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Dear Jeff, Rob, et al

Perhaps you are intellectually saying:

" ..tell us this news of cures and toxins in a way that the western mind

can understand it. I think the Gold Standard is: 'prospective double

blind randomized and controlled study'...this is the kind of stuff that

will change physicians belief systems... " ---a Family Practice MD

Dr.'s response:

" I think it would be unethical once we can cure some...once you see the

cure in a few cases it would be unethical to withhold it from

others...but those choices won't be made from me---those kind of choices

won't be made by me... "

A MD (formerly headed Cancer General and Research in the Providence of

Saskatchewan) stood up and said:

" ...be cognizant of the fact that anytime, anybody, anywhere in medical

history brings up a new approach, new information that is a quantum leap

in a new direction, organized medicine will always come up and pose a

question to that person: Have you done a double blind cross-over study?

" Well I want to assure you that theres been an in depth study done, and

more than 85% of what is prescribed daily, in average medical practices,

has never been subjected to a double blind crossover study!

---Toronto Convention 1995 featuring:THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES

Feel Better Books and Tapes

P.O. Box 124, Beanisville

Ontario, Canada, LOR IB0


USA only:(716)-873-3738

Fax (905)-563-6003




I tend to agree with Rob, and would like to thank him

for his contribution, and I hope he's going to stick

around for a while. IMHO, Rob has helped us a lot by

asking some important questions.

On the other hand, Hilda, she reminds me of one of my

Dad's stories. Back in the 1970's my Dad used to work for

GM's Buick Division in Flint, Mich. During the oil crisis

of the 70's there was a genius, an inventor, a likeable

fellow who invented a car that ran only on plain tap

water. He wanted to sell his invention to GM. In order

to prove his claim, he made a great many successful

demonstrations, (or road tests) before a large team of GM

engineers. He was a genius, and GM had a real need that

needed to be filled. The guy had everything working for

him. A charming personality, good story, plausible

explanation, and great many dog and pony shows. To GM he

disclosed everything, except for his true secret. The

controversy went on for many months. To the engineers

all this sounded too good to be true. At the very last

moment GM backed out of the negotiations after one of the

engineers discovered that the car had two gas tanks, one

filled with ordinary tap water, and another, hidden one,

filled with ordinary gasoline.

IMHO, the problem with us, consumers, is that we not

only do not have the resources of GM, but are also very

gullible. We want to be conned. We need artists like

Hilda, because if we're not shorn from time to time, we

start to feel uncomfortable.

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<< On the other hand, Hilda, she reminds me of one of my

Dad's stories. >>

Well I really don't think you know much about H *U*LDA......since you don't

even know how to spell her name. Further more.........the implication (from

your little story) was that Hulda is dishonest. I know her

personally..........and this is NOT true. You are free to believe whatever

you want, but we really don't need to hear that there is anything dishonest

about Hulda. GET LOST!!!!!!!!!!


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The name is Hulda, not Hilda...and the rest of your research seems of equal

quality. Rob has found a worthy disciple.


Thanks ......wonder *where* all these *enlightened* people are coming

from?? Maybe the Quack Barrett group?? Sounds about right.......they not only

try to trash all alternative.......they also go for the person


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In a message dated 3/26/2000 2:03:26 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Jeff-LaBlanche@... writes:

<< I tend to agree with Rob, and would like to thank him

for his contribution, and I hope he's going to stick

around for a while...the problem with us, consumers, is that we not

only do not have the resources of GM, but are also very

gullible. We want to be conned. >>

Speak for yourself. This place has turned out to be like fly-paper for

freaks. Why are you here? For you and the other list-members who choose to

dispute Dr. s protocol, I would like to ask a simple question.........Do

you disagree that chemicals, parasites and solvents have invaded our

products, bodies and environment? If you don't agree that they have, then you

DO " want to be conned " , and if you agree that they have, then I certainly

hope that you are working together to find an instrument that even I could

use at home to test for these chemicals...not that I need one, but it would

appear that some of you have nothing better to do than to come in here and

act like school-age children in need of attention.

You see, the problem does not lie with whether or not you can get a reading

from a machine, oh, no, it's much more than that. For some, it is a

lifestyle.......a way to raise their young. I take it very personally when

seemingly do-gooders try to save me from myself. Don't I have a right to

practice alternative medicine without being constantly harrassed by these


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you are up to. Don't go

away mad, just go away. Go save the rest of the world from itself. After all,

you are treading in dangerous territory.....Hulda's pages will go down in

history and I don't think you want to be on the same side of the coin as the

GM guy, the " genius, an inventor, a likeable

fellow, " whose name you inadvertently failed to mention. Foggs.

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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Bill Ross,What does it

mean 'game playing'? I posted this excerpt from her video. This is her literal

response to what you and other 'well meaning' skeptics request. Could it be more

simple? Hence the fables and monolith references... . To repeat the same

question over and over, expecting a different answer is obviously

non-productive. Yet you persist.So, I intellectually patronize by reposting my

initial response to your 'seriousness' (by the way, I have corresponded with

established experts concerning the Gold Standard, and received confirmation, so

I must assume you have 'seriously' corresponded also, and achieved the same

results...):Perhaps you are intellectually saying: " ..tell us this news of cures

and toxins in a way that the western mindcan understand it. I think the Gold

Standard is: 'prospective doubleblind randomized and controlled study'...this is

the kind of stuff thatwill change physicians belief systems... " ---a Family

Practice MD Dr.'s response: " I think it would be unethical once we can cure

some...once you see thecure in a few cases it would be unethical to withhold it

fromothers...but those choices won't be made from me---those kind of

choiceswon't be made by me... " A MD (formerly headed Cancer General and Research

in the Providence ofSaskatchewan) stood up and said: " ...be cognizant of the fact

that anytime, anybody, anywhere in medicalhistory brings up a new approach, new

information that is a quantum leapin a new direction, organized medicine will

always come up and pose aquestion to that person: Have you done a double blind

cross-over study? " Well I want to assure you that theres been an in depth study

done, andmore than 85% of what is prescribed daily, in average medical

practices,has never been subjected to a double blind crossover study!---Toronto

Convention 1995 featuring:THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASESFeel Better Books and

TapesP.O. Box 124, BeanisvilleOntario, Canada, LOR IB01-(800)-656-7606U

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Marve, I agree with where you are coming from, but the chap you


was not an MD. But he was Director General of Cancer Research for the

Province of Saskatchewan, at least I have no reason to believe



Dear Bill

Ross,What does it mean 'game playing'? I posted this excerpt from her

video. This is her literal response to what you and other 'well

meaning' skeptics request. Could it be more simple? Hence the fables

and monolith references... . To repeat the same question over and

over, expecting a different answer is obviously non-productive. Yet

you persist.So, I intellectually patronize by reposting my initial

response to your 'seriousness' (by the way, I have corresponded with

established experts concerning the Gold Standard, and received

confirmation, so I must assume you have 'seriously' corresponded


and achieved the same results...):Perhaps you are intellectually

saying: " ..tell us this news of cures and toxins in a way that the

western mindcan understand it. I think the Gold Standard is:

'prospective doubleblind randomized and controlled study'...this is

the kind of stuff thatwill change physicians belief systems... " ---a

Family Practice MD Dr.'s response: " I think it would be


once we can cure some...once you see thecure in a few cases it would

be unethical to withhold it fromothers...but those choices won't be

made from me---those kind of choiceswon't be made by me... " A MD

(formerly headed Cancer General and Research in the Providence

ofSaskatchewan) stood up and said: " ...be cognizant of the fact that

anytime, anybody, anywhere in medicalhistory brings up a new


new information that is a quantum leapin a new direction, organized

medicine will always come up and pose aquestion to that person: Have

you done a double blind cross-over study? " Well I want to assure you

that theres been an in depth study done, andmore than 85% of what is

prescribed daily, in average medical practices,has never been

subjected to a double blind crossover study!---Toronto Convention


featuring:THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASESFeel Better Books and TapesP.O.


124, BeanisvilleOntario, Canada, LOR IB01-(800)-656-7606U

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Grace -

If I weren't doing the whole protocol, with specific supplements from

Russ, I wouldn't be doing that diet. It's SOOO restrictive. If

you're going to do it, I hope you're doing the right antifungals, and

that you're ready for some die-off misery.

Remember, I'm only supposed to do the diet for 30 days. Then I'll get

more guidance from Russ about what I can add back into my diet. (I

hope it's nuts!!! And legumes!)

Good luck discerning the right path for yourself.


> I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has answered my


> and e-mailed me so far. There seems to be some conflicting

> information out there, but at least it is a start in the right

> direciton for me. Maybe what works for one person may not work for

> another, but only trial and error will work that out.

> Thank you Connie for posting your diet. It will give me a

> guideline to follow. And thank you Betsy for telling what was wrong

> with what I was eating. Thanks again! Grace

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Hi Connie,

I think I'm going to give the protocol a try. I believe I can

tolerate the strict diet if he tells me exactly what to eat. :) I've

already passed up chocolate, cookies, brownies, Fanny Maes, etc. etc.

etc. in the past week, so I guess I can do just about anything if I

set my mind to it. Expecially if it means having a sex life again.:)

I experienced die-off just by cleaning up my diet and eating

just meat and vegetables. I felt fatigued and nauseous, and had lots

of yellow globs coming out. Hopefully I've got a head start already.

Have a Merry Christmas!


> Hi Grace -


> If I weren't doing the whole protocol, with specific supplements


> Russ, I wouldn't be doing that diet. It's SOOO restrictive. If

> you're going to do it, I hope you're doing the right antifungals,


> that you're ready for some die-off misery.


> Remember, I'm only supposed to do the diet for 30 days. Then I'll


> more guidance from Russ about what I can add back into my diet. (I

> hope it's nuts!!! And legumes!)


> Good luck discerning the right path for yourself.


> Connie


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  • 1 year later...
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Dear Jen,

I can't remember where you live, my suggestion is to click on

database on the achalasia website then click on the doctor referral


This list is very helpful.... rather than read thousands of messages

if you are looking for professional help, go to someone qualified

close to you.

I recently learned there is some shuffling among surgeons and gi's in

the US (probably always shuffling) that suggests the well-publicized

doctors are either at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles or Temple

University in Phila. The good ones at The Cleveland Clinic are going

to these places according to rumors.

The referrals are pretty well scattered, but seems like there are

some w/i an overnight trip to most people in the US.

If the members would help by adding to the list, it would be

wonderful.... If you get the postings directly into your email, then

you have to go to the group, achalasia website, click on

database, then click on any of those categories and add your


If noone shows up on that list, then make a post and maybe someone

will respond.

Even start your own database or file so you don't have to read

through all the messages.

Everyone else, how about updating the doctor database or any of the

other databases, even if you aren't a regular reader or poster, that

information could save someone hours and days of effort.

> Thanks to those who offered their advice regarding my " unsuccessful

> surgery " . To answer a question that was asked: Yes, I had a

> laparoscopic surgery with a partial wrap...it appears that my

> surgeon didn't " get it " all, either that or I'm totally defective

> (LOL).


> Went to a new surgeon today, who refuses to do another laparoscopic

> surgery, instead wants to do an open surgery (the thought of which

> terrifies the living daylights out of me). Also, he said before

> he'll do any kind of procedure, I have to quit smoking & lose some

> weight. Great. I told him he was nuts if he thought I could quit

> smoking AND lose weight at the same time!!


> I'm going in next week, for an endoscopy. This surgeon also said


> prefers not to do a dilation on someone who's already had surgery,

> which is unfortunate--I was hoping for an " easy " resolution, but I

> guess there is no such thing here.


> A few more questions for those who have time/experience to share.


> 1. Have you had a laparoscopic surgery, then had to have the open

> surgery later? If so, how much time passed between surgeries?


> 2. Have you had a balloon dilation after having had surgery? If so,

> did you suffer from any ruptures?


> 3. (forgot to ask the doc this one, I was in such

> shock/dismay)...what is the typical recovery time (both in the

> hospital & at home) from open surgery?


> Thank you again! I'm reading up on achalasia, but still have a

> great deal to learn.


> Jen-

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Hi Jen,

In answer to some of your questions:

1. The reason he probably wants to do an open laperotomy is because he needs to see more clearly what the previous surgeon did and what is wrong - he may feel that he would not get a true picture just looking through a small opening of a scope.

- I had open surgery for the first time round and it was not that bad, in fact my back was more painful afterwards than the operation site! [i have an unstable spine and they must have put it our when moving me around] I also had a huge hiatus hernia fixed which they could not do that easily with a scope - but after the first day or so when you are pumped full of pain medication anyway there was not that much pain that the medication did not help. I could walk well enough - just a bit weak, and coughing was not my favourite game but it was OK.

I was home with in 5 days and apart from being quite weak was fine and only needed some liquid [kiddies] pain medicine every now and again - usually at night. Remember I was 64 and I had very much more extensive surgery than just a myotomy with a wrap.

It took me some 3 more weeks to feel well enough to risk driving my car and going to the shops.

Food was a problem because I had to rely on my husband's cooking and just hearing him slamming cupboard doors in the kitchen and murdering the liquidizer was enough to get me up and about sooner ! Be patient - it will be some weeks before you can eat anything more than very soft, grit and lump free food and then only small amounts. Remeber your stomach wall has been cut and sewn up and the LES cut and they need time to heal and that does not happen overnight.

2. My myotomy was not a great success, and 18 months later I had a dilatation by another gastroenterologist who specialises in achalasia - that helped a lot. The more recent thinking is that dilatation after a 'failed' myotomy is the accepted way to go and is usually helpful.

The previous thinking was indeed that a myotomy did increase the risk of perforation, and it is a logical conclusion if you think about it - there is an artificial gap or weakening in the LES muscle which could tear. The person who does the dilatation should therefore be more careful and have the necessary experience.

I would go and look for someone who has that, and get a second opinion

If the man told you to loose weight you should ask him how he suggests you do it and you will probably see that he knows little about the problems we have in finding food that goes down ok. ! Perhaps these slim shakes would be useful - I can't have juiced vegetables and end up with diarrhoea so they can keep the salads and such calorie free stuff as well !

Smoking will just make it harder for you to cough after the surgery. It has probably reduced your lung capacity for oxygen absorption by now anyway, and that may hamper your progress a bit.

Let us know how you fare with the Barium X-ray and keep looking for someone who does the surgery and dilatations often.


Johannesburg South Africajpearse@...

Thank you...

Thanks to those who offered their advice regarding my "unsuccessful surgery". To answer a question that was asked: Yes, I had a laparoscopic surgery with a partial wrap...it appears that my surgeon didn't "get it" all, either that or I'm totally defective (LOL).Went to a new surgeon today, who refuses to do another laparoscopic surgery, instead wants to do an open surgery (the thought of which terrifies the living daylights out of me). Also, he said before he'll do any kind of procedure, I have to quit smoking & lose some weight. Great. I told him he was nuts if he thought I could quit smoking AND lose weight at the same time!! I'm going in next week, for an endoscopy. This surgeon also said he prefers not to do a dilation on someone who's already had surgery, which is unfortunate--I was hoping for an "easy" resolution, but I guess there is no such thing here.A few more questions for those who have time/experience to share. 1. Have you had a laparoscopic surgery, then had to have the open surgery later? If so, how much time passed between surgeries?2. Have you had a balloon dilation after having had surgery? If so, did you suffer from any ruptures?3. (forgot to ask the doc this one, I was in such shock/dismay)...what is the typical recovery time (both in the hospital & at home) from open surgery?Thank you again! I'm reading up on achalasia, but still have a great deal to learn.Jen-

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--- I had the producers that were offered, then had the open, hard

but was in hospital for 9 days,,I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN,,,,,THE

weight isn't a problem..i find that i cannot eat much after the

surgery...but i would do it again....

hn achalasia , " lyra_73 " <jenniferatackett@h...>


> Thanks to those who offered their advice regarding

my " unsuccessful

> surgery " . To answer a question that was asked: Yes, I had a

> laparoscopic surgery with a partial wrap...it appears that my

> surgeon didn't " get it " all, either that or I'm totally defective

> (LOL).


> Went to a new surgeon today, who refuses to do another


> surgery, instead wants to do an open surgery (the thought of which

> terrifies the living daylights out of me). Also, he said before

> he'll do any kind of procedure, I have to quit smoking & lose some

> weight. Great. I told him he was nuts if he thought I could quit

> smoking AND lose weight at the same time!!


> I'm going in next week, for an endoscopy. This surgeon also said


> prefers not to do a dilation on someone who's already had surgery,

> which is unfortunate--I was hoping for an " easy " resolution, but I

> guess there is no such thing here.


> A few more questions for those who have time/experience to share.


> 1. Have you had a laparoscopic surgery, then had to have the open

> surgery later? If so, how much time passed between surgeries?


> 2. Have you had a balloon dilation after having had surgery? If


> did you suffer from any ruptures?


> 3. (forgot to ask the doc this one, I was in such

> shock/dismay)...what is the typical recovery time (both in the

> hospital & at home) from open surgery?


> Thank you again! I'm reading up on achalasia, but still have a

> great deal to learn.


> Jen-

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  • 1 year later...
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Dear Gloria,

What a wonderful testimonial about curing candida. I especially loved

the story about your mom printing out my article. lol! That is so


I'm glad you know, understand and are resolved not to damage your body

in future. Love yourself, love your body, and " BE " your own best


Luv, Bee

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<beeisbuzzing2003@y...> wrote:

> What a wonderful testimonial about curing candida. I especially


> the story about your mom printing out my article. lol! That is so

> wonderful!

Well this is from the lady who was bullied into have a C-section when

she was 22 and so decided to have all her other children at home

without any painkillers! Yikes! So needless to say she doesn't like

being told what's 'right' by the medical community.


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  • 3 months later...

You are welcome.


--- amul29 <amul29@...> wrote:

> Hi jeanetta,

> Thank you for clarifying my doubt.

> Once again you proved

> that if I have an doubt I can come straight to this

> site. You guys are

> doing a wonderful job.

> thank you once again.

> amul





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  • 11 months later...

Windy - south Louisiana is a LONG way from North Bay...

BUT I will be visiting my daughter in Oakland soon! Maybe we can meet

up for coffee somewhere? Arizmenda Bakery in Berkeley has cranberry-

cornmeal scones to die for! I always get there when I visit. We

usually end up shopping over in San at some point, too. I

don't know the North Bay too well.

So far, I don't know a single soul in my area with PA although I have

several friends with RA.

sherry z



> Also, does anyone in this group live in the San Francisco North

> Bay? Coffee or tea would be wonderful in person...


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  • 7 months later...
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No Problem Barb thats what we are here for sweetie love and support...

God Bless

Angel Hugs



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No Problem Barb thats what we are here for sweetie love and support...

God Bless

Angel Hugs



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in the all-new Beta.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

To all the blessed souls at -thank you for the

incredibly warm welcome... I really am overwhelmed - there ARE people

out there who feel and think the way I do! Be blessed, every one of

you! And the healing... ohohoh... does thank you even begin to

describe what I feel? THIS is what is meant by being carried in the

arms of Love... my gratitutde and joy are immense today - is that

black hole as recent as yesterday? T H A N K Y O U!!!!!!!

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