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October 2008 Empath Newsletter

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:)Enjoy! Editorial: The Financial Crisis: How much is in the Mind? What a month! Since I last wrote to you, it seems the world has come crashing down. Everywhere we go, we are being bombarded with messages of panic. I'd like to take just a moment to share some gentle thoughts about fear and how it's playing out right now on a macro, societal level.The world is afraid. Institutions that no longer serve us are falling by the wayside. Old white men are no longer leading the world. Black men and women are finally moving into places of power. What was worth millions yesterday is worth cents today. How could all of this happen? It's so confusing for the ego. The rational, linear mind, which thinks it is the only one controlling things, is scared.There is a Higher Purpose to all of this. Pretty soon, our Mother Earth will be shrugging off a lot

of years of abusive energy that we've instilled into her (see earthquakes, Los Angeles). Unfortunately, we collectively as a human species made the Choice over the years, born out of free will, to ignore our Mother Earth's warnings, and not heed her calls. You may think you were not a part of that Choice, but you were. We have chosen to be here at this time to Learn. Every moment, every breath that you take, we are learning.The larger context of all of this chaos?We as a collective are learning to see fear as an opportunity, not something to ignore. Fear is natural, it is a part of God. Unbeknowst to itself, Fear Serves God. And the fear right now that we see on our television screens, well, this is all part of God's plan - that part of each of us that KNOWS.Don't get caught up in the screaming headlines. Don't get caught up in everyone else's fear. As empaths, it's especially important

that we monitor our television habits and make extra efforts to discharge in nature.Your retirement savings, as much as it may hurt to experience, is an illusion. One of the things about being human is that no one is guaranteed anything. Free will determines everything, not some magical illusory promise of insurance. That is a false belief of the Western world.And the stock market? It is reflecting nothing more than the quirky shifts of HUMAN THOUGHT. The $700 Gazillion bailout? It's not real. There is no money there to back it up. It's simply a behavioral act designed to assuage/reassure the ego that it's possible to delay the inevitable. It's not. Shiller, an economist at Yale, puts it succinctly: The notion that you lose a pile of money whenever the stock market tanks is a "fallacy." He says the price of a stock has never been the same thing as money - it's simply the "best guess"

of what the stock is worth."It's in people's minds," Shiller explains. "We're just recording a measure of what people think the stock market is worth." So, keep focused on producing positive thoughts. Turn off the TV every now and then. And most of all, use your tremendous powers of creativity to create the antidote to all the chaos: Gratitude for what you do have, even if it's just the warm cup of coffee steaming in your hands. What Energy Discharge Looks Like Take a look at how animals discharge energy. Your dog or cat will literally shake it off. You do the same thing, but perhaps you didn't realize

it!Here are some ways that the human body is able to discharge energy. These are all done by the body naturally with no consious effort.1) Crying 2) Yawning 3) Trembling 4) Muslce Twitches5) Sweating 6) Tingling 7) Rapid Eye Movement 8) Warm sensations 9) Flushing of the skin tone 10) Shaking 11) Laughing (usually quick outbursts) 12) Sighing 13) Stomach growling 14) Diarrhea 15) Curled toesThe new E-book will contain 44 of the best and tried and true methods that you can do consciously to discharge energy. Be watching for the book's debut in January. Technology Tricks & Tips to Balance your Energy. Okay, I have to admit that I absolutely love all forms of toys, gadgets, widgets, and gizmos - especially when they are effective at improving the energetic sanity of empathic individuals.Technology! Yum. One of my mentors laughed at me awhile back when I was showing him my latest discovery."Why do you need that?" he barked. "You can just do it with your mind."Obviously, I agree with his sentiment or I wouldn't be effective with Coaching & Energy work. Inner Power Coaching is all about teaching

you to use your Mind power.I guess it's the old Atlantean in me. I love energy technology. So with that spirit in mind, I'd like to share with you some nifty things that you may want to check out. I have a small financial stake in the MindZoom Software and Lifewave patches. Everything else, I list simply because I know that this stuff works and it would be a shame not to share it.1) My all time favorite, although it's not cheap, is the Amethyst BioMat. Far Infrared lightwaves and negative ions suck out stagnant energy. Watch the video. 2) A simple, cheap way to ground your bed for better sleep is to plug a 25 or 50-foot long phone cord into a phone jack and then wrap it around your bed on the floor. Circle your bed at least once, if not twice, with the cord on the floor and then attach the end of it to a small plant next to your bed. The plant's energy, combined with the circuit contained in the wall jack and cord, will automatically create a grounded electrical circuit that will protect you during sleep! (P.S. These are the kinds of

tips and tricks that will be contained in the Complete Empath Toolkit BOOK, Launching on January 15th, 2009!). 3) The EarthCalm Electrical Field shielding & grounding pendants.4) Lifewave Energy Patches. Nanotechnology that interacts with your electromagnetic field to boost energy or help you sleep. Watch the Video.5) MindZoom technology. If you work on the computer a lot, like me, then this is a good one. Program and strengthen your mind with subliminal technology.6) EPFX-SCIO Quantum Biofeedback. A technology developed by NASA to

monitor astronauts is now available through independent practitioners all over the country. I was profoundly impressed with the treatment. Personalized frequencies are sent into your energy field to heal and detoxify.6) Perkl-Light Energy Spa. I have not experienced this directly, but I just found it the other day online. I thought it was interesting enough to warrant a mention. Anyone have experience with this? I'm curious.Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful

messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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