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How To Use Reiki Symbols

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How to use the symbols REIKI

According to the most common teaching Reiki, there are three symbols that light can be used by practitioners of second grade. And there are two more symbols, a tradition Usui, reserved to the degree of Master.

The symbols are ... How to use the symbols REIKI

According to the most common teaching Reiki, there are three symbols that light can be used by practitioners of second grade. And there are two more symbols, a tradition Usui, reserved to the degree of Master.

The symbols are ....the CHO-KU-REI; the SEI-HE-KI; & the HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN




The Reiki symbols come from a tradition rich in spiritual imagery and icons, the Tendai school of Buddhism Tantric Japanese. Although Reiki has been established as a separate system of different religions or spiritual traditions, is no less correct to recall the cultural transfondo in which MIKA Usui developed and presented the Reiki.

As a practitioner of Dharma and Ki-Ko (the Japanese form of yoga / Chi-Kung), his mind was familiar with the use of symbols to meditate and alter consciousness. The names of the symbols given by Usui can take as ideograms Kanji of Japanese language, and they have attributed different meanings, according to the particular role of each of them. Currently it is difficult to discern what we had come directly from Usui, which has been added later by teachers, although this is not a weakening of the power system.

Equal, it makes sense to use the sounds of each word or symbol as mantras of power that rely on

their fields of resonance and significance. If we attend to this principle of management or causal morphic, names, like forms, vibrate with the particularity of each of these fields of information that are symbols.

It will, therefore, add power to our call pronounce the names, while charting forms of the symbols used in our treatments. Each is displayed or trace according to a specific script, which can admit natural variants, for the pulse and style of each person.

When we apply the Reiki symbols, these may be mentally projected from the third eye (if it has been enhanced during the initiation), or from the hands (trace in the air or on the surface to be treated, or printing as a stamp, physically or distance).

In short, symbols have the following correlation: CHO-KU-REI = empowerment SEI-HE-purification KI =

HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN channelling = In addition, each predominates in a given vibrational level, without prejudice to its power at any other level of energy or consciousness:

CHO-KU-REI = physical / life SEI-HE-KI = emotional / mental HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN = causal / karmic

The second-degree practitioner must open its intuition to implement the appropriate symbols in each case or treatment, and the most appropriate sequence. The objectives to which they apply or send symbols are potentially infinite. Curing or heal, protect, attract, magnetize increase, dominate, pacify, unite, harmonize ...

Using the symbols REIKI We can put some cases as examples, and letting the imagination of

each find many other possibilities. Makes the housing is protected OF FOREIGN We draw the SEI-HE-KI along with the statement: " This house is protected from any influence desarmoniosa, which is filtered and can not move " and place the document in a sealed envelope on the main gate, inside the house .

INTERNAL protect the environment of a home Strokes symbol SEI-HE-KI by hand on the walls of every room. We affirm mentally or verbally: " That the states of peace, love and harmony prevail in this room and in this house. "

To Quit We draw the HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN and SEI-HE-KI, and wrote: " Smoking I find it increasingly ugly and repulsive " and we put this small document within the snuff box.

To economic

prosperity We draw the CHO-KU-REI and write on the side: " Revenue poured flooding into my accounts to constructive use, " and locate the document in the case of our bank book. When we pay an account or deliver money, we thought " CHO-KU-REI! " And " What I can multiply the wealth and to bring prosperity to others. " When charge or receive money, we thought " CHO-KU-REI! " And " The wealth of all increases for constructive use, " displaying the symbol on the money.

To find a good job Writing on a sheet: " I can work and provide a useful activity to the world. By the power of Light, Reiki universal, now get the perfect job for my needs. " Keep that letter in a clean and high, put a candle, and each day take a few minutes between printing the hands HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN.

To enhance a couple relationship When there have been disagreements, write the names of both within a circle, and draw the SEI-HE-KI around it. Write: " To our minds and hearts are purified and achieve harmony in our union " . When there is love, write the names of both within a circle and register it in a triangle whose points are each drawing a CHO-KU-REI. Write: " Our love is energized and constantly expands for the good of all. " To make sexual harmony, draw a design partner in sexual union and write the names of both. Drawing on the crown chakra the HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN and the sexual chakra the SEI-HE-KI and CHO-KU-REI. Magnetization figure with his hands a few minutes a

day or week, especially before making a union. Own potential development of human and spiritual Send daily Reiki Light to beings, whether friends, acquaintances or distant, praying the Four Alegrias (love, compassion, joy and equanimity), along with symbols for the evolution in all its planes. We can also project the symbols of light around Gaia, the Earth, or all kingdoms universal. View to be the subject of our love and compassion. When inhaled, attract their sufferings and problems to our heart chakra, where the three symbols in its triangle tour constantly. When exhaling, projecting happiness, light and solutions to them.

The HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN channeled energy distance and acts in the karmic level, the SEI-HE-KI purify negativity and frees beings referred to (and ourselves to accept their karmas), and

CHO-KU-REI dynamic power luminous joy and achievements returning to beings (and increases in ourselves). Practicing the Buddha of Medicine, Tantra of Tibetan meditation, and during the generation and mantra, visualize the Reiki symbols emanating from unabated Sangyo Menlo toward all points of the infinite universe. Conducting the Yoga of Bum Chum (Small Vessel) and visualize the CHO-KU-REI in it.

In pranayama or Meditation on the Central Canal, breathing with the symbols and view them at the ends of the channels. The HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN to create a higher energy circuit, a memory causal light on the body subtle.

The SEI-HE-KI when we think of emotional purification and bioenergy. The CHO-KU-REI to accumulate

prana or vital energy. Working in the chakras placing symbols. The HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN to start its openness and superior performance. The SEI-HE-KI to harmonize them.

The CHO-KU-REI to energize. In a continuing practice or assiduous we use this order. For healing in physical contac

When we make a direct physical treatment, see the SEI-HE-chakra KI our chest, to keep our aura protected and free from any vibration desarmoniosa. Projecting the HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN from a distance on the aura of the receiver, before starting its direct physical treatment. The symbol is drawn into the air and sealed three times on the aura. Then may follow several passes dynamic alignment. Upon completion of the direct physical treatments, sealed at a distance with CHO-KU-REI and harmonize all the aura with several passes circular or elliptical. Locally we can apply (chart or print) the symbol that corresponds best to treat the disorder on the body area affected. SEI-HE-KI is almost always suitable to regulate, balance, protect, purify, liberar, cleaning, drain, ... CHO-KU-REI to stimulate, energize, empower, increase the flow, sealing ... HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN to schedule the field of causal agency or area treated according to a statement or a


Special tip

In general it may be appropriate to have a book or a box where we keep all the leaves with treatments that we prepare and we want to keep active. This box or notebook should be in a high place, offering clean and light continuously, and writing on the lid or cover " Reiki treatments in assets. " In some cases leave the assets in this way, and elsewhere, every day or when we deemed appropriate, shall take between hands to enhance the Reiki of them for a few minutes, and returning them to their place later. When treatment with written or graphic has expired because more is not necessary, we will document the flames, the fire showing at the SEI-HE-KI which returns all elements to its original purity. And give thanks to Light (Reiki) by the performance or result, which is the case, devoting everything to benefit beings

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