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September Empath news letter

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Empath Connection Newsletter Information for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People. SEPTEMBER 2008 It's your friend , and welcome to the September 2008 issue - which is packed with information and ideas to make your life easier as an energetically and spiritually sensitive individual. LIVING IN TWO WORLDS: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ying and yang. Left and right. Negative polarity and positive polarity. Sky and Earth. What do these terms all have in common? They all relate to various ways to describe the inherent masculine and feminine natures of individuals, animals, and objects. As an empath or highly sensitive person, you know what it's like to exist in two worlds. You know the world of spirit like the back of your hand, and you also know (and sometimes are less

comfortable with!) the world of Earth. Two different frequences. Two different energy polarities. One of the most important aspects of being a conscious empath is to learn how to exist in a state of balance between worlds - the world of Spirit and the world of Earth. And as strange as it may sound, this is entirely analagous to living in balance between masculine and feminine energy. God, Great Spirit, or Creator - whatever term you use to call the Source energy - has blessed each of us with unique energetic signatures. That's a fancy way of saying we each are different, especially when it comes to our inherent gender and sexual makeup. Each of us have an inborn amount of both masculine and feminine energy. For the majority of

us, one end of the spectrum naturally comes much easier than the other. One of the goals of emotional & spiritual maturity is to live in a state of balance between these two polarities. But what about those of you who are gay or lesbian? You exist in a state where you are constantly moving between two ADDITIONAL worlds - that of the feminine and masculine Earthly natures. You are doubly gifted! Traditionally, in almost all of the First Nation or American Indian tribes, there have been the "two-spirits," those who are gay or lesbian. It's actually considered by some to be a third gender. Sometimes two-spirits are referred to as "berdache," which in actuality is a quite sexist term originally given by ignorant Europeans meaning "kept boy." Terminology aside, because of their unique gifts, it is much easier for gay or lesbian

two-spirited individuals to tap into both the masculine and feminine energy polarities. Therefore, it is also easier for them to bring the masculine energy of Father Sky (the heavens) down to Mother Earth. Because of this, they have traditionally been the healers, shamans, and medicine men of the tribes. A far cry from the historical banishment they have experienced from most institutional religions. Early on in my training, one of the first things my medicine man teacher had me do was to wear a dress during spiritual ceremony. He was one of the most masculine men I have ever met, and yet he was telling me to wear a dress? When we were in ceremony, all the other men could wear their normal clothes. I had to wear a dress, and I was not exactly

thrilled about it.Over the course of the last half-decade, I have come to embrace the feminine aspect of my nature. In fact, without access to that Power, the profound work that I do in Inner Power Coaching would be almost entirely useless. Before and after each session, I invoke and help you to call upon on the Divine Feminine energy that is the very basis of healing. There was a very good reason why my teacher had me wear a dress! In the new Empath Toolkit Seminar, I share an exercise that you can do to help become aware of how the gender & sexual energy polarities manifest physically in every person based on our appearances. Eastern medicine has always appreciated that certain parts of the body are either masculine or feminine in nature. The physical manifestation and shape of our faces actually tell a GREAT deal about how well we are using (or not using) our masculine or feminine powers. That information is quite detailed and goes beyond this little article. And yet there is a profound amount of power and beauty contained in the energies of Father Sky

and Mother Earth. If you've never considered why we call our Earth a "mother," then now is your invitation to find out! There is a good reason why she's called that. Once you learn why, then you will be more fully able to live in a state of balance and harmony! Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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