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Uriel's Message -- What is your Soul Purpose?

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Uriel's Message -- What is your Soul Purpose? The

purpose of your soul journey is healing, growth and transformation. At

different times in your life your soul purpose reflects the step on

your path that you are on and the energies that must be resolved to

achieve resolution. Moving from one step to the next without doing your

healing work is not possible and you stay within that aspect of your

soul purpose until it is completed. So at each step of your journey

your life path reflects your soul purpose and your only task is to be

within the purpose as it is revealed to you. When you have completed

this work, the next step will be opened to you as a doorway into the

next phase of your soul purpose. When you enter the earth plane

your soul purpose is one of healing so all of your experiences are

focused on bringing you the knowledge necessary to complete this phase.

All of the learning you require, the lessons you must experience and

the souls that are part of your soul contract and karmic journey are

present for you. The healing takes as much time as is required to

fulfill your agreement to heal yourself, your soul group and to bring

this vibration to the earth. When you have completed healing, your

purpose moves into the growth phase. During the growth phase

you have opportunities to put your healing into practice. Each

experience you have allows you to confirm your healing or create

additional healing lessons. When you are assured of your growth and

understanding, you soul purpose moves into transformation and this is

where you achieve spiritual mastery and move into the energy of

miracles. Transformation is accompanied by opportunities to create new

soul contracts, connect with new soul families and move into new

dimensions of being. You may not complete all aspects of your

soul purpose in one lifetime. These aspects represent lifetimes of

healing and the completion of each step is an important reintegration

of disembodied emotions and energies for you. You are not judged as to

whether you are able to achieve your purpose and you provide yourself

with many opportunities to do so. Each victory represents a success for

you, your soul group and a new opportunity for the transformation of

the collective energies. You know when you have completed an aspect of

your soul purpose when you achieve the peace, joy and understanding

that allows you to practice compassion and unconditional love for

yourself and others.

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