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Putting Fear in its Place By Hoffman

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Putting Fear in its Place


look forward to lessons in fear as much as lessons in patience. The

difference between the two is the patience lessons are easier to

identify, we can laugh about them and know that the Universe is

suggesting that we wait, let all of the pieces fall into place and we

know that at some point this will happen. Lessons in fear are more

subtle, more difficult to identify and not as easy to categorize. Yet

they are an important aspect of our spiritual journey because they hold

information about our past, and how it affects what is happening in the

present and our future. To heal our fear we must put it in its place,

in the past. All fear comes from the past. Any fear about the

future is related to a fear from the past. Any fear in the present is

something we have manifested from focusing on a past fear. We can be

afraid of what may happen, of what could happen or a potential outcome

from a situation. All of those fears will have some basis in the past,

either in this lifetime or another. We can be afraid of the water, for

example, because we have drowned in a past lifetime. Our fear may

prevent us from ever going swimming, stepping onto a boat or being near

large bodies of water. So we avoid anything that may allow our fear

to materialize. But the fear is still there with us. Finding the past

cause of the fear would help us to put it into perspective. We may

still be uncomfortable around the water but we would know why. Until

we identify our fear and discover its source it stays with us,

reminding us of a potential outcome that has not yet happened. And

unresolved fear spills over into other parts of our life and can become

repetitive. We then create fear cycles whose purpose is to bring our

fear to light. Without this understanding, our fears are a mystery that

can create more fear because we attract what we fear. Our fear can

become a silent addiction that draws situations to us that will reveal

our fear. Without an understanding of why this is happening, we panic

and lose control, forget the purpose of our journey, and our awareness

is centered on our fear. Then we avoid situations for reasons we do not

understand except a silent and unnamed fear that we will suffer harm in

some way. The Universe will work with us to help identify our

fear, so we can discover the cause of our fear and resolve it, which

may feel like a punishment to us but is really part of our soul

contract to heal our fear. Each fear represents a soul wound, an area

that we came here to explore, heal, resolve and return to the Light and

unconditional love. The more important the fear, the more profound its

impact on our life. Our fears represent times when we were powerless,

out of control, had things happen to us that we could not prevent,

suffered physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. They are

deep, profound and sometimes terrible wounds that also offer healing,

peace, unconditional love and profound joy when we remember they come

from the past and we have come to heal them.

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