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Spiritual Leadership and Service by Dr Stone

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Spiritual Leadership and Service by Dr Stone


begin serving before achieving wholeness or being right with self and

right with GOD, which leads to improper outward service ultimately

and/or depletion of one's energies. Let one's first service be

achieving integration on the path of ascension.


service can begin after one takes the third initiation if the

psychological self is properly integrated. Spiritual leadership can

begin in the same sequence. It must be understood, however, that one

cannot become a spiritual leader for others until one has attained

leadership over self. This is called self leadership. One must become

the captain of one's own ship, so to speak. For a more in depth look at

the subject of spiritual leadership, please refer to Manual for

Planetary Leadership in my series of books called " The Easy to Read

Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path."


wants to support the needs of humanity and one's brothers and sisters

upon all levels possible. Yet, as was discussed in the section dealing

with the negative ego quotient, one does not want to be invasive. One

wants to serve the highest good of all kingdoms upon the planet, and

yet one does not want to invade another's free will or circumvent

valuable lessons.


one must therefore seek to achieve can best be described as helping to

meet the essential needs of all whenever possible, and being there in a

gentle manner, much like that of a guardian angel who acts when called

upon but is otherwise completely respective of a person's own free



this does not exclude us from offering our suggestions in a most

respectful manner, for those with greater vision can help their

brothers and sisters learn much from grace rather than from karma. Yet,

if one is too heavy handed in this regard one will be inadvertently

creating more karma which must then eventually be overcome.


balance, beloved readers and fellow servers, is indeed a delicate one.

The best way to know how to proceed is to consult with your own

oversoul and Monad, and to communicate with GOD and the Masters.


you can see, spiritual leadership is intricately interwoven with

service. Because they are so intertwined they fall under the same

category of quotient building. The best way to lead is by example. That

is why it has been stressed so adamantly that each must first learn to

both serve and lead within one's self. This is also the reason that it

is imperative that one ultimately find their ascension mission and

truly embrace their own unique puzzle piece. One cannot build their

quotient in this area or be effective servers or leaders if one is

coming from a place of dishonesty within oneself.

Dr Stone

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