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Re: It Was All Predicted In Advance......

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Thank you, Jackie, for stating all that I was working

on putting together, and I couldn't agree with you

more. I was rather astonished when I read the

terrible things God (however you perceive this power)

was going to torment, destroy, etc. that which was

created with LOVE........UNCONDITONAL LOVE.......

Thank you.

--- Kerrie Amatelli <Kerrie@...> wrote:

> Hi Jackie... and others who read this....


> I just wanted to make a comment on this post.


> *(I've used the word " God " here... but what I mean

> is whatever it is that

> you call " God " . Whether it be Great Spirit,

> Energy, Universal Love, Holy

> Spirit, Light, Love, Great Being, Jesus, Alla,

> Buddha, Universal

> Intelligence.... WHATEVER that " higher Source " is to

> you.)*


> Prophecies... yes are a gift... no matter how big or

> small. Worldly,

> national or personal and individual. A GIFT to

> give you a " heads-up " to

> what is headed your way. It is your choice to

> prepare for that heads-up

> and maybe recalculate your actions... get on a

> different path... if you

> can... because there are always at least TWO

> possible outcomes... if not

> more.


> However personally, I don't think that God is

> " judging " anything or

> anyone. It is my personal understanding that God

> does not judge... it is

> *people *who judge. I think that people forget...

> or simply don't

> understand... that " God " is within us. (How many

> times... over and over

> again has this been taught... yet people STILL view

> God as a

> " somewhere... out-there.... above us " . As some

> Being that watches and waits

> to judge and dish out punishments?) If God is

> experiencing His creation

> through us... then I think that makes " us " God in

> the flesh. Each

> individual makes up a piece or personality of

> " God " ... and together, along

> with all other life forms on Earth and throughout

> the Universe... we make up

> the WHOLE of that which we call " God " (that energy

> or that spark of LIFE

> that we love so much and wish to see carry on

> forever).


> God... the energy within us that keeps our heart

> pumping... tries to

> communicate with us all the time. That small,

> still, knowing voice deep

> within that we (most of the time) ignore... and

> instead (nine times out of

> ten!) we choose to follow the loud voice of our mind

> and ego. It's hard to

> learn how to " listen " and follow that small, still

> voice... we often miss

> it... and most times we also acknowledge that we

> " KNEW " we " should have "

> done something else... but didn't listen to " that

> small, soft voice

> within " . (Each time that happens.... there is the

> lesson yet again.) We

> are so used to following the voice of our mind and

> ego... but with practice

> and more practice... it becomes easier each day to

> hear and follow that tiny

> voice... or should I say " feeling " inside.


> *These are not " judgments " being thrown down like

> lightening bolts upon a

> " sinful " nation.* These are simply our

> * " CONSEQUENCES " * from the blind

> actions that were chosen by ALL throughout history.

> There is no

> particular person or group that we can point a

> finger at and lay ALL the

> blame upon. We must ALL take responsibility for the

> part we have played in

> all of this. These actions that we are paying the

> consequences for NOW...

> can go back many, many, many... even hundreds of

> years, as our

> ancestors also played a part in what is being seen,

> felt and played out in

> front of our eyes today... as we still feel their

> ripple effects. We are

> just waking up to the power of our individual

> choices, actions and the

> consequences that follow on the level of the

> " whole " ... sometimes years and

> centuries later.


> We are entering a new AGE (Aquarius)... and the AGE

> we are leaving (Pices)

> needs to be cleaned up and then left behind. The

> lessons need to be LOUD

> and CLEAR before we enter this new age... with a

> clean slate so we can

> start all over again... armed with our new inner

> knowledge and

> understandings.


> For a long time, many have ignored (turned a blind

> eye toward) certain

> (corrupt) actions and allowed them to continue

> within our nation...

> especially within the realm of Church, Government

> and Corporate

> leadership... where money and profits have become

> more important that human

> health, environmental health and life in general.

> Money is everything to

> these entities. They have forgotten where our truth

> lies... and we, as a

> nation, have been the unknowing sheep who have

> followed as trusting and

> obedient citizens... not realizing the consequences

> that would follow

> our group / national actions many moons later.


> Please don't view God as a " righteous, judging " God.

> It's my feeling and

> belief that God loves *ALL* (whether black, white,

> Jew, Christian, Islam,

> Chinese, rich, poor, fat, skinny, gay, straight,

> democrat or republican...

> or even " independent " ) that He/She/It dwells

> within, experiencing life

> through us and judges NO ONE. (we do that all on

> our own!) When you look

> into the eyes of another... you should understand

> you are looking at God.

> When you look at a tree... you should understand you

> are looking at God.

> When you sit in your chair... you should understand

> you are sitting on God

> (as EVERYTHING has been created out of the Earth...

> which is ALL part of

> God or the Energy of Life... right down to the

> molecules and atoms).


> It is *WE* (human beings) who put up these walls and

> barriers that divide

> and separate and keep all of us fighting over petty

> human issues that are

> not really that important... *not GOD*. Look out in

> nature... do the trees,

> bees, flowers, squirrells and other living creatures

> need to choose a

> democrat or republican side in order to live in

> harmony? Do they create

> armies within their species to destroy each other?

> Or do you see balance

> as they support each other? (That which is against

> itself cannot

> survive!) We live in a classic " Divide and Rule "

> society. The masses are

> kept divided and separate on all issues, conditioned

> and lead to

> keep fighting each other... and thus those at the

> top (pulling the strings)

> can rule over them with ease... for the blind sheep

> are kept too busy

> working and fighting to realize what is really

> happening. We are in the

> process of destroying ourselves. But I'm pretty

> confident that we will ALL

> wake up and realize this... eventually! And in

> turn, join hearts and hands

> to heal the situation. It has already begun.


> We are given FREE WILL so that we may learn our

> lessons on our own... in our

> own way... in our own time. (Although, sometimes

> we give up our FREE WILL

> and allow others to control us... which is yet

> another lesson of our own.)

> Just as we try to allow our children to learn their

> lessons on their

> own.... and we sometimes try to take their FREE WILL

> away by telling them or

> demanding what they should do. There are so many

> times (in non-life

> threatening, everyday situations) where we impose

> our " WILL " upon them

> because we think we know better what they need.

> But we really can't and

> shouldn't tell them what to do or how to do it...

> for they must learn,

> create and experience their decisions for

> themselves. With us (as adult

> spirit children) and God... it is no different. *


> BELOW.* God

> never manipulates our FREE WILL... we do that

> ourselves or allow it to be

> done to us by others. However, God does use that

> which

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Thank You,

The God judging this nation did not sit right with me either.

God or what ever you wish to call your higher power...does not judge.

We were given free will and that is where the fun begins.



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