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Re: how to build a team:Using Vision, Commitment & Trust

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wait!!!, now whose in whose head Liane? Didn't this just get said in

the email 8 seconds ago?

" Keep the noise down, I can't hear myself not think " .


--- In , " " <liane@...>



> [LEARNING CENTER - Building Teams. Developing Leaders.]

> <http://www.learningcenter.net/library/pl-building.htm#>

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> how to build a team


> Using Vision,

> Commitment & Trust

> From High Performance Teamwork

> <http://www.learningcenter.net/training/teamwork.shtml> training

> course



> The moment you start doing anything at all with another person,

> you've established a team. Begin a conversation, pick up the phone,

> brainstorm an idea and you're in teamwork.


> Start with Your Ability to Relate

> Every possibility, from landing the contract to the romantic evening

> hinges on your ability to relate. But neither profit nor pleasure

> are the primary motivation for teamwork. Productive teamwork moves

> you toward challenge, through change, with more confidence. Working

> well on any team generates energy and enthusiasm for life.


> Some are More Skilled than Others

> This ability is learned. You do not need complex interaction

> formulas. You don't have to be easy-going, well-educated,

> hard-nosed, or even especially intelligent to build a team. You

> don't have to be anything other than yourself. You can be effective

> with people using common sense and a few fundamental principles.


> 1. Vision

> Vision means being able to excite the team with large, desired

> outcomes.


> Large outcomes mean devising goals that attract missionaries. The

> first step in vision is to project such a goal. This goal must be

> bigger than a pay check. It must contain challenge, appeal to

> personal pride, and provide an opportunity to make a difference and know

> it. Then the goal can become a powerful vision.


> Next, team leaders position the goal by picturing success. Initial

> questions might be, " What will it look like when we get there? " ,

> " What will success be like, feel like?, " " How will others know? "

> When a large, missionary-friendly goal has been pictured and clearly

> communicated, the vision is complete.


> 2. Commitment

> Commitment can be a dangerous concept because of its attendant

> assumptions. Some may assume, for example, that commitment means

> long hours, while to others it may mean productivity. When

> expectations are defined, success rates soar. When leaders assume that

> everyone " should " be committed, as a matter of course, we overlook

> the difficulties many have with certain commitments.


> If people cannot initially commit, it doesn't mean they don't care.

> More often, it means they do care, and they are caught up in a

> process of doubt. This process precedes every meaningful commitment.

> Effective leaders catalyze this process, so that the critical mass

> of people can pass through this stage efficiently on their way to

> genuine commitment and innovative strategies.


> This pre-commitment process is the same for team leaders and

> members. When we ponder a new commitment, we climb up to a kind of

> mental diving board. Commitments contain unknowns, and some warn of

> possible failure. It is common for people to neither jump nor climb back

> down the " ladder, " but rather to stay stuck at the end of the board,

> immobilized in pros, cons, obstacles, and worries. In this state of

> mind, the obstacles begin to rule, obscuring the vision, blunting

> motivation.


> When leaders do not understand the commitment process they tend to

> seek accountability without providing support. Without a means to

> process doubts and fears, people often feel pressured to commit, but

> can't. One option, often unconscious, is to pretend to commit, to

> say " yes " and mean " maybe " at best. The pretended commitment is a form

> of wholly unnecessary corporate madness.


> The solution to this set of problems is two fold: establish an

> atmosphere of trust, and within that atmosphere encourage inclusion.


> 3. Trust

> Trust is the antidote to the fears and risks attendant to meaningful

> commitment. Trust means confidence in team leadership and vision.

> When trust prevails, team members are more willing to go through a

> difficult process, supported through ups, downs, risk and potential

> loss.


> Trust is most efficiently established when leadership commits to

> vision first, and everyone knows those commitments are genuine. The

> process for leaders to commit is the same as for everyone else:

> assess pre-commitment doubts, questions, unknowns and fears. This

> involves three simple steps:


> • List the unknowns.

> • Assess worst case scenarios and their survivability.

> • Research the unknowns.


> The list of unknowns reveals some answers and further questions.

> Some of these questions lend themselves to research (others'

> experience, a small pilot plan), and some have no apparent answers

> from our pre-commitment position. These latter comprise the bottom line

> or irreducible risk. We learn the outcome only after commitment. Every

> major commitment contains some irreducible risk, some lingering

> unknowns. We therefore make every major commitment in at least

> partial ignorance.


> Leadership now understands the potential loss and gain involved in

> the new vision. At this point, leadership can commit itself, and

> prepare to include other team members. That preparation must include

> a plan for leadership to share visibly both risk and reward with the

> other team members who will be coming on board.


> With leadership's commitment to a clear vision, and a genuine plan

> to share risks and rewards, the atmosphere for trust is in place. We

> are now ready to include others in our team effort.


> 4. Inclusion

> Inclusion means getting others to commit to the team effort, helping

> others through their " diving board doubts " to genuine commitment. Since

> leaders now understand this process first hand, we need only

> communicate with the potential team members to complete inclusion.


> The best setting to obtain buy-in and build trust is in small groups

> that facilitate thorough give and take. The basic tasks are to

> communicate the vision, make sure it is understood, communicate

> leadership's commitment (including sharing risk and reward, and

> how), and elicit and address peoples' doubts.


> Leaders will need three communication skills to achieve inclusion.

> These are the non-assumptive question, good listening, and directed

> response.


> 1. Non-assumptive questions ( " What do you think? " , " Can you tell me

> what is happening with this report? " ) invite real answers because

> they are inclusive, not intrusive. Questions containing assumptions

> ( " Why are you skeptical? " , " Why is this report so incomplete? " )

> invite defensiveness. When converting an atmosphere of change and

> possibly skepticism to trust, added defensiveness is

> counter-productive.


> 2. Listening means separating the process of taking in information

> from the process of judging it. Kept separate, both processes are

> valuable. Mixed, especially when the receiver is a designated

> leader, the sender is invited to stop communicating or to change the

> message midstream.


> 3. Directed response. Effective team leaders demonstrate

> responsiveness. Since leaders have already processed their own

> pre-commitment doubts, many questions can be answered on the spot. Some

> require research and a time line for response. And some, which

> relate to the bottom line, irreducible risk, require a truthful " I

> don't know. I'm in the same soup as you. "


> 5. Help Exchange

> The final step in creating the team is to establish a corroborative,

> balanced strategy for reaching the committed vision. This plan will

> consist of all of the tasks and help exchange necessary to realize

> the overall vision. Your teammates themselves are in the best

> position to supply this information. Since by this time you have

> laid the groundwork for trust, and established good buy-in, your

> teammates are likely to be enthusiastically cooperative.


> At this point, the leadership role is to catalyze consensus, not to

> issue orders. Consensus means that team members agree to, whether

> they necessarily agree with, a particular approach. Consensus occurs

> easily when most feel their ideas were heard and considered, whether or

> not the team ultimately chooses those ideas. Obtaining consensus again

> requires use of leadership communication skills: non-assumptive

> questions, good listening, and directed response.


> Effective teams often produce lively discussions of divergent

> viewpoints before reaching consensus. Diverse views can mean

> unresolved argument, or they can mean increased team intelligence and

> ultimate consensus.


> © 2001 Learning Center Incorporated • All rights reserved.

> <mailto:info@...?subject=Free_Consultation> For

> free consultation on your critical team/leader/performance issues,

> call (415) 456-8990 or email info@...

> <mailto:info@...?subject=Free_Consultation> .

> back <http://www.learningcenter.net/library/pl-building.htm#>


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ahah! Now you got it! See .. it is not funny to roam over people's head.. I told you so...Take this one BUBBA!LOL>> wait!!!, now whose in whose head Liane? Didn't this just get said in> the email 8 seconds ago?> > "Keep the noise down, I can't hear myself not think".> > BudhaBubba> > >

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UUmmmm are you dealing out the Tarot cards to ? may I ask how you got so tricky ? stay out of my mail box ya guys you can toss my head a round but dishing out cards are another thing<3 Image - copyright 1998Lo Scarabeo S.r.l. The

Four of Wands card suggests that my power today lies in bonding. I celebrate our common connection, success, or attraction and recognize the equal status, protection, or reputation that results in the formation of this union is merely the beginning or negotiation of something new. I am empowered by positive results within the partnership and I transform through teamwork or marriage. <liane@...> wrote: ahah! Now you got it! See .. it

is not funny to roam over people's head.. I told you so...Take this one BUBBA!LOL>> wait!!!, now whose in whose head Liane? Didn't this just get said in> the email 8 seconds ago?> > "Keep the noise down, I can't hear myself not think".> > BudhaBubba> > > Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love __________________________________________________

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