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What is Energy Psychology?

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What is Energy Psychology?=============================================In the last 35 years a number of new forms of psychotherapy have become verypopular among psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors and many otherprofessionals and even non-professionals who work with human emotional, mental,physical and spiritual harmony.Just a few of these methods are:TFT - Thought Field TherapyEFT - Emotional Freedom TechniquesBSFF - Be Set Free FastTAT - Tapas Acupressure TechniqueEMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.WHEE - Wholistic Hybrid of EFT and EMDRSedona MethodFreeze Frame - from the Hearth Math InstituteHo'oponopono - from the Spiritual teachers of HawaiiThese methods generically are called "Energy Psychology" and regardless oftheir different approaches have some of the following aspects in common.Note: For the purpose of this explanation, I will be avoiding using the wordspatient or client, and will refer to the person receiving emotional, mental,physical or spiritual support as the "recipient". For some of you that willmean your patient, your client, your friend or relative or your self.1. These methods, as a rule, generate quicker and often deeper results thanclassical psychotherapy, based solely on discussion and analysis.2. Most can be employed by the recipient, offering temporary, and in manycases, permanent freedom from disturbing thoughts, emotions and theirpsychosomatic effects on his or her body and life.3. Analysis and discussion are, of course, used initially in order to identifythe present and past stimuli, events, situations, thoughts, beliefs andemotions that are causing the person's present discomfort.4. We then explain what we will be doing and why and what the recipients roleand responsibility are in this process.5. We explain the concept of SUD - Subject Units of Disturbance, in which therecipient is asked to focus on the emotional or physical disturbance andevaluate it from 0 to 10, where 0 means there is no disturbance at all and 10means that it is extremely high. In this way, we develop the ability toobjectivify the disturbance as something separate from ourselves and have asense of how much in increases or decreases or whether the problem exists atall.6. In most methods the first step is to help the recipient accept whatever heor she is feeling. Acceptance is basic for freeing up the energy for change.Some methods incorporate an affirmation such as "even though I have this(__________ specific emotion or problem), I love and accept myself." This isdone because recipients may feel ashamed or angry at themselves for thefeelings they have. Some tend to suppress or ignore their emotions. All energypsychology methods are based on the first step of coming into direct contactwith emotional disturbance, accepting that it exists and then working withdirectly with it as an energy pattern in our energy system. This directlyrefutes the fears that such methods, might cover up emotions or divert us formthem. The opposite happens. The individual is asked to focus as much aspossible on the emotion or disturbance in the present moment. The sametechnique used in the therapy session can be used by the individual alone athome or other environments.7. The second step is to be willing to let go of the emotion or disturbance.This is not always the case. Many recipients have a subconscious need to holdon to the pain, anger or problem for various reasons that are discussed indetail in the book Free To be Happy with Energy Psychology.8. Having established at least a partial understanding and acceptance of whatwe feel and also of ourselves as the creators and owners of those emotions, anda willingness to also let go of what we are feeling, we are ready for the nextsteps. (Notice that a willingness to let go does not mean to ignore, hate,reject, fight or destroy what we feel, but simply to let it go - as we let goof an object we are holding in our hands. We stop holding on to it.)9. We then focus directly on the emotional or physical disturbance created bythat "learned reaction" to that particular stimulus, such as an event, aninteraction, a situation, an idea or even a thought in our mind about the pastor future. It might even be the result of chemical or hormonal changes. We canimagine that each particular emotion or state of mind is a habituated "energystructure", which was learned in the past and reproduces itself whenever ourolder programmed brain synapses are activated creating the message that we arein "danger". In spite of our conscious beliefs, logic and wisdom, we are forcedby these habituated energy fields created by our outdated, but certainlyactive, programmings, to feel anxiety, fear, hurt, anger, guilt and therepercussions of these emotional disturbances on our bodies, minds,relationships and happiness. This is especially true when we subconsciously orconsciously believe that our security, self-worth, freedom or pleasures are indanger.Continued in next issue.by Elias Najemyhttp://www.HolisticHarmony.com/ebookscb/index.asp

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