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Re: Crossroads and Transitions by Zany Mystic

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Hello Zany, Do I have your permission to post this on the blogs over NING? and Over Myspace? With all the credits to you, of course.:-) Hugs and loveLiane>> Sunday, September 14, 2008> Crossroads and Transitions> > > > > Life appears to be going on as we know it. A time approaches, > however, when everything shifts with greater significance than > September 11, 2001. Again, in an instant, nothing will ever be the > same. Actually, nothing is ever the same in any given moment, but > there are also decisive moments in the collective. "Change" is so > very close that it seems a bit "moronic" and sad to see people going > about their business without a clue. At the spirit or soul level, > we're all aware and in the "now". But the play of life, in which we > agreed to assume certain roles, and awaken in time or not, is about > to come to a finale; at least as we have known it until now. This > coming transition will be far more disturbing to the masses, but > sufficiently problematic for lightworkers. We who strive towards > service to others, anchoring light and love, in the awakening process > whether it began decades ago or just today, will need to unite at the > level of spirit and remain out of fear. United we stand, divided� you > know.> > We can already see visible cracks in the dike of our floating empire > now, and nary a finger to poke in it, so busy are we obsessed in our > denial over trifles. Also, numerous "upgrades" occur internally, at > the Quantum levels. This is a tricky and potentially disturbing part > of coming events. I hear and see "alarm clocks" going off everywhere > I look. In some cases, the old paradigms will be paved over with new > ones. In other instances, the plumbing will have to be cut off at the > base and new improved fittings installed. One might wonder why we > didn't use copper tubing in the first place, but asking silly > questions that begin with "why" are circular in nature and go > nowhere. A valid question is "How does this situation affect my life, > and what steps can I take to raise my vibration?" Knowing when to cut > one's losses is an asset in many personal situations, then taking > action towards manifesting one's true desires.> > Tempers are flaring; the near future holds unpredictable human > outbursts. A wise person creates a space of solace and contemplation, > a "safe place" where one can "be". It might not be a bad idea to > stock up on necessities, "just in case" one chooses to remain at home > for a few days, and not have to venture out into the madding crowds. > This is not a good time to be "accessorizing" with new clothes or > expensive gadgets. Stocking up on food, bottled water, candles and > survival supplies represent money wisely spent, even if those > supplies are never needed. Peace of mind in 3D is a positive state to > be in right now. Cutting oneself a wide berth and a lot of slack and > acceptance is crucial. What was important today will not seem so > tomorrow. Be prepared to reassess priorities, knowing they may shift > in a heartbeat. It doesn't take a psychic or channeler to "see", > although there is some wonderful information being shared from those > who channel and others. Still, one must go within for any and all > information. No one else "out there" can do that for us.> > We are all at varying stages in the awakening process, and that too > is shifting from moment to moment. I'm trying to describe a "feeling" > or portent that I haven't felt before. It's part apprehension, part > excitement and awe, and part "unknown". We fear what we don't > understand, but this is a case where we should fear what we DO > understand. Let go of understandings, beliefs, ideas, concepts and > attachments; at the least, hold them more "loosely". Stay in truth > and integrity; remain "heart centered" and think before acting or > speaking. Okay, maybe that's a tall order! But it doesn't need to > happen all at once; we benefit from remaining the Observer and not > identifying with our personality and ego. Working at the level of > thought and emotion, before they manifest, is good practice for > moving back into "instant manifestation" from whence we originally > emerged.> > By clearing the slate, erasing the blackboard, we create "the space" > for our Selves to show up. We're already connected, but like a radio > station some are more "tuned in" than others. Plus, there's a great > deal of prior interference from the frequency barriers established by > those who design us as servants to be controlled, as they are in > service to self. Service to self requires others to serve, and tends > to become increasingly confining for the controlled as it is a > contraction of energies, a "containment". Service to others is > expansive and allows for empowering the part, which is the whole > simultaneously. It is less distorted, in that duality of "us and > them" is neither an issue or a reality. It's possible to retain the > uniqueness of a snowflake, while being all of the snow > simultaneously. Of course, we're the snow, the mountains, fire, air > and beyond. Truth is, we're in the perfect place in the perfect > moment in every "now".> > What makes the difference between comfort, drama, problems and > harmony is a matter of moving away from the egoic-self, and releasing > all that is not "real", which is just about everything. How do we > know what "to do" in any moment? By following our intuition, reading > the "signs", moving in synchronicity; most of all, following our > desires and bliss regardless of circumstances, income or other's > opinions. Remember, we are "Masters of Limitation. We are not only in > one of the "toughest schools in the Universe" for our own expansion > and growth, but as future Ambassadors for other Galactic > civilizations which have become "complacent" in their lack of > polarity. Some advanced societies have become so accustomed to the > manner in which manifestation occurs, automatically, that a great > imbalance was created. The Creator, over eons, tried many different > approaches to a "fix". Many galaxies were completely eliminated and > started "anew". Yet, at the level of a "creator god", having to > destroy galaxies was the least desirable.> > Thus began the "isolation" or creation of a "higher density" in which > the Creator could extract or harvest the cream of the crop, let's say > those aspects that were in a sense "fondly thought of". Yes, this > will upset many who claim that everything is equal, and on many > levels this is quite true. Remember, with paradox, which is where we > are living and moving towards, everything is "true". So at some > levels none are "greater or lesser than", and on others, some aspects > are considered with what could be interpreted as "fondness". It's how > we eventually choose a very small group that we trust, enjoy spending > time with, and want to "be around". We're learning to be Gurus of > Diversity to expand into other Universes, Galaxies and systems, to > teach. We do more than "bust them", as the Pleiadians amusedly > described our efforts; we are Ambassadors and teachers, on equal > footing, yet not. Advanced civilizations, which have technology far > beyond our present dreams, may greet us with a intolerance and > resistance. Yet, here we are, at the "Creator's request", teaching > how to create through transforming the very adversity which they have > culled out over eons of time.> > The New Kids on the Block> > This will become a great challenge for those who choose to continue > in this aspect of many aspects of service. How to gain the respect > and trust of those so far ahead of us that we appear to them as > baboons. We will have done the work, suffered the "hardships", > learned how creation works at the quantum levels, then must learn how > to teach those we hold in awe. We have large challenges ahead, > regardless of choices. This world seems to be tipping the scales in > terms of challenges, but rest assured: planet earth at this time of > transition is ascending and we are unique parts of this ascension. > Not to worry; with full consciousness, memories and powers restored, > there will be no problem fulfilling the vast nature of our being, as > we already are "that". As it was in the beginning, it shall be once > more. We are the Alpha and the Omega. Begin to open to the > possibility. Start acting and living "as if" there might be some > truth here. I assure you, my friends, there is much more truth than I > can begin to comprehend. Yet, it's arriving, and right on schedule, > as we designed. Trust your Selves, and follow your Bliss!> > Zany Mystic> > http://www.zanymystic.blogspot.com/>

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> >

> > Sunday, September 14, 2008

> > Crossroads and Transitions

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Life appears to be going on as we know it. A time approaches,

> > however, when everything shifts with greater significance than

> > September 11, 2001. Again, in an instant, nothing will ever be the

> > same. Actually, nothing is ever the same in any given moment, but

> > there are also decisive moments in the collective. " Change " is so

> > very close that it seems a bit " moronic " and sad to see people


> > about their business without a clue. At the spirit or soul level,

> > we're all aware and in the " now " . But the play of life, in which


> > agreed to assume certain roles, and awaken in time or not, is


> > to come to a finale; at least as we have known it until now. This

> > coming transition will be far more disturbing to the masses, but

> > sufficiently problematic for lightworkers. We who strive towards

> > service to others, anchoring light and love, in the awakening


> > whether it began decades ago or just today, will need to unite at


> > level of spirit and remain out of fear. United we stand,


> you

> > know.

> >

> > We can already see visible cracks in the dike of our floating


> > now, and nary a finger to poke in it, so busy are we obsessed in


> > denial over trifles. Also, numerous " upgrades " occur internally,


> > the Quantum levels. This is a tricky and potentially disturbing


> > of coming events. I hear and see " alarm clocks " going off


> > I look. In some cases, the old paradigms will be paved over with


> > ones. In other instances, the plumbing will have to be cut off at


> > base and new improved fittings installed. One might wonder why we

> > didn't use copper tubing in the first place, but asking silly

> > questions that begin with " why " are circular in nature and go

> > nowhere. A valid question is " How does this situation affect my


> > and what steps can I take to raise my vibration? " Knowing when to


> > one's losses is an asset in many personal situations, then taking

> > action towards manifesting one's true desires.

> >

> > Tempers are flaring; the near future holds unpredictable human

> > outbursts. A wise person creates a space of solace and


> > a " safe place " where one can " be " . It might not be a bad idea to

> > stock up on necessities, " just in case " one chooses to remain at


> > for a few days, and not have to venture out into the madding


> > This is not a good time to be " accessorizing " with new clothes or

> > expensive gadgets. Stocking up on food, bottled water, candles and

> > survival supplies represent money wisely spent, even if those

> > supplies are never needed. Peace of mind in 3D is a positive

state to

> > be in right now. Cutting oneself a wide berth and a lot of slack


> > acceptance is crucial. What was important today will not seem so

> > tomorrow. Be prepared to reassess priorities, knowing they may


> > in a heartbeat. It doesn't take a psychic or channeler to " see " ,

> > although there is some wonderful information being shared from


> > who channel and others. Still, one must go within for any and all

> > information. No one else " out there " can do that for us.

> >

> > We are all at varying stages in the awakening process, and that


> > is shifting from moment to moment. I'm trying to describe

a " feeling "

> > or portent that I haven't felt before. It's part apprehension,


> > excitement and awe, and part " unknown " . We fear what we don't

> > understand, but this is a case where we should fear what we DO

> > understand. Let go of understandings, beliefs, ideas, concepts and

> > attachments; at the least, hold them more " loosely " . Stay in truth

> > and integrity; remain " heart centered " and think before acting or

> > speaking. Okay, maybe that's a tall order! But it doesn't need to

> > happen all at once; we benefit from remaining the Observer and not

> > identifying with our personality and ego. Working at the level of

> > thought and emotion, before they manifest, is good practice for

> > moving back into " instant manifestation " from whence we originally

> > emerged.

> >

> > By clearing the slate, erasing the blackboard, we create " the

space "

> > for our Selves to show up. We're already connected, but like a


> > station some are more " tuned in " than others. Plus, there's a


> > deal of prior interference from the frequency barriers

established by

> > those who design us as servants to be controlled, as they are in

> > service to self. Service to self requires others to serve, and


> > to become increasingly confining for the controlled as it is a

> > contraction of energies, a " containment " . Service to others is

> > expansive and allows for empowering the part, which is the whole

> > simultaneously. It is less distorted, in that duality of " us and

> > them " is neither an issue or a reality. It's possible to retain


> > uniqueness of a snowflake, while being all of the snow

> > simultaneously. Of course, we're the snow, the mountains, fire,


> > and beyond. Truth is, we're in the perfect place in the perfect

> > moment in every " now " .

> >

> > What makes the difference between comfort, drama, problems and

> > harmony is a matter of moving away from the egoic-self, and


> > all that is not " real " , which is just about everything. How do we

> > know what " to do " in any moment? By following our intuition,


> > the " signs " , moving in synchronicity; most of all, following our

> > desires and bliss regardless of circumstances, income or other's

> > opinions. Remember, we are " Masters of Limitation. We are not

only in

> > one of the " toughest schools in the Universe " for our own


> > and growth, but as future Ambassadors for other Galactic

> > civilizations which have become " complacent " in their lack of

> > polarity. Some advanced societies have become so accustomed to the

> > manner in which manifestation occurs, automatically, that a great

> > imbalance was created. The Creator, over eons, tried many


> > approaches to a " fix " . Many galaxies were completely eliminated


> > started " anew " . Yet, at the level of a " creator god " , having to

> > destroy galaxies was the least desirable.

> >

> > Thus began the " isolation " or creation of a " higher density " in


> > the Creator could extract or harvest the cream of the crop, let's


> > those aspects that were in a sense " fondly thought of " . Yes, this

> > will upset many who claim that everything is equal, and on many

> > levels this is quite true. Remember, with paradox, which is where


> > are living and moving towards, everything is " true " . So at some

> > levels none are " greater or lesser than " , and on others, some


> > are considered with what could be interpreted as " fondness " . It's


> > we eventually choose a very small group that we trust, enjoy


> > time with, and want to " be around " . We're learning to be Gurus of

> > Diversity to expand into other Universes, Galaxies and systems, to

> > teach. We do more than " bust them " , as the Pleiadians amusedly

> > described our efforts; we are Ambassadors and teachers, on equal

> > footing, yet not. Advanced civilizations, which have technology


> > beyond our present dreams, may greet us with a intolerance and

> > resistance. Yet, here we are, at the " Creator's request " , teaching

> > how to create through transforming the very adversity which they


> > culled out over eons of time.

> >

> > The New Kids on the Block

> >

> > This will become a great challenge for those who choose to


> > in this aspect of many aspects of service. How to gain the respect

> > and trust of those so far ahead of us that we appear to them as

> > baboons. We will have done the work, suffered the " hardships " ,

> > learned how creation works at the quantum levels, then must learn


> > to teach those we hold in awe. We have large challenges ahead,

> > regardless of choices. This world seems to be tipping the scales


> > terms of challenges, but rest assured: planet earth at this time


> > transition is ascending and we are unique parts of this ascension.

> > Not to worry; with full consciousness, memories and powers


> > there will be no problem fulfilling the vast nature of our being,


> > we already are " that " . As it was in the beginning, it shall be


> > more. We are the Alpha and the Omega. Begin to open to the

> > possibility. Start acting and living " as if " there might be some

> > truth here. I assure you, my friends, there is much more truth

than I

> > can begin to comprehend. Yet, it's arriving, and right on


> > as we designed. Trust your Selves, and follow your Bliss!

> >

> > Zany Mystic

> >

> > http://www.zanymystic.blogspot.com/

> >


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