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Food As Medicine: Rice, Grains, Congee

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Food As Medicine: Rice, Grains, Congee

Grains are the staple of most diets all over the world. A rich source

of vitamins and minerals, grains can be used for a variety of

ailments based on not only their nutritional value but on their taste

and temperature as well.

Healing Properties of Grain

Amaranth - Cooling thermal nature, dries dampness, benefits the

lungs, high in protein (15-18%), fiber, amino acids (lysine and

methionine), vitamin C, and calcium. It contains more calcium and the

supporting calcium cofactors (magnesium and silicon) than milk.

Barley - Cooling thermal nature, sweet and salty flavor, strengthens

the spleen-pancreas, regulates the stomach, and fortifies the

intestines. Builds the blood and yin fluids and moistens dryness,

promotes diuresis, benefits the gallbladder and nerves, very easily

digested. A decoction of 2 oz. pearl barley or roasted whole barley

toa quart of water is traditionally used for convalescents and

invalids, treats diarrhea, soothes inflamed membranes, alleviates

painful and difficult urination, quells fever, helps reduce tumors,

swellings, and watery accumulations such as edema.

Buckwheat - Neutral thermal nature, sweet flavor, cleans and

strengthens the intestines and improves appetite. Is effective for

treating dysentery and chronic diarrhea. Rutin, a bioflavonoid found

in buckwheat, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, inhibits

hemorrhages, reduces blood pressure, and increases circulation to the

hands and feet. Rutin is also an antidote against x-rays and other

forms of radiation.

Corn - Neutral thermal nature, sweet flavor, diuretic, nourishes the

physical heart, influences the stomach, improves appetite, and hleps

regulate digestion, promotes healthy teeth and gums, tonifies the

kidneys and helps overcome sexual weakness. Drink a tea decoction

made from whole dried kernels to treat kidney disease.

Millet - Cooling thermal nature, sweet and salty flavor, diuretic,

strengthens the kidneys, beneficial to stomach and spleen-pancreas,

builds the yin fluids, moistens dryness, alkalizing, balances over-

acid conditions, sweetens breath by retarding bacteria growth in

mouth, high amino acid profile and rich silicon content, helps

prevent miscarriage, anti-fungal, one of the best grains for those

with Candida albicans overgrowth. Also useful for diarrhea, vomiting,

indigestion, and diabetes. Soothes morning sickness.

Oats - Warming thermal nature, sweet and slightly bitter flavor,

soothing, restores nervous and reproductive systems, strengthens

spleen-pancreas, builds and regulates qi energy, removes cholesterol

from the digestive tract and arteries, strengthens cardiac muscles.

Can be used in cases of dysentery, diabetes, hepatitis, nervous and

sexual debility, indigestion and swelling including abdominal

bloating. One of the richest silicon foods, oats help renew the bones

and all connective tissues. oats also contain phosphurus, required

for brain and nerve formulation during youth.

Quinoa - Warming thermal nature, sweet and sour flavor, generally

strengthening for the whole body, specifically tonifies the kidney

yang(warming and energizing function of the body) and the pericardium

functions. Compared wit other grains, it has the highest protein

content. Contains more calcium than milk and is higher in fat content

than any grain. A very good source of iron, phoshorous, B vitamins,

and vitamin E.

Wild Rice Cooling thermal nature, sweet and bitter flavor, diuretic,

benefits the kidneys and bladder. Has more protein than other rice.

It is rich in minerals and B vitamins and is a hardy food for cold

climates, it cools the superficial tissues and concentrates warmth in

the interior and lower body areas.

Healing Properties of Congee

Traditionally known as " hsi-fan " or rice water, congee is eaten

throughout China as a breakfast food. It is thin porridge or gruel

consisting of a handful of rice simmered in five to six times the

amount of water. Although rice is the most common grain for congees,

millet, spelt, or other grains are sometimes used. Cook the rice and

water in a covered pot for 4-6 hours on warm, or use a crock pot. It

is better to use too much water than too little, and it is said the

longer congee cooks, the more powerful it becomes.

The healing properties of this simple rice soup are that they can

easily be digested and assimilated, tonifies the blood and the Qi

energy, harmonizes the digestion, and is demulcent, cooling, and

nourishing. Since the chronically ill person often has weak blood and

low energy, and easily develops inflammations and other heat symptoms

from deficiency of yin fluids, the cooling , demulcent and tonifying

properties of congee are particularly welcome. it is useful for

increasing a nursing mother's supply of milk. The liquid can be

strained from the porridge to drink as a supplement for infants and

for serious conditions.

Other therapeutic properties may be added to the congee by cooking

appropriate vegetables, grains, herbs, or meats in with the rice

water. Since the rice itself strengthens the spleen-pancreas

digestive center, other foods added to a rice congee become more

completely assimilated, and their properties are therefore enhanced.

Listed below are some of the more common rice-based congees and their

specific effects.

Aduki Bean - Diuretic: curative for edema and gout.

Apricot Kernel - Recommended for coughs and asthma, expels sputum and

intestinal gas.

Carrot - Digestive aid, eliminates flatulence.

Celery - Cooling in summer, benefits large intestine.

Chestnut - Tonifies kidneys, strengthens knees and groin, useful in

treating anal hemorrhages.

Water Chestnut - Cooling to the viscera, benefits digestive organs.

Chicken or Mutton Broth - Recommended for wasting illnesses and


Duck or Carp Broth - Reduces edema and swelling.

Fennel - Harmonizes stomach, expels gas, cures hernia.

Ginger - Warming and antiseptic to viscera, used for deficient cold

digestive weakness, diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting and indigestion.

Kidney from Pig, Sheep or Deer - Strengthens kidneys, benefits knees

and lower back, treats impotence.(use organic kidney)

Leek - Warming to viscera, good for chronic diarrhea.

Liver from Sheep or Chicken - Benefits diseases of the liver, very


Mallow - Moistening for feverishness, aids digestion.

Mung Bean - Cooling, especially for summer heat, reduces fevers,

thirst relieving.

Mustard - Expels phlegm, clears stomach congestion.

Onion - Diaphoretic, lubricating to muscles. Rich in sulfur compounds

called Thiosulfinates-they are anti-inflammatory and contain Vitamin

C, Quercetin and a powerful antioxidant.

Black Pepper - Expels gas, recommended for pain in bowels.

Red Pepper- Prevents malaria and cold conditions.

Pine Nut Kernel - Moistening to heart and lungs, harmonizes large

intestine, useful in wind diseases and constipation.

Poppy Seed - Relieves vomiting and benefits large intestine.

Purslane - Detoxifies, recommended for rheumatism and swellings.

Radish - Digestant, benefits the diaphragm.

Pickled Radish (salt) - Benefits digestion and blood.

Brown Rice - Diuretic, thirst quenching, nourishing, good for nursing


Sweet Rice - Demulcent, used for diarrhea, vomiting and indigestion.

Scallion Bulb - Cures cold diarrhea in the aged.

Sesame Seed - Moistening to the intestines, treats rheumatism.

Shepherd's Purse - Brightens the eyes and benefits the liver.

Spinach - Harmonizes and moistening the viscera, sedative.

Taro Root - Nutritious, aids the stomach, builds blood.

Wheat - Cooling, used with fevers, clears digestive tract, also

calming and sedating due to wheat's nourishing effect on the heart.

Yogurt and Honey - Beneficial to heart and lungs.

*** The rice, grain and congee information has been taken from

Healing With Whole Foods by Pitchford. This is an excellent

resource book that we highly recommend to anyone wishing enhanced


Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac


Therapies for healing

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Humanity Healing Network 9947 Hull Street Road Suite 117 Richmond, VA 23236-1412 .(804)-859-3395

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