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Prayer request from Myspace

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From: Christos

Date: Oct 21, 2008 11:21 PM

Hi Rak,

it has been a long time since we last spoke. I hope all is well with you

and all your loved ones. Rak I am coming to you to ask for some of your

blessings and if you can add my wife and myself to a pray chain.

for the last 7 yrs my wife has been suffering from an infection called

Uveitius (spelled wrong) that attacks the eyes, up until 2 month ago it

was only in her right eye, but now its in her left eye to. in the last 2

month can no longer see more then movement in her right eye, and

now she is losing her eye sight in her lef eye. is no longer

allowed to drive, and is out on disability from work that may become


I have been suffering from a twine hernia in my tummy, and severe

depression, I have lost my way on my path and need some light to help me

out, please.

Thank You Rak,


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Love is entering in and restoring what is already true. These are just

illusions of the body reflecting from within.

One's decreasing vision is internal, the imagination adding to the

" what is seen " , such as fear of present or future, dimming one eye,

then the stress over taking the other, may be sub-conscious in nature,

but watch for statements like " take that from me " , " I don't want to

see or know that " , " It's too much for one to take in " .

Perhaps in this, another has taken on " the burdens " , a weighted

addition within, stressed to breaking. Which can lead to depression if

felt we have done more than we are capable, and too tired to keep

going...and more seeming to get worse.

Love enters the hearts and the dark of these blockages recede, like

the break of day coming. As it enters and begins to shine it's energy,

is like the suns rays calling to life all that is sleeping.

It is done.


Alternative Treatments:

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & q=Uveitis+more:alternative_medicine & cx=diseas\

e_for_patients & sa=N & oi=cooptsr & resnum=0 & ct=col4 & cd=2


Cures/Personal Stories:

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & cx=disease_for_patients & q=Uveitis+more%3Aalte\

rnative_medicine+my+story+cure & btnG=Search

What It Is/Treatments - Conventional:

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & sa=X & oi=spell & resnum=1 & ct=result & cd=1 & q=Uveit\

is & spell=1

<b>Twine Hernia</b>

Alternatives/Personal Stories & What It Is:

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & cx=disease_for_patients & q=twine+hernia+more%3\

Aalternative_medicine+my+story+cure & btnG=Search

--- In , " " <liane@...>



> From: Christos

> Date: Oct 21, 2008 11:21 PM



> Hi Rak,

> it has been a long time since we last spoke. I hope all is well with you

> and all your loved ones. Rak I am coming to you to ask for some of your

> blessings and if you can add my wife and myself to a pray chain.

> for the last 7 yrs my wife has been suffering from an infection called

> Uveitius (spelled wrong) that attacks the eyes, up until 2 month ago it

> was only in her right eye, but now its in her left eye to. in the last 2

> month can no longer see more then movement in her right eye, and

> now she is losing her eye sight in her lef eye. is no longer

> allowed to drive, and is out on disability from work that may become

> permanent.


> I have been suffering from a twine hernia in my tummy, and severe

> depression, I have lost my way on my path and need some light to help me

> out, please.


> Thank You Rak,



> http://www.myspace.com/christos67


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