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What energy and experiences can we expect in October of 2008?

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Akashic Records of October 2008

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

Wednesday, 1 October, 2008 395 views,

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What energy and experiences can we expect in October of 2008?

The energy in October has a roundness to it. Many of you will

experience this as a softening, but things are not actually becoming

softer. Instead, you have become fuller, more rounded, more complete,

and therefore challenges and experiences that arise do not feel as

difficult or harsh. All of that being said, the primary energy of

October 2008 is one of balancing or rebalancing. You will see events in

your personal lives and on a global scale that help bring humanity into

a new kind of balance. A balance based on the expansion that you have

gone through over the course of the last four or five months.

The energy in October is also one of fullness. The sense of fullness

in October also pertains to the experience of nourishment or

fulfillment. It will be important for you to address the question of

what nourishes you -- what in your life brings fulfillment -- and to

turn your attention very specifically to those things. If spending time

with your family and loved ones brings you a sense of fulfillment, then

be sure to spend time this month with family and loved ones. If

accomplishing tasks and checking off a list of things completed gives

you a sense of fulfillment, then lay out a plan for how you can get

things done during the month of October. If spending time in nature

brings you fulfillment, then arrange your schedule so that you have

time to be a natural setting. Define for yourself what fulfills you and

decide to have those things in your life regularly this month. October

is a month in which to attend to your own physical, emotional, mental

and spiritual nourishment. This is the final phase in the recent

expansion cycle, and the way you will come into a new kind of balance.

Another thing you can expect in the month of October is to see some

global events most likely in the form of natural disasters, large

storms, the kinds of events that bring balance, that wipe away what is

know longer necessary and make room for something new to be rebuilt.

October's fullness has a tension to it but because you are coming to an

end of an expansion cycle, you do not need to do anything with the

tension. The tension is not leading you to a lesson or to something you

need to fix or solve. Instead the tension is simply there because you

have gotten bigger and now the world around you is adjusting to you,

and you are adjusting to the world around you. Throughout the month of

October, give yourselves patience and offer patience to those around


While it may be a challenging month for some, the primary experience

available this month is one of fulfillment and one of grace. It is an

experience of letting go of the fight or the struggle and relaxing into

just being for awhile. As much as you can, give yourselves some

gentleness. When you have an opportunity to argue or stand for

something, sit back and choose to just let it be instead; choose not to

argue, choose not to debate. Find a way to engage with people and with

experiences in which you are not fighting for anything at all, but in

which you stay connected. That is the challenge for October 2008.

How can we best work with this energy in October?

Aside from the things that we said, engaging the offering of grace

during October will help you expand into the fullness that is available

for you. This month is a good time to remember that in many endeavors,

the more relaxed you are, the more efficient you can be. Whereas if you

get yourself wrapped up in tension or conflict, you only slow your own

process of fulfillment. This wisdom is more true this month than ever

before. Engaging the idea of grace can help you maintain a mindset of

relaxation. It can help you move with what comes and let go of

resistance. One way some of you might think of this is to consider the

image or example of Jesus Christ. You could also consider Mother

Theresa, or Lao Tzu, or Saint Francis, or any other Masters, spiritual

leaders, and teachers who are known for their compassion and for their

ability to walk into an every day human situation and bring a

perspective of grace and compassion.

In October, consider that you could be the embodiment of one of

these teachers -- that you could walk into any given situation and with

the calmness of your mind, the openness of your heart and the

gentleness of your touch you could bring grace to the situation. Play

around with this a little bit. Play with actually exerting this sense

of grace in your everyday life. When you walk into a room, choose to

hold this sense of grace and tenderness in your heart and see what

happens. Moving through Enlightenment means claiming your divine self

-- your divine self is that teacher, your divine self is that master.

At your highest level, you are all the same and you have that degree of

love, patience and understanding. You do not need to fight for it or

force it to happen, you just simply allow the energy of this month to

invite you home to that energy and that way of being. It is part of who

you are. You have been working so hard to remember your divinity. This

month, you can actually live with your divinity; you do not have to

work so hard for it.

Are there any important days or power days during October that would help us to know about?

Yes. October 10 is like the heart of the month. The life force and

vitality of the energy of the month is centered on October 10. It will

be useful for you to really seek an opportunity to love yourselves, to

share your love, to open your heart, and to cherish life on October 10.

Actively choose to avoid any experience that would be detrimental to

you or your well being, to your sense of goodness within yourselves.

October 10 is a day for honoring and for loving and that has to start

with you as an individual. Once you love yourself, you will naturally

release it to everyone else throughout the rest of the month.

October 12 has a different energy. October 12 is a day of

productivity. It will be a day that it will serve you to be out in the

world to share your thinking, energy, thoughts, ideas and feelings with

those around you. October 12 is not a day for isolation; it is a day

for social connection.

October 15 has a much simpler energy or a more simple potential. You

can actually get things done on the physical plane. It is a day when

you are going to come back to earth, but not in a heavy-handed way. It

will serve you to focus on simple tasks one thing at a time. There is a

lot of energy swirling around during this month because of that

fullness and the potential for collective experiences, disasters, and

transitions. October 15 is somehow a day where you will all be served

in just taking one thing at a time, boiling life down into the simplest

of tasks. This will help you move with all of the energy of the rest of

the month.

October 17 through October 21 offer a Stargate. It is a window of

opportunity for you to connect with Spirit. This series of days would

be a good time for you to use your spiritual practices, whether they

are personal like meditation or whether they are collective like

attending mass or synagogue. There is a potency and a need for you to

engage your spiritual practices during this window of time.

October 30 is like the cherry on top of the greater expansion cycle

you have just moved through. The expansion cycle initiated in May and

the expansion really began toward the end of June. On October 30

everything comes to a completion for this cycle. As you approach

October 30, take care of any unfinished business, complete any

unfinished tasks, and have any conversations that you have been putting

off. The end of October is vitally important for you to finish anything

that is left hanging. On October 30 and 31 have a celebration. Look

back at what you have accomplished, look back at how you have changed

in the last six months and celebrate it. Write it down and rejoice in

how you have grown and what you have learned, or throw a party with

your friends and loved ones. This is an excellent time for celebration.

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about October 2008?

For many of you, life will feel easier during October. It is

important to take note that while vigilance is no longer required,

complacency will not serve you. While you do not need to fight for

things, remain open and active in October. While you will not need to

be so vigilant about every learning experience and everything you feel

or see, you will continue to get new information and to encounter new

challenges. Find a way to have active rest during October of 2008 in

which you continue to engage with life, but you do everything with more


Do not rush or push yourselves but keep moving, looking and trying

new things. It will serve you as you come into the future months to

have stayed awake during October. There is so much to be integrated --

so much joy and wisdom -- and if you will stay awake and active during

October you will find that all of that is more available for you moving

forward than otherwise would be. Enjoy the fulfillment of the month.

Nourish yourselves and embrace the sense of peace that is available

this month. It is yours; you have earned it!

Above is the Looking Ahead version of the Message, channeled over

one month in advance. Below is the Monthly Update, channeled several

days before the month begins.

What can you tell us about the presidential elections in the United

States and how they will be influenced by the energy of October 2008?

The energy being held during the month of October 2008 is one of

fullness. This fullness can be stabilizing if you choose to make it so,

but it is not inherently stabilizing. Some of you will feel more

stabilized by it, but many more of you will feel pressured. It is not

that there is really energetic pressure building, it is more that you

have all gotten so much bigger. You have a stronger connection with

your inner truth and a stronger connection with your human family. Most

of you have not really yet really seen how both of those are bigger and

you really have not figured out how to be having such connections. What

you feel now is the energy of all that.

The U.S. presidential election offers an opportunity for you to

figure out how to be yourself with a stronger connection to Spirit and

to your fellow human beings. Even if you are outside the U.S., you may

find yourselves feeling strongly about the U.S. presidential election

and feeling drawn to speak about it, think about it, and express your

feelings about it. The U.S. presidential election this year is

different from previous years in that you have a more distinct choice

between holding onto the old or stepping into the new than you ever

have before. Inevitably the human family is progressing forward.

Together you are all stepping into the light. Regardless of who the

U.S. citizens vote for and who wins the election (because those two

things might not be exactly the same!), the human family will continue

to progress toward the light.

Your calling in regard to the U. S. presidential election this year

is to find a way to become bigger than the fears, the battles, and the

ideologies that are presented to you in regard to the campaigns. Your

calling is to choose to have your love and your light be bigger than


This year's presidential election holds more pressure than previous

election years. That is the influence of this energy in October. It is

the influence of the expansion cycle you have gone through in the last

five months that you are completing now, but are still in. The

expansion cycle is based on you being a bigger version of yourself in

the world; of you putting an end to hiding, running away, or denying

you have done in the past. This is the reason you are feeling like this

may be bigger than you may have felt about these kinds of things

before. Essentially, the presidential election gives you an opportunity

to grapple with duality. The only way to grapple with duality is to

recognize it and to resolve it inside yourself. There will be no use in

arguing about the political campaign in the U.S. It will not serve you

to try to hold one side against another side. When you do that you are

celebrating duality and holding it in place -- you are feeding it

energy. Instead, the best way to handle this rising sense of passion,

investment or connection to the presidential campaign in the U.S., the

best way to work with this, is to surround yourself and everyone around

you in grace. Surround yourself with a sense that everything will be

fine no matter who wins the race. The human race will continue to

progress forward toward the light.

Any system that is out of integrity or out of alignment will

continue to unravel and fall apart. If there is something that you see

in government or politics that concerns you, or that happens to be out

of integrity, it will bring up fear for you. If you hold onto that fear

and try to fight for something different to happen, you will to lose

the sense of your own power. The best way to deal with the changes

unraveling before you is to remain true to the sense that you are

moving toward the light and you are helping everyone around you toward

the light. When you find yourself engaged in a political argument, take

a few steps back in your mind and consider that everyone is right from

their own perspective. The best thing you can do is to bring humor,

grace, compassion and a willingness to listen and try to understand one

another. That approach utilized across the U.S. is going to heal you

through the process of this election rather than harm you through the

process of this election.

The U.S. election campaigns are bringing up a sense of the inner

shadow. Whether you are for one side or the other in the battle, what

you are dealing with inside of yourselves is the sense of your hopes

and your dreams being up against your shadow side. Your fears, worries,

anger, repression, and denial are battling within you as individuals.

That is really what this is all about. When you feel fear, let that

fear move you outward and help you connect with people around you. When

you feel fear, do not let it convince you that other people are against

you or that other people will not understand you. Instead, let that

fear come out and share it with others; bring it to the light, put it

on the table, tell your loved ones that you feel afraid when you see

something happening in government. As you share that with one another

you are able to dissolve that fear and hold one another in love.

That is the gift that lies in potential during the entire month of

October. It is a challenge -- a gift that requires you to rise to the

challenge of choosing love over politics, choosing love over duality.

It will be challenging, full, and rich; and there is a sense from the

Keepers that they are very excited for all of you to go forward and do

it. Choose to act with love and kindness in the midst of the illusion

of duality.

There is said to be a huge event coming up on October 14 where a

spaceship will appear over major cities for three days so that there is

no mistake about the friendliness of UFOs toward humanity. Will this

take place on October 14?

Contact between human beings and beings from other worlds is already

happening and has been happening for a very long time. It happens a

great deal on a spiritual or energetic plane. You are visited by what

you might call extra-terrestrials in the form of Spirit all of the

time. At some level, you can say that Angels and Spirit Guides are

extra-terrestrials right? They are from outside this world. Then there

is a huge spectrum of beings who do what you call "visit" Planet Earth.

Their energy becomes available for you here on Planet Earth. All of you

have a spirit that is holographic and expansive and is occasionally

visiting other worlds in Spirit, as well. Often your human minds block

out any stimulation that would give evidence that this is happening

because it is confusing for a human mind to encounter something that

does not fit into expectations of reality -- something that is from

outside of this world of familiarity.

Of course, every human being has a unique threshold in regard to the

unfamiliar. Some people are able to comprehend something beyond what is

familiar, then reach toward it until it becomes familiar, and then

reach again for what is unfamiliar beyond that. For those people,

seeing physical evidence of extra-terrestrial visitors will occur more

often and more easily. There are what you would call spaceships but

they are not as literal as you want them to be. When people sense

something from outside of this world, they make sense of it. The human

mind is really brilliant at taking stimulation and input and

categorizing it so that it makes sense. If something does not make

sense or cannot be categorized, it just gets ignored or explained away.

If something can be made sense of, then it is allowed to be remembered

and considered. That is how some people see spaceships and others do

not. That is how two people can be standing on the same street corner

and one sees something and the other does not. This kind of contact is

happening all of the time in both Spirit and physical realities.

The event planned for October 14 is a direct result of a shift

occurring for humanity on October 12. The shift on October 12 seems to

be an opening of a connection between the human heart and the human

mind. This is something that is related to the Mayan experience. The

Mayan civilization was expert at the heart-mind connection. Part of

what was accomplished during the ancient Mayan civilization was the

building of an illusion of the separation between the heart and the

mind, which has made human life very interesting. Part of what is

happening now is that there is a reconnection of the heart and mind.

This is happening over and over again in all kinds of different ways,

and there a collective event on October 12 in which the heart and the

mind are able to make a connection collectively.

Some of you will experience this collective connection and some of

you will not, perhaps because you are not ready for it or you are not

interested yet. It will be available for all of humanity to have your

heart and your mind come into alignment in a way that was not possible

before. This means that your mind will be able to comprehend things

that only your heart could feel before. Your heart will be able to

infuse your thoughts more readily than before. It will become easier

after October 12 to see the world through the Eyes of Love. (For more

on this, please visit Ascension Radio and listen to "Through the Eyes

of Love: Making Everything Easy.")

When that happens, so many of you will step into that sense of love

that a new level of comprehension will become available. Of course

there is choreography amongst all of the different beings on Planet

Earth. Of course when the human race decides something, all of the

other beings across the universe are aware of that decision and act

accordingly. This is the reason you are predicting a visit from

extra-terrestrials. Many are gathering in support of your collective


For thousands of years as human beings have been planning for this

event on October 12, for your hearts to come into alignment with your

minds, the universe has set up an opportunity for you to start playing

with this new connection. That is what your seers and your prophets are

seeing as the potential for October 14. The answer is yes, the

equivalent of spaceships over the major cities across the world from

October 12 to October 15 is firmly in place. This is not unusual; this

happens all of the time. The difference is that more of you will be

able to sense it or see than ever before. There is something important

here to know, which is that many of you will not see it because you do

not want to, your minds are not yet ready or your life path does not

involve interacting with extra-terrestrial life, so do not worry if you

do not see this.

Another thing to know is most of you who do see this will not see it

as a physical spaceship. You have been using this word "spaceship"

because it is the best word you have to help you imagine life beyond

Earth. A spaceship means a physical thing like an airplane or rocket

ship and this is not that; this is a spiritual gathering; this is

energy and it is energy that can be embodied -- just like some people

sense Angels in the room and others can actually see them. Some of you

will sense this and some of you will actually see it and it is just as

real either way. Do not get locked into an expectation that you will

see something that you expect. Do not imagine what a spaceship looks

like and then look for that.

Instead, first on October 12 really look at your heart and what you

love. Really look around the world and try to see everything through

the Eyes of Love. Imagine that you are someone like Jesus Christ,

Muhammad, Buddha or Mother Theresa. Imagine that you are the most

loving person and imagine how you would see the world and how that

compassion would color everything that you see. Spend time on this day

meditating on those people, animals, places, and experiences that you

love most. Let them fill your heart with love.

Then on October 13, 14, and 15, spend your time daydreaming or

looking at the sky. Allow your eyes to simply see what you see. It

likely will not be a spaceship in the way that you expect; it will be

something far more magical and interesting than that. Each of your

minds will perceive it differently because that is the beauty of being

separate and it will serve you to share stories with one another. It

will serve you to read about what others see, but do not read so that

you can check to see if you saw the same thing and therefore if you are

right. Instead read, listen and share so that you can build a bigger

picture through each of your perspectives. More than anything, with

these unknown or previously unseen dimensions, your interpretations

will color what you see more than it would for things that are expected

or agreed upon. With this experience, each of you is going to see all

kinds of things and all of them will be true.

With this being said, in some places, events will occur that bring

you to the same collective experience of love. Some cities will be

distracted by events that lead you to look for love in one another

instead of from outside the planet. This is all part of the potential

you have built - it is all part of your collective path to bring your

minds back to your hearts, and your hearts to your minds. If you are

part of these events, continue to strive to see the love that infuses

every human life. Allow your hearts to break open and make room for a

bigger sense of love than you have ever felt before. This is the

ultimate potential in the events planned for October 12 through October


We have been told that a Stargate would open on October 17 -21.

What star system would that come through and how would that affect us?

The Stargate that will open between the 17th and 21st is related to

the star Arcturus and the benevolent beings it supports, and the

Stargate is opening as a resource for humanity to provide you with a

sense of support. They are talking about support like a building

supports itself. If a tower is beginning to crumble, you might build

supporting structures around it to hold it up -- it is that kind of

support. Your outdated and insufficient systems are crumbling, and you

can use this energetic support to rebuild a sense of love and faith in

your everyday lives at this time. The energy that will pour into the

reality of Planet Earth is a deep, grounded, shimmering blue color and

many of you will feel a sense of reassurance during this time.

Many of you will sleep a lot more between the 17th and the 21st, and

many of you will also be eating a lot more during those days. It is a

good time to replenish yourselves and a time to recharge your

batteries, so to speak. The Stargate is opening as a gift from the

Arcturians to support all of the massive changes that occurred for

humanity since the spring of 2008. It has just been a really intense

time and by the time the Stargate opens you are likely to have seen

some collective events that are even more challenging. It is likely

there will be more hurricanes in the United States and other kinds of

storms across the world. The Stargate is situated to provide support

after you have all been through difficulties on a personal and

collective level. You might reserve these days to be days when you have

time to sleep or when you do not need to perform too much, or you have

time to just take care of yourselves. It is a very magical, supportive

and loving Stargate.

Is there anything else the Keepers would like to say before we close the Records?

There is so much fear coming to the surface at this time for people

in the U.S. and across the world. It seems as if it is based on the

presidential elections, but the elections are simply providing a

doorway so that you can bring it all up and resolve it. The campaigns

are not causing it; they are showing you where your fear arises from

within you so that you can take accountability for it. You can bring it

up into the light and you can heal it. Fear is healed through

connection with one another. Fear is healed when you choose love. The

best thing you can do is to recognize what you fear on a daily basis

through the month of October. When you recognize it, ask yourself how

you can choose love in the situation and how can you share this with

someone you trust. Isolation feeds fear; connection dissolves it. Use

that as a rule of thumb for yourselves. Continue to rise to the

challenge to choose love. That is the most important thing you can do

during this very challenging but very exciting month of October.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by

Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the

Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all

credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed. http://www.akashictransformations.com

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