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The Secret to Ascension: It's You by Debbie Milam

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So many teachers have come forward speaking of the ascension we are experiencing. Each speaking so lovingly, sharing so much wisdom. Today I bring forth a different perspective. One that varies greatly from many other master teachers, one that I have found great comfort in living. Are the other teachers wrong in what they believe ascension is? No, they are simply sharing their perspective. Each of us holds a truth that is illuminated by our own experiences, values, beliefs, and purpose on the planet. We are all beautifully and uniquely different and yet, within our differences there is unity and oneness. The miraculous thing is that so many teachers are coming forward to offer you a buffet of perspectives so you alone can discover your truth.Today the choice is yours as to what you choose to embrace.Know that the guidance being offered is brought with the greatest love and appreciation, that we are here to collectively and individually experience a time of great awakening.

The Secret to Ascension: It is You

Today as I was walking surrounded by swaying Banyan trees, graceful butterflies and luminescent dragonflies God spoke to my heart as he often does when I need it the most. It was the most miraculous encounter. All of life, all of nature is in perfect order. The ascension and the new earth so many speak of is created by each of you individually, as you embrace the fullness of your lives. The earth has been changing since the beginning of time, what is changing most dramatically now is each of you. As each of you become whole and complete the world indeed will be very different.Be easy and gentle with yourself and what you view as your problems. The eternal nature of life is constantly shifting, changing, dying and renewing and it is all ok. If you knew the power of making peace with every aspect of your experience, if you were willing to embrace every emotion, if you could simply be ok with the fullness of your life the result would be ineffable. You would then understand the complete essence of me in every aspect of your life and deeply know the magnificence of who you are.The suffering you feel is not the result of your problems, it is that you are so afraid that you are not ok, that the people you love are not ok, that the world is not ok. But it is not the fear that causes the suffering, it is the resistance to the flow of life that causes you great pain. I have gifted each of you with a magnificent array of emotions, but so many of you, especially lightworkers feel the need to deny the emotions and experiences that do not feel good. So many of you go into spiritual by-pass, leave your bodies and miss an extraordinary opportunity to grow through your emotions. This is the great lesson the Indigo children have brought forward. They are here to shatter that illusion, to feel, experience and express every aspect of life.When you are able to accept and embrace every emotion, you allow the wounded parts of your soul to express themselves. For in your wounds I have found points where I can enter and bring light. It is essential to allow the emotions of these wounds to be expressed. When you learn to embrace the fullness of your experience, you will find the fragmented pieces of yourself re-integrating. This is where you experience the still point of grace, the moment when you can truly fall back in love with yourself. This is the point where you become whole again.Then from this point of wholeness every experience becomes a gift that you can deeply appreciate and savior. This is where you can experience a joy beyond measure. This is where you love being on this earth plane having both a physical and a spiritual experience. This is what it feels like to be fully alive in the present moment.Trust that what you are going through physically and emotionally is perfect, for you are perfect. Ask your bodies, inner children and emotions what they need to express and allow it to come forward with love. There is so much that can be learned in the process of embracing the fullness of your experience. I know it is not easy, but it is exactly what you need to move into the extraordinary experience of your lifeYour courage and willingness has brought you through the past into this present moment and has strengthened the magnificence within you. There is nothing to fix, only opportunities to grow, for it is all in divine order.You are loved beyond measure my sweet child and just trust life is ok and so are you.Remember as each of you finds joy in the fullness of your life, as you learn this wisdom from your children, this is when we collectively experience heaven on earth. May you feel your own magnificence and may it bring you the highest good.

Copyright Debbie Milam. Permission to reprint only with tagline included.

Debbie Milam, Founder The Best You Can Be Foundation www.bestyoucanbe.org

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

"You need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow." Thich Nhat HanhPsssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Cheryl love, I just have to give you a gigantic hug and big thank you for posting this. This concept of being whole and not denying any part of ourselves (like our "negative" emotions) is the key to being completely balanced and closer to God. I do believe that a lot of the so called lightworkers are mislead to believe that they have to deny everything in them that keeps them at lower vibrations. Like lower vibrations are bad or something. They think that if they stay in those lower vibrations then they won't be able to ascend. I believe the word "ascension" is horribly misinterpreted. Although staying in one vibration for too long is going to keep you out of balance. The chakra'.s teach us this. The lower base chakra would be said to be at a lower vibration and the crown chakra would be said to vibrate at a much higher frequency. Is the base chakra "bad" because it's lower? No, it's part of the whole and part of the balance. God is the lower AND higher vibrations. God is the light as well as the shadows and we have emotion to help guide us through our experiences. Emotions are a tool. They are part of us just like our arms and legs. Whether some emotions feel "good" and other's feel "bad". They are a tool and they are completely under our control. But to deny any one of them is to deny a part of yourself, therefore denying God. We ARE God in all of our imperfections and perfections. Learning to love yourself despite it all is so very important. And learning how to surrender is key in healing and becoming a whole being. Being in the divine is not all about the light (even though we are in a sense creatures of the light.) We are also creatures of the dark. Dark is about creation and the unconscious. People give the dark such a bad rap because we can't see in the dark, we fear what we can't understand. So we give it a name. Bad, evil. The term "new age" is something I dislike because a lot of those belief's are actually very very old. Some are older than Christianity. If you research your "old age" belief's (all over the world in fact) you will find that they all held the dark as well as the light in high esteem for the sake of harmony. Ascension is about surrender, and it's all so much more simple than we allow ourselves to believe. How can something so beautiful and divine be so simple? How can a newborn baby who is so simple be so pure be divine? Same concept. Follow your intuition, it's God's voice. I started a journal where I can talk to God. I figured I was talking to him so much lately that I might as well write it down. Here's my first entry:How much easier it would beIf you were another me.Flesh and blood,Soap and sud,Bud and the blooming tree.ForeverForeverWords in the harmony.Oden in the tree.Seeing the Earth as hollow,The roots grow free.Cry,and I kiss you.Die and I hold you,Within the hollow Earth.Peace in the Harmony.I am all I can give.Love in the Harmony.You are all that is me.Thank you again Cheryl,Stefanie>> > > > So many teachers have come forward speaking of the ascension we are > experiencing. Each speaking so lovingly, sharing so much wisdom. Today I bring forth > a different perspective. One that varies greatly from many other master > teachers, one that I have found great comfort in living. > > Are the other teachers wrong in what they believe ascension is? No, they are > simply sharing their perspective. Each of us holds a truth that is > illuminated by our own experiences, values, beliefs, and purpose on the planet. We are > all beautifully and uniquely different and yet, within our differences there > is unity and oneness. The miraculous thing is that so many teachers are > coming forward to offer you a buffet of perspectives so you alone can discover > your truth.> > Today the choice is yours as to what you choose to embrace.> > Know that the guidance being offered is brought with the greatest love and > appreciation, that we are here to collectively and individually experience a > time of great awakening. > The Secret to Ascension: It is You> > Today as I was walking surrounded by swaying Banyan trees, graceful > butterflies and luminescent dragonflies God spoke to my heart as he often does when I > need it the most. It was the most miraculous encounter. > > All of life, all of nature is in perfect order. The ascension and the new > earth so many speak of is created by each of you individually, as you embrace > the fullness of your lives. The earth has been changing since the beginning of > time, what is changing most dramatically now is each of you. As each of you > become whole and complete the world indeed will be very different.> > Be easy and gentle with yourself and what you view as your problems. The > eternal nature of life is constantly shifting, changing, dying and renewing and > it is all ok. If you knew the power of making peace with every aspect of your > experience, if you were willing to embrace every emotion, if you could > simply be ok with the fullness of your life the result would be ineffable. You > would then understand the complete essence of me in every aspect of your life > and deeply know the magnificence of who you are.> > The suffering you feel is not the result of your problems, it is that you > are so afraid that you are not ok, that the people you love are not ok, that > the world is not ok. > > But it is not the fear that causes the suffering, it is the resistance to > the flow of life that causes you great pain. I have gifted each of you with a > magnificent array of emotions, but so many of you, especially lightworkers > feel the need to deny the emotions and experiences that do not feel good. So > many of you go into spiritual by-pass, leave your bodies and miss an > extraordinary opportunity to grow through your emotions. This is the great lesson the > Indigo children have brought forward. They are here to shatter that illusion, > to feel, experience and express every aspect of life.> > When you are able to accept and embrace every emotion, you allow the wounded > parts of your soul to express themselves. For in your wounds I have found > points where I can enter and bring light. It is essential to allow the emotions > of these wounds to be expressed. When you learn to embrace the fullness of > your experience, you will find the fragmented pieces of yourself > re-integrating. This is where you experience the still point of grace, the moment when you > can truly fall back in love with yourself. This is the point where you > become whole again.> > Then from this point of wholeness every experience becomes a gift that you > can deeply appreciate and savior. This is where you can experience a joy > beyond measure. This is where you love being on this earth plane having both a > physical and a spiritual experience. This is what it feels like to be fully > alive in the present moment.> > Trust that what you are going through physically and emotionally is perfect, > for you are perfect. Ask your bodies, inner children and emotions what they > need to express and allow it to come forward with love. There is so much that > can be learned in the process of embracing the fullness of your experience. > I know it is not easy, but it is exactly what you need to move into the > extraordinary experience of your life> > Your courage and willingness has brought you through the past into this > present moment and has strengthened the magnificence within you. There is nothing > to fix, only opportunities to grow, for it is all in divine order.> > You are loved beyond measure my sweet child and just trust life is ok and so > are you.> > Remember as each of you finds joy in the fullness of your life, as you learn > this wisdom from your children, this is when we collectively experience > heaven on earth. > > May you feel your own magnificence and may it bring you the highest good. > > Copyright Debbie Milam. Permission to reprint only with tagline included. > Debbie Milam, Founder The Best You Can Be Foundation_ www.bestyoucanbe.org_ > (http://www.bestyoucanbe.org/) > > > > > > Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cheryl> > > visit me at: _www.myspace.com/senegalady_ (http://www.myspace.com/senegalady) > > > > "You need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow." > Thich Nhat Hanh> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, > plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)>

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Thanks Cheryl...wonderful article. Wow Stefanie - sooooo I'm ok huh? Even when I'm not ok - I'm really ok? I was raised in a very strict religion and my ex-husband was a minister in this very strict religion. It was pounded into my head from infancy to adulthood that YOU CANNOT TRUST YOUR FEELINGS, YOU CANNOT LIVE ON YOUR EMOTIONS! So feelings were pushed aside and crammed down because feelings were bad and were leading me astray. We live by FAITH NOT EMOTIONS, (whatever that means) is what I was taught.

So its been a long journey out of that belief and has taken a while to learn to embrace my feelings and realize my emotions are a good thing! A built in guidance system to let me know how I'm vibrating. But even after learning that, I kicked myself most of the time because I couldn't always hold onto the high vibrations. I was angry, I was sad, so I must be a bad person.

But now I am learning...Being angry does not make me a bad personBeing sad does not make me a bad personAnd just because today I am happy does not make me a good person.Feelings do not make me good or bad.

I just am.I'm learning to just be.A spiritual person in a human body that is perfect just the way it is.Wow.I don't know why this has been so hard for me. Maybe its the voice inside my head... " stop crying, you little wimp. Push this aside and put a smile on your face. You don't want people to think you're weak do you? " Or maybe the voice thats saying " so he did you wrong, anger is a bad emotion, suck it up, put on your happy face and be your sweet little self " . Maybe its the voice saying " You can't live on feelings. Your emotions will lie to you. You don't really know how you feel. " It has been so liberating learning that IT IS OK if I just want to close the door and BE ANGRY. IT IS OK if I want to be by myself and cry until my eyes are so swollen they will hardly close and BE SAD. I can embrace all of me and know that I'm not broken...I don't need to be fixed.

Wow.Knowing all this makes me very happy. I am smiling.All is well.Life is good.Love love love, ~ yep I'm ok.http://livingonlove.ning.com

http://myspace.com/rarebreeze On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Stefanie <diddiejar@...> wrote:

Cheryl love, I just have to give you a gigantic hug and big thank you for posting this. This concept of being whole and not denying any part of ourselves (like our " negative " emotions) is the key to being completely balanced and closer to God. I do believe that a lot of the so called lightworkers are mislead to believe that they have to deny everything in them that keeps them at lower vibrations. Like lower vibrations are bad or something. They think that if they stay in those lower vibrations then they won't be able to ascend. I believe the word " ascension " is horribly misinterpreted. Although staying in one vibration for too long is going to keep you out of balance. The chakra'.s teach us this. The lower base chakra would be said to be at a lower vibration and the crown chakra would be said to vibrate at a much higher frequency. Is the base chakra " bad " because it's lower? No, it's part of the whole and part of the balance. God is the lower AND higher vibrations. God is the light as well as the shadows and we have emotion to help guide us through our experiences. Emotions are a tool. They are part of us just like our arms and legs. Whether some emotions feel " good " and other's feel " bad " . They are a tool and they are completely under our control. But to deny any one of them is to deny a part of yourself, therefore denying God. We ARE God in all of our imperfections and perfections. Learning to love yourself despite it all is so very important. And learning how to surrender is key in healing and becoming a whole being. Being in the divine is not all about the light (even though we are in a sense creatures of the light.) We are also creatures of the dark. Dark is about creation and the unconscious. People give the dark such a bad rap because we can't see in the dark, we fear what we can't understand. So we give it a name. Bad, evil. The term " new age " is something I dislike because a lot of those belief's are actually very very old. Some are older than Christianity. If you research your " old age " belief's (all over the world in fact) you will find that they all held the dark as well as the light in high esteem for the sake of harmony.

Ascension is about surrender, and it's all so much more simple than we allow ourselves to believe. How can something so beautiful and divine be so simple? How can a newborn baby who is so simple be so pure be divine? Same concept. Follow your intuition, it's God's voice.

I started a journal where I can talk to God. I figured I was talking to him so much lately that I might as well write it down. Here's my first entry:How much easier it would beIf you were another me.

Flesh and blood,Soap and sud,Bud and the blooming tree.ForeverForeverWords in the harmony.Oden in the tree.Seeing the Earth as hollow,The roots grow free.Cry,and I kiss you.Die

and I hold you,Within the hollow Earth.Peace in the Harmony.I am all I can give.Love in the Harmony.You are all that is me.Thank you again Cheryl,Stefanie

>> > > > So many teachers have come forward speaking of the ascension we are

> experiencing. Each speaking so lovingly, sharing so much wisdom. Today I bring forth > a different perspective. One that varies greatly from many other master > teachers, one that I have found great comfort in living.

> > Are the other teachers wrong in what they believe ascension is? No, they are > simply sharing their perspective. Each of us holds a truth that is > illuminated by our own experiences, values, beliefs, and purpose on the planet. We are

> all beautifully and uniquely different and yet, within our differences there > is unity and oneness. The miraculous thing is that so many teachers are > coming forward to offer you a buffet of perspectives so you alone can discover

> your truth.> > Today the choice is yours as to what you choose to embrace.> > Know that the guidance being offered is brought with the greatest love and > appreciation, that we are here to collectively and individually experience a

> time of great awakening. > The Secret to Ascension: It is You> > Today as I was walking surrounded by swaying Banyan trees, graceful > butterflies and luminescent dragonflies God spoke to my heart as he often does when I

> need it the most. It was the most miraculous encounter. > > All of life, all of nature is in perfect order. The ascension and the new > earth so many speak of is created by each of you individually, as you embrace

> the fullness of your lives. The earth has been changing since the beginning of > time, what is changing most dramatically now is each of you. As each of you > become whole and complete the world indeed will be very different.

> > Be easy and gentle with yourself and what you view as your problems. The > eternal nature of life is constantly shifting, changing, dying and renewing and > it is all ok. If you knew the power of making peace with every aspect of your

> experience, if you were willing to embrace every emotion, if you could > simply be ok with the fullness of your life the result would be ineffable. You > would then understand the complete essence of me in every aspect of your life

> and deeply know the magnificence of who you are.> > The suffering you feel is not the result of your problems, it is that you > are so afraid that you are not ok, that the people you love are not ok, that

> the world is not ok. > > But it is not the fear that causes the suffering, it is the resistance to > the flow of life that causes you great pain. I have gifted each of you with a > magnificent array of emotions, but so many of you, especially lightworkers

> feel the need to deny the emotions and experiences that do not feel good. So > many of you go into spiritual by-pass, leave your bodies and miss an > extraordinary opportunity to grow through your emotions. This is the great lesson the

> Indigo children have brought forward. They are here to shatter that illusion, > to feel, experience and express every aspect of life.> > When you are able to accept and embrace every emotion, you allow the wounded

> parts of your soul to express themselves. For in your wounds I have found > points where I can enter and bring light. It is essential to allow the emotions > of these wounds to be expressed. When you learn to embrace the fullness of

> your experience, you will find the fragmented pieces of yourself > re-integrating. This is where you experience the still point of grace, the moment when you > can truly fall back in love with yourself. This is the point where you

> become whole again.> > Then from this point of wholeness every experience becomes a gift that you > can deeply appreciate and savior. This is where you can experience a joy > beyond measure. This is where you love being on this earth plane having both a

> physical and a spiritual experience. This is what it feels like to be fully > alive in the present moment.> > Trust that what you are going through physically and emotionally is perfect, > for you are perfect. Ask your bodies, inner children and emotions what they

> need to express and allow it to come forward with love. There is so much that > can be learned in the process of embracing the fullness of your experience. > I know it is not easy, but it is exactly what you need to move into the

> extraordinary experience of your life> > Your courage and willingness has brought you through the past into this > present moment and has strengthened the magnificence within you. There is nothing

> to fix, only opportunities to grow, for it is all in divine order.> > You are loved beyond measure my sweet child and just trust life is ok and so > are you.> > Remember as each of you finds joy in the fullness of your life, as you learn

> this wisdom from your children, this is when we collectively experience > heaven on earth. > > May you feel your own magnificence and may it bring you the highest good. > > Copyright Debbie Milam. Permission to reprint only with tagline included.

> Debbie Milam, Founder The Best You Can Be Foundation_ www.bestyoucanbe.org_ > (http://www.bestyoucanbe.org/) >

> > > > > Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cheryl> > > visit me at: _www.myspace.com/senegalady_ (http://www.myspace.com/senegalady)

> > > > " You need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow. " > Thich Nhat Hanh> > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, > plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)>

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, you are so awesome! You are such a wonderful woman. xoxoxo You get it. We are ok, even when we're not ok. Yes! We are always perfect even when we're not so perfect. The thing is, it's unnatural for our bodies and spirit to suppress our emotions. When we do that we pop because we're blocked, kind of like a volcano. We need constant flow. So to get mad at yourself for crying is to stop the flow and fall out of harmony with the natural order of things around you. That's where self-doubt and unhappiness settle. Think about it like this, would you get upset if you saw a person tell a little girl, right in front of you, to stop crying like a baby and stop being such a wimp? I bet you would want to kick her butt. So why would you not think some thing's wrong with telling yourself to stop being such a wimp and stop crying like a baby? We physically have the ability to feel emotion, it's a chemical ability. So why should we think it's bad? The only thing we should be wary of with emotion is getting too addicted to one way of feeling over another. Like some are addicted to feeling bad and like a victim all the time, and others need their daily "inspiration" kick. Moderation and reason is the key. I think Jesus taught that actually. But he never said to suppress your instincts and emotions. That's just as out there as saying that a woman's period is dirty and evil because a vagina is a sexual organ. But the fact of the matter is, without that organ and monthly blood, NO ONE would be here!!! I love you so much lady and you're kicking so much dogma butt! hehe And finding your true power while doing it. One animal totem that is close to my heart (I've done a lot of work with her) is the Black Panther. I would study up on her and work with her too. She's about reclaiming your true power and she's a loyal friend. Stefanie> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > So many teachers have come forward speaking of the ascension we are> > > experiencing. Each speaking so lovingly, sharing so much wisdom. Today I> > bring forth> > > a different perspective. One that varies greatly from many other master> > > teachers, one that I have found great comfort in living.> > >> > > Are the other teachers wrong in what they believe ascension is? No, they> > are> > > simply sharing their perspective. Each of us holds a truth that is> > > illuminated by our own experiences, values, beliefs, and purpose on the> > planet. We are> > > all beautifully and uniquely different and yet, within our differences> > there> > > is unity and oneness. The miraculous thing is that so many teachers are> > > coming forward to offer you a buffet of perspectives so you alone can> > discover> > > your truth.> > >> > > Today the choice is yours as to what you choose to embrace.> > >> > > Know that the guidance being offered is brought with the greatest love> > and> > > appreciation, that we are here to collectively and individually> > experience a> > > time of great awakening.> > > The Secret to Ascension: It is You> > >> > > Today as I was walking surrounded by swaying Banyan trees, graceful> > > butterflies and luminescent dragonflies God spoke to my heart as he often> > does when I> > > need it the most. It was the most miraculous encounter.> > >> > > All of life, all of nature is in perfect order. The ascension and the new> >> > > earth so many speak of is created by each of you individually, as you> > embrace> > > the fullness of your lives. The earth has been changing since the> > beginning of> > > time, what is changing most dramatically now is each of you. As each of> > you> > > become whole and complete the world indeed will be very different.> > >> > > Be easy and gentle with yourself and what you view as your problems. The> > > eternal nature of life is constantly shifting, changing, dying and> > renewing and> > > it is all ok. If you knew the power of making peace with every aspect of> > your> > > experience, if you were willing to embrace every emotion, if you could> > > simply be ok with the fullness of your life the result would be> > ineffable. You> > > would then understand the complete essence of me in every aspect of your> > life> > > and deeply know the magnificence of who you are.> > >> > > The suffering you feel is not the result of your problems, it is that you> >> > > are so afraid that you are not ok, that the people you love are not ok,> > that> > > the world is not ok.> > >> > > But it is not the fear that causes the suffering, it is the resistance to> >> > > the flow of life that causes you great pain. I have gifted each of you> > with a> > > magnificent array of emotions, but so many of you, especially> > lightworkers> > > feel the need to deny the emotions and experiences that do not feel good.> > So> > > many of you go into spiritual by-pass, leave your bodies and miss an> > > extraordinary opportunity to grow through your emotions. This is the> > great lesson the> > > Indigo children have brought forward. They are here to shatter that> > illusion,> > > to feel, experience and express every aspect of life.> > >> > > When you are able to accept and embrace every emotion, you allow the> > wounded> > > parts of your soul to express themselves. For in your wounds I have found> >> > > points where I can enter and bring light. It is essential to allow the> > emotions> > > of these wounds to be expressed. When you learn to embrace the fullness> > of> > > your experience, you will find the fragmented pieces of yourself> > > re-integrating. This is where you experience the still point of grace,> > the moment when you> > > can truly fall back in love with yourself. This is the point where you> > > become whole again.> > >> > > Then from this point of wholeness every experience becomes a gift that> > you> > > can deeply appreciate and savior. This is where you can experience a joy> > > beyond measure. This is where you love being on this earth plane having> > both a> > > physical and a spiritual experience. This is what it feels like to be> > fully> > > alive in the present moment.> > >> > > Trust that what you are going through physically and emotionally is> > perfect,> > > for you are perfect. Ask your bodies, inner children and emotions what> > they> > > need to express and allow it to come forward with love. There is so much> > that> > > can be learned in the process of embracing the fullness of your> > experience.> > > I know it is not easy, but it is exactly what you need to move into the> > > extraordinary experience of your life> > >> > > Your courage and willingness has brought you through the past into this> > > present moment and has strengthened the magnificence within you. There is> > nothing> > > to fix, only opportunities to grow, for it is all in divine order.> > >> > > You are loved beyond measure my sweet child and just trust life is ok and> > so> > > are you.> > >> > > Remember as each of you finds joy in the fullness of your life, as you> > learn> > > this wisdom from your children, this is when we collectively experience> > > heaven on earth.> > >> > > May you feel your own magnificence and may it bring you the highest good.> >> > >> > > Copyright Debbie Milam. Permission to reprint only with tagline included.> >> > > Debbie Milam, Founder The Best You Can Be Foundation_> > www.bestyoucanbe.org_> > > (http://www.bestyoucanbe.org/)> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cheryl> > >> > >> > > visit me at: _www.myspace.com/senegalady_ (> > http://www.myspace.com/senegalady)> > >> > >> > >> > > "You need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow."> >> > > Thich Nhat Hanh> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion> > blog,> > > plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.> > > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)> > >> > > >>

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