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October energy update by :Rolling Up Our Sleeves

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Rolling Up Our Sleeves

October 2008

Dear Family,

Over the last months we have been navigated through the remnants of

the exploding energetic debris with our own personal bulldozer. The

Universal Bulldozer came in to demolish our old inner residence and

is blasting away anything that is not necessary to maintain the core

foundation of our new spiritual house. In the Universe's perfect

efficiency you can see not one thing is left over or is going to

continue to be unused. The Universe is telling you … " use it or lose

it " and in that moment there is no more leftovers! We get exactly

what is needed in every moment.

We now see the core architecture of our new personal abode and its

energetic framework as it is being rebuilt from the inside. It is

rather curious to actually see with this new lens of perception,

almost like you can see inside yourself with " x-ray goggles " these

days. Well, " How are you today Ms. Kidney? " , and " Top of the morning

to you! " , Mr. Liver. We are communicating quite differently with our

own bodies and its internal operating systems. We now experience

ourselves at another level.

It has become clear to us during this dismantling (bulldozing) phase

that the chapters of our previous life are complete. There is no

revisiting who you thought you were and used to be.

If some " thing " or some person has been in your periphery hovering in

the null zone and you are not exchanging energies any longer, it is

gone. (or will be soon) Imbalances at all levels on this path are

over. Pairing down to simplify ourselves, removing the clutter,

rearranging relationships, putting belongings in storage, selling all

belongings, moving to new locations or house-sitting have been a

common test of our adaptability to surrender. Are we willing to

release the past patterns of our perceived ownership or possession?

We possess nothing in order to be given everything.

Now we are ready to roll up our sleeves for the next phase of our

life's journey. For the many of us beginning to see the " dry land

while having been at sea " , this feels like a big sigh of relief!

The Verge

Recently, it has felt like we are residing inside a fast spiraling

vortex while it is consistently gaining momentum and force. It has

been interesting to see this reflected in the collective macrocosm

with so many recent hurricanes. Many of us can feel we are on the

verge of a catalytic breakthrough as this energetic momentum is

gaining thrust. We are getting ready to be shot out of the cannon

breaking through and into the next reality, our new timeline of


The twists and turns have been aplenty with a few major surprises

popping in and out suddenly. This is surreal at times as you are not

required to move or initiate any action. It's all coming to you. The

inner forces of your own transformation are accomplishing the

narrowing down of your being into a singular focus of divine will.

It has been required that you relax into this shift fully and to the

degree you have let go is relative to your ability to equalize and

enjoy your emotional state. Additionally some of us are being asked

to set up orbits and moving channels as conduits to process large

amounts of emotional debris coming from the unified fields. The mass

consciousness fields are quite erratic and large containments of

emotional fields are being processed. The Earth, Mineral, Plant and

Animal kingdoms are collaborating with humanity on transmuting these

powerful forces. More awareness on our collaborations via direct

communication with these kingdoms has been expressed, and if you are

so compelled, please open a direct dialogue.

We have many more variations of dimensional perception now and

therefore many more classrooms of experiences. You will observe many

levels of these classrooms as reality bubbles, akin to frequency

splits between the realities. To remain neutral, balanced and non

judgmental towards scenarios and others is key to your inner peace

and connection. Keep intentionally cultivating personal discernment

and resonance (how does it feel to you?) with neutrality in all your

choices and communications. There is no need to get caught up in

judgment, blame or needing to be " right " . Choose for yourself and

allow others to have the same freedom of making their personal

choices. It is not up to you so please get out of the way.

We have been pushed to the verge of our outer limits, big time.

People, places and things have been flying to you, past you or around

you in just about every conceivable direction.

And that's only if you have been guided to leave your house for a


Who is the Silent Choreographer?

Observing the many movies running simultaneously around you, you are

whisked in and out of your own stage in the play. As an actor in the

play the choreography is something you do not even have to try to

make happen, it just does. Ah! The synchronicity! As you become the

star of your own universe you can see the shifting " sets " of the

movie usher in and out of your observer without any pulling upon you.

The oceanic tides of this dance are becoming easier as there is

nothing tying you down in any direction as you are more freely

floating within the energetic stream.

Much reconfiguration transpired during the times of imposed silence

as we sometimes were required to drop out of the mainstream. Many

days the words would not come and we wondered why speaking felt so

tiring. As we yet unraveled another layer, complete non-action was

apparent. We have wondered if we are supposed to act upon or do

something to change ourselves. Yet when we check inside we can feel

the forced quality of " initializing action " and clearly, nothing can

be forced in these new energies.

You have been participating (or getting a major push to apply this

awareness) in the new energetic physics of the merging dimensional

scales. It is requiring that you adapt into changing gears and

relinquishing control. There is no control panel anymore. And who is

the Choreographer you ask?

The perfect proton of the Female God principle has returned to

reclaim balance to her creation. And she and her powerful energetic

physics of " being " are carving its new space inside of you. You are

learning to experience the qualities of her new magnetic attraction

as you allow her pure presence and her principle to reside within.

She will attract all of your heart's desires if you let her.

(Admittedly, she is not taking no for an answer!)

Physical Alignment

For some of the warrior-healer classes of Starseeds, the physical

transmutation required has been over the top, pushing the physical

body to the very limits. We honor your group dear ones, as this is

not every being's contract with the Earth. However as challenging as

this may be, by the very nature of your inherent energetic

responsibility we are suggesting utmost care be given. As kundalini

and stellar forces are making their way within your body make sure

you discipline yourself to stay in movement and increase flexibility.

Rest is needed but an equal amount of physical movement is required

to maintain consistent wellness. The viral patterning present is

utilized to burn out distorted DNA/RNA patterns and is activated with

kundalini and upon the energetic light code transmissions in order to

enzymatically transfer that information to the cells. If the body

goes severely out of balance with energetic blockages, extreme

fatigue or illness is the result. This is prevalent now and so the

following suggestions.

• Physical Exercise that makes you sweat - Trampolines, walking,

hiking, aerobics, etc.

• Ecstatic Dance- Play music with a fast tempo and learn to release

your body to the sounds of the harmonics. Close your eyes and feel

the sounds, allowing your body to move to the rhythm in its own way.

Your body can realign itself when you allow total movement expression

to sound.

• Mineral and/or Salt Bath Soaking - Utilize any body of water to

immerse yourself. Program the elementals by asking the body of water

to help you release toxins and rejuvenate your body. Drink a lot of


• Yoga postures and breath work - Learn yoga or make an effort to

attend yoga classes.

• Deep physical bodywork such as applying acupressure in Shiatsu and

Thai massage stretching will help considerably. Energetic pooling

from blockages in the primary stargate locations in the body can

create incredible fatigue. You may request a friend, your child or

partner to apply pressure with the heel of their palm to specific

points on the body. (see below for suggested points) Sometimes

rubbing areas in circular motion will also release. Use your

intuition and experiment. When extreme soreness is felt in an area

that means there is a blockage. Focus on that area and ask the Source

Creator for a healing.

• Many Alternate Therapies ( sound vibrational healing, zero point

balancing, etc) as you are guided to support your physical body


The Bloodlines

With the changing of the guard at this Ascension planetary cycle,

there has been much offered recently about the clearing of the

bloodlines. Apparently it is our blood that contains all the

memories, the imprints of cause and effect, the evolutionary

histories as recorded in our genetic line and therefore our blood.

Recently the Guardians have offered some interesting information that

I share for your discernment and for your own informed awareness.

Indeed as they tell us of fascinating stories of the Atlantian

timeline involving a story of hybridization between the Divine Human

and the Divine Annu. (The Reptile Races) This was an agreed upon

genetic experiment in order to rehabilitate the reptile and other

digressed Stellar Races. This historical " memory " is recorded within

human blood and has genetically digressed the human body design in

this last Age. This genetic hybridization created the " nephilim " race

memories which resulted in a more aggressive, enemy patterned, primal

and survival instinctual behavior that was adopted by humanity. This

reptilian brain hybridization is the basis of the current human's

binary thinking or 3D polarized thinking process. It is this

holographic " race " memory and its energetic support structure that is

unraveling in a collapse at this time. The new energies on the planet

will and cannot support it any longer.

As the magnetic resonance and structure of the planet's global brain

is shifting, these binary programmed behavioral patterns and their

energetic architecture are beginning to collapse.

(see the June article on the Global Brain for more detail) One of the

programs that was being fed by an energetic architecture (artificial

matrix created on this planet by off planet sources such as the Annu)

to keep human's enslaved is the false ascension matrix and false

Christ story.

The Guardians have shared that as of the Fall Equinox weekend,

(September 21st) another layer of the false memory insert of the

crucifixion story of the Christ is being healed. It is being healed

by the transmutation of the memory within the physical bodies of

those beings (under agreement) who hold the genetic memory and DNA

relationship to the " Christ body " . The physical body acts as the

alchemical container which brings to the surface the " cellular

memory " recorded in the planetary hologram, therefore recorded within

the human DNA structure. The planetary magnetic fields and the human

physical form DNA link ups and their activation instruction sets are

directly interrelated. The False Christ story is an allegory

(symbology) which has direct relevance and clues to the crucifixion

of humankind. Crucifixion and the " Wounds of Christ " are direct

implants and energetic distortions that were made in the human

being's light body in this last de-evolutionary cycle.

The more we collectively focus on the man bleeding on the cross, the

more we " energized " human enslavement into the " memory program " used

to control and suppress. Therefore we, as a species, were entirely

responsible for the energetic cause and effect of enslavement and

crucifixion of our race without realizing it.

The planetary body has also been " crucified " . To comprehend this

better is to understand this planetary body was designed for

the " Adam Kadmon " form, a form designed to hold the intelligence

field of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness (12D Intelligence) This

body's divinity design is the " Christ " , so everyone here no matter

what consciousness lineage is embodied and has incarnated into

the " Christ " model so to speak. This was designed this way ( for many

reasons) to be in direct relationship to guarding and protecting this

planet, as the planetary body template is an exact replica of the

human Christ body template.

The Cross is the symbol that cut off the human from the " Christ "

body, therefore the human body from experiencing its wholeness or its

divinity. The split in the middle of the vertical part of the cross

represents our polarity split between our masculine and feminine.

This obstructs ascension (freedom) through the merge within of the

sacred inner marriage. The horizontal part of the cross was cutting

us off at our midsection (solar plexus) so we could not synthesize

the lower chakras of our elemental physical vehicle with the

spiritual forces of the higher chakras above the solar plexus. Nail

like implants were placed in our pineal, spleen, palms, and feet.

These are the symbols of the " Wounds of Christ " . Many of us have

cleared most of this, however the rest of the planet's population is

not so privileged. This is why so many humans are not at the capacity

to discern or activate higher sensory perceptions, they are

literally " locked " into their 3D identity station, unable to actually

feel their divine source. This will change as this healing reaches

critical mass in the planetary fields and collective human mind

field. And that is exciting news.

For some of us directly involved as the Starseed " clean up " crew, the

genetic rehabilitators for the planet, this informational history is

supportive to the understanding of where we are leaving so we may

understand where we are going. All of this has had purpose and

perfection. This group is the Ascension Vanguard and energetic

steward for the human race by soul agreement. This group is required

to face the shadow, go toe to toe with the darkness and master the

realm of polarity with nonattachment, non-judgment applying perfect

love and faith. This is the direct process required of the " Ascension

Resurrection " , the ability to transform anti-life forces (anti-

christ) into the eternal life. (christ energies) To those Warriors of

Light, you are just now learning why your contract of polarity

integration was required from you. You are recognized, known and

supported with your profound gift and contribution to humanity. Many

of your planetary spiritual family had not recognized this contract

and you have felt alone. Understand that this level of alchemy has

been perfect, necessary and profoundly transformative for human

beings and the entire Universe. We are now realizing the revelation

inherent in those moments that had confused us in comprehending our

true purposes. Your agreements and personal transmutation have given

the gift of Ascension and freedom as a choice available to the human

race. We have all done this together, and this was our piece of the

divine co-mission.

For this family, please be aware that current Bloodline

detoxification may create symptoms such as:

skin rashes

eye issues

liver flutter

spleen flutter

digestive problems

diarrhea or changes in bowel elimination

fatigue and need for sleep

Ancestral clearings, relatives showing up suddenly, etc.

You may want to use the Core Soul Protection Prayer Audio below:

(http://www.energeticdownloads.com/Prayer CSP 4.3.07.mp3)

And dedicate its clearing to your Ancestors and clearing your


And so we are experiencing the most surreal, exciting

transformational times of evolution, together. Stay in the luminosity

of your heart and soul path!

In deep love and gratitude to all of our families,

Specific Points for Bodies Release:

Using both right and left heel of the hand, apply pressure with the

heel of the hand in pairs on top of the specific points ( when

possible) and move up (from feet to head) and then down (head to

feet) the body. Start with the backside, having the person lay on

their stomach moving from feet to head. Finish on frontside from head

to feet. You may also want to do " organ massage " or body walking. As

you become adept at technique you can use your feet to apply

pressure. Apply deep pressure with hands or fingers from 30-60

seconds in each point or use a kneading motion rolling back and forth

from your left and right hand:

Backside-12 Pair Points:

Palms of Feet

Center of Calves

Behind the Knee caps (gently)

Center of Hamstrings (back of legs)

Both Buttocks

Lower Back

Mid Back

High Back

On top of houlders

Behind both Ears

Center of Neck where Skull meets Neck

Center of the Mid-Skull

Frontside -12 Pair Points

Center of Forehead

Both Shoulder Indents

Center of Thymus/upper chest

Palms of both Hands

Center of Solar Plexus/stomach

Center 1-2 inches beneath navel

Indent area of Hips and Thighs

Top of mid thigh

Gently Cup both Knees with pressure

Squeeze Calves

Squeeze and Hold Heel of Feet (a)

Apply pressure to Both Big Toes

(a)The heels of the feet around the ankles are lymphatic points for

stimulating lymphatic movement. Massage this area thoroughly.

Suggested alternate modality: Kathara Healing Manual, open Kathara

Grid Points 1 and 2. ( Azurite Press)


© 2008 E n e r g e t i c S y n t h e s i s


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