Look for anything that can be put away, fixed or picked up. ...(put shopping carts away, pick up some trash, fix something that's fallen over ...etc.) 5. Give a lottery ticket to a stranger. 6. Volunteer your time at a charitable organization.7. Write a note to management about an individual who has treated you nicely while doing their job. ...(a waiter or waitress, grocery clerk, sales person, mechanic ...etc)8. Buy something for a stranger from their Amazon.com Wishlist. 9. Cut an article out of the newspaper that would interest a friend and mail it to them. 10. Leave 'Have a Nice Day' stickers for a receptionist or front desk. 11. Clean up gravestones at a local cemetery.12. When you go out to dinner, order a dessert to go and give it to a neighbor.13. Send a card to someone in the military overseas. 14. Start a conversation with a co-worker that you don't know.15. Tutor a child in your neighborhood.16. Put change in the slots of a row of vending machines. 17. Visit a nursing home and spend time with a person who doesn't get visitors. 18. Put an item you no longer need on Craig's List Free Spot for your community.19. Leave something for someone at an area where it might be most used.....(a book in reading area, an umbrella near door on rainy day, a few magazines at an airport ...etc.)20. Pay for the toll charge of the car behind you. 21. Drop off a toy or game at a hospital or a homeless shelter.22. Get some groceries for a financially-struggling family.23. Mow someone's lawn, rake their leaves or shovel their snow. 24. Get a picture you have taken of a friend and send it to them with a note recalling when it was taken. 25. Offer to baby sit for free. 26. Offer to change the oil, filter or the like for a "non car" person....27. Take flowers to a hospital ward and give them to someone who hasn't had visitors lately. 28. Volunteer to read to children at the library.29. When you fill up a click card for free coffee, free gift, or whatever, give the card to a stranger.30. Make a CD of your favorite songs and give it to a friend. 31. Donate whatever it is that you do as a gift for another person — 1 hour, 1 product, 1 class or seminar ...etc.32. Invite an individual who is alone over to your place for dinner. 33. Share a comic strip or something funny with someone else. 34. Leave a cheery or nice treat, like candy or a flower, on your co-workers' desks.35. Write a note, send an e-greeting 'just to say hello' to a person who might need a pick-me-up.36. Visit hospitals with lots of smiles and friendly conversation for all of the patients. 37. At the post office leave a few extra stamps next to the stamp machine.38. Put a quarter in a parking meter that has expired for the car that's parked there. 39. Write a thank-you note to a person from your past who has made a difference in your life. 40. Drop off a plant, flowers or baked goods at a public service organization. 41. Send out animated greeting cards on the Internet at Thanksgiving or other holiday. 42. Buy coffee or tea or soda for the individual who's behind you in line. 43. Drop off a teddy bear to a police department to give to traumatized children. 44. Take some cake, chocolates, flowers etc. to a neighbor or a senior citizen nearby.45. Copy a favorite recipe and give it to someone who loves to cook.46. Buy a copy of your favorite book and donate it to your local library or hospital. 47. Write letters of appreciation to hospital employees and other groups who are helping the community. 48. Send a card with a photo of yourself to a friend or relative you haven't seen for some time.49. Buy a phone card and give to a homeless shelter for them to give out. 50. Anonymously send someone you know an item you think they would enjoy.....(a scratch card, theater ticket, gift voucher, a funny card, movie tickets, book ...etc.)51. Put change in a charity change bottle.52. Let the person who is behind you in line at the store go ahead of you. 53. Donate clothes and household items to Goodwill or other organizations.54. Make a point of introducing yourself to someone you see often, but never say 'Hi" to.55. Pay for the meal of a man or woman sitting by themselves when you are eating out.56. Tape some change to a pay phone with a card saying that it's for whomever needs it.57. Write anonymous, encouraging post-its for strangers to find. 58. Help a neighbor or family member weed or plant a garden.59. Cook a family dish for a busy mom/dad so that she/he can take a break for a night.60. When you go out, ask the people around you if you can pick up, drop off or do something for THEM at the same time.

Excerpted from: www.daretobeanangel.com

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