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The Ego's True Role in the Rapid Acceleration of Inner Technologies By DL Zeta

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The Ego's True Role in the Rapid Acceleration of Inner Technologies

From the Journals of DL Zeta

Our inner technologies can be likened to the development of technology

in the physical world. Each piece of technology we engineer in the

material world corresponds to a counterpart in our " inner technology. "

For example, a camera corresponds with the creative ability of

visualization. Our " inner snapshots " can be compared to our

material-world ability to take photographs and store memories.

The camera is a good device to illustrate the rapid acceleration of

change in inner technology many are experiencing. Not too long ago --

10 or 15 years -- cameras didn't change that quickly. There were

advancements here and there, but a basic 35mm camera didn't change

much from year-to-year. Now a state-of-the-art digital camera is

pretty much obsolete within a year. This can be compared with how

rapidly our " inner technologies " are advancing.

As Light Warriors and Lightworkers, we are used to downloading our

next assignment and proceeding at a certain pace toward its

completion. For the most part, we have relied on books, teachers and

life school to provide us with the tools needed to fulfill those

assignments. We are now receiving visions that require us to expand

our understanding of new technology in the physical world. This

understanding helps us engage our rapidly-expanding repertoire of

inner technologies.

Expanding our aptitude of these inner and outer advancements in

technology often requires our ego to come into a place of surrender

more quickly than ever before. Part of this surrender may be releasing

our resistance to learning new technologies in the physical world.

When we say things like " I'm unable to use a computer, " or " I don't

know how to download a file, " or " Digital cameras are too

complicated, " we are shutting ourselves off from activating important

new inner technologies. These inner technologies allow us to step more

quickly into the movement toward ascension consciousness.

The Ego's True Role in Spiritual Evolution

This brings us to an important point about the ego's true role in our

spiritual growth and expansion. Many people have mistakenly granted

their ego way too much authority and power in managing their spiritual

growth. They do this by allowing the ego to decide what spiritual

guidance it will follow. When following guidance, many choose the

" path of most convenience, " preferring not to challenge their current

skill level or cause their ego discomfort by taking risks and

attempting new and unfamiliar things. In some cases, the ego even

attempts to " micro-manage " or revise downloads of guidance to suit its

present comfort levels. This results in slow spiritual development and

even stagnation.

The ego's true role in carrying out spiritual " assignments " is to

distill the essence of the downloads and find ways to carry them out

here " on the ground " in physical reality. This is the ego's proper

domain - navigating physical reality and finding ways to carry out

that guidance, not questioning the guidance. This is where some

Lightworkers and Light Warriors struggle.

When spirit asks you to learn something new - to take leaps within

yourself and to step beyond what you've previously seen for yourself -

be willing to follow this vision. Many still struggle with learning

the basics of the Internet, accumulating backlogs of spiritual

assignments that make it increasingly difficult to navigate the

changes taking place in their lives. This leaves many feeling

overwhelmed with the rapidly changing energies and what they are

asking from each of us.

On some level, we know that taking these steps, mastering our own

latent inner technologies changes us in ways we can't foresee. It

changes our resonance, our vision, our perception and our field of

possibilities. In some cases, relationships are de-magnetized, lives

change, we are drawn to leave jobs, cities, old friends and old ways

of being. As we trust in spirit and make these changes and the

accompanying leaps toward allowing the activation of our inner

technologies, we come into a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose.

We move past old beliefs and thought patterns that once held us fast,

enslaving us to physical reality. In some ways, we no longer feel

ourselves to be the same person. This happens when a new aspect of our

higher self steps in and becomes our guiding star.

As these new entities guide us, our identity shifts. Our life changes.

Our experience of the same event or person changes. This is the path

of spirit, ever-changing, ever flowing, aligned with the spirit of

freedom, the movement toward self-realization, which blesses us within

every moment and in turn allows us to become a blessing to all we

know, all we come into contact with.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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