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sounds so much like my son, Grant, did have he was that age. I vividly remember the "waffle" issues. It was also imperative that he "pat" the cereal before the milk got poured on it. Of course we didn't recognize it as OCD back then. Now I can laugh about it. Back then I didn't exactly exude patience and understanding. You are so much ahead of the ballgame for knowing what you are dealing with.


I saw my psychiatrist today. He recommended adding another anxiety drugto my Luvox to see if it'll help with my own OCD symptoms that are actingup. When I described to him what has been going on with , he saidit sounded like we did the right thing to get him into counseling (yay!).I told him that the people here on this board have been invaluable tome. I truly appreciate all you've done to help me learn more about OCD,release the stress, etc. is still having clothes issues. Itturns out that he has indeed outgrown some of his shirts and one shirt*does* have a scratchy seam on the inside of the neck, but he still hasplenty of other shirts he just doesn't want to wear, so he's clinging tothe few accdeptable shirts right now - wearing them over and over. Not abig problem, though. Tonight before bed, he told me that he hopes thedentist puts him to sleep if he gets braces, because it'll probably hurt,they probably cut into your mouth, etc. We're talking about possiblyfive years down the road here! I reminded him of that and I told him totry not to worry about it. Then he moved on to telling me why he doesn'twant to swim and that he probably won't earn that badge for Boy Scouts,etc. Again - I told him he doesn't need to worry about that right nowbecause we won't even consider enrolling him in more swimming lessonsuntil next summer. So then he switched to talking about his Pokemon Snapgame (Nintendo and Pokemon are always his fall-back topics, it seems). Itold him how my OCD sometimes makes me worry too much about things andthat I have to tell myself a mental "stop" sometimes. I don't know ifit'll help him, but I figured I'd throw that in. I told my psychiatristabout how had gotten upset this week when I put syrup and butteron his waffles and *then* cut them up (It gets pieces of waffle in thesyrup!, says ). I told that it's like adding 6 & 2. 6+2=8. Switching it around to read 2+6 will still equal 8. It's thesame way with the waffles. They'll still taste the same no matter inwhat order I do things. My psychiatrist thought that was a good analogy.:-) Only two more weeks until we get the results of the D & E tests. Yay!-Jean________________________________________________________________GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO!Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. You may subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at parentsofadultswithOCD-subscribe . You may subscribe to the OCD and Homeschooling List at ocdandhomeschooling-subscribe . You may change your subscription format or access the files, bookmarks, and archives for our list at . Our list advisors are Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D., and Dan Geller, M.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan, Kathy Hammes, Jule Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy , and Jackie Stout. Subscription issues or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at lharkins@... .

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  • 4 months later...

What page no. do you refer to?



> I would like to know, has anyone repeated 's experiment that

she presents in the beginning of

> " Cure for all Diseases " , in which she passes frequencies through

dead parasites and so completes a

> circuit? Can I read about these repeat-experiments?


> Thanks,



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  • 6 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, its worth a watch.

Peace, Love, Light, and Joy, Cherylvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegalady

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