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Re: My Heart is Very Heavy...Thank You, Everyone!

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Dear Friends,

I'm very grateful for all of your responses...they have really helped us cope

with the suddenness of 's death. It is so much " easier " to accept when

someone is ill and you have some prior warning, but this was such a shock! And

the hardest thing to accept is that she was such a warm, positive, vibrant,

outgoing person who touched everyone's life in a way they never forgot.

She gave me one of my first angels for my growing angel-pin collection several

years ago, and gave me a beautiful picture book on the history of angels.

Whenever was hospitalized, she would pick out books that she knew he would

like to read to send up to the hospital.

I'm thanking all of you collectively here...Madeline, Connie, Sue, , ,

...for the special words of wisdom that are helping to keep my spirits up.

They've really helped.

It's going to be doubly hard, because her family is not from here and the

services will not be local. I spent yesterday notifying everyone how to send

flowers and how to contact the family. The friend who had to call the ambulance

is particulary a wreck.

Thank you all for being here!

Connie, you're right in that we don't know why life is snatched so young. Maybe

one day this will be revealed. I do know her life touched so many people...and

that will stay with each one of us.

, thank you for saying she can do greater works on the other side. Somehow,

I really do believe that! I haven't been able to cry, yet, because I do feel her

presence. I will be sad not to see her smiling face or hear her laugh, or get

that bear hug, though. Her words of wisdom, I think, will continue to flow.

Sue, living each moment and enjoying the beauty of the world around us is a good

lesson to be learned, for sure. Perhaps that's the message! And, not taking each

day for granted...or our friends and family. Thank you for the **NJ HUG** ...we

appreciate it! Hugs in return from Texas!

, we've been blessed by so many wonderful friendships...and try our best to

be as good a friend in return...not always possible to do all that we want to.

But, we keep losing so many precious ones to illnesses! But wasn't even

sick...that's what's such a shock. It was so unexpected.

Madeline, thank you for your concerns about how and I are coping with the

loss of two dear friends. No, nothing can take away the pain, but life does go

on. I just wish our friend Mark had gone to the doctor sooner...then he might

have been with us still...the cancer wouldn't have taken over so soon...and his

death could maybe have been prevented. As far as Mother is concerned, I really

thought the phone call about in the wee hours of the morning was about

Mother. Have been expecting that one for a few months now.

, was a close personal friend of ours and wasn't sick at all...this

was a sudden shock. Thank you for your condolences...I'll get in touch with you

later on and we can talk.

Love you guys,

Rose (and ) in Texas

T.O.I.L. for Lyme!

T=Teach tolerance; O=Overcome ignorance; I=Initiate insurance reform; L=Labor

for Lyme literacy


http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/RoseWriter or



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