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HEALING STONES AND THEIR USESAmber: This " good luck " stone brings the purifying, revitalizing forceof the sun and the absorptive, transmuting energy of the earthtogether to create a powerful tool. Draws disease out of the body andtransforms it. Clears negativity. 2nd chakra.Amethyst: Spiritual Upliftment.Aquamarine: Remind one of the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Stone of thenew heart chakra center.Aventurine: Helps heal the Heart, lungs, and adrenals. 4th chakraAmethyst: Inner alignment. Helps heal arthritis, hearing, and bones.6th chakra.Azurite: Helps - Surfaces psychic blocks that form physical blocks--Helps to let go of old belief systems - Helps heal throat, arthiritis & joints, spleen, and spine. 5th and 6th chakras.Bloodstones: Helps heal all blood disorders, lungs, eyesight, andheart. 1st chakra.Carnelian: Balance creativity and mental processes. Helps asthma, andblood pressure. 2nd chakra.Citrine: Upliftment - Helps digestion, circulation. 2nd, and 3rdchakra'sCoral: Emotional balanceDiamond: Increase personal clarity. Balances metabolism, de-toxifiesthe body, and strengthens the eyesight. Vivifies all chakrasEmerald: Physical and emotional healing - tranquilizing affect on theheart and mind, inspiring calm, clear assurance. 4th chakra andhigher.Hematite: Helps heal, tumors and anemia. 6th, 7th chakrasHerkimer diamond: My personal favorite: Chakra cleanser. Protectsagainst radiation. De-toxes the body.Jade: Strengthens the heart , kidneys and immune system. Helps cleansethe blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids in eye disordersand female problems.Jaspar: Helps tissue regeneration and smell. 1st, 2nd chakrasKunzite: Heals the heart. 4th chakra and upLapis Lazuli: Strengthens the immune system. 6th chakra.Malachite: Harmony and balanceMoldavite: Take you out of your body--very power for astral travelMoonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues andorgans. Heals reproductive system. 4th chakra.Black Obsidian: Grounding stone.Onyx: Helpful in treating glaucoma, epilepsy, and cell damage. Attunedto 1st and 5th chakra's.Opal: See possibilities; Discover a broader view. Heals and clearseyesight, and balances the metabolism. 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras.Peridot: Strengthens, and regenerates all organs, stimulating new,healthy growth. Balances bio-rythmic cycles. Protects the user fromnegativity. Helps heal infection, ulcers, and thyroid. 4th chakra.Quartz: Removes negative energy - Universal conduit. Amplifies,focuses, stores, transforms, energies.Rose Quartz: Heart chakraRhodonite: Emotional support. Helps one take the next stepemotionallyRuby: Helps heal the heart and all blood impurities. De-toxes thebody. 4th chakra.Sapphire: Mental Clarity; Clear mental garbage. r of the Blueray.Sodalite: Protection from external negative energy.Tourquoise: Aligns all chakras, Strengthens and calms the mind andbody. 5th chakra.Tiger's Eye: Helps heal wounds, bruises, eyes and throat. 5th chakra.Topaz: Helps to break up stagnation of energy within the body, andassists with the elimination of toxins. 3rd chakra and higher.

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