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Esoteric Astrology for dec 11 - 17

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Esoteric Astrology as news for week Dec. 11 - 17, 2008

Reaching the Capricorn International Mountain Day at the United NationsSolar Festival, Full Moon Sag/GeminiRays of Sagittarius

Thursday, at the United Nations, is International Mountain Day. The United Nations' (UN) International Mountain Day, celebrated annually on December 11th, helps raise awareness of the people who live in mountainous regions and the important role mountainous regions play in providing food, water, and recreation. The Sagittarius disciple intent upon reaching the Capricorn mountain.

Thursday is also Gemini moon, day of talking short trips, doing errands and tasks, constant internal and external talk, and most of all duality, presenting itself every which way – for the purpose of seeking synthesis which creates a triangle. The evening's a possible explosive ride through either a state of revolution, war, a challenge that literally rattles us, or discipleship (Mars square Uranus). This overshadows Friday, when Mercury enters Capricorn and all talk becomes seemingly harsh, but it's really just disciplined and responsible.

Friday is the Full Moon solar festival at 21 degrees Sag/Gemini, 8:37 am, Pacific time. This is the last solar festival/full Moon of 2008. It is also the final (of five) Super Moons of the year. What does this mean? The moon is close(St) to the Earth and directly aligned with the Earth and Sun. Thus the full impact of the Sun's light (Sagittarius) encases, surrounds, and enters the Earth. Friday is very complex, with a Grand Cross (Square) in the sky between Sun opposite Moon, Saturn opposite Uranus. In the mutable signs of Gemini (Moon), Sag (Sun), Virgo (Saturn) & Pisces (Uranus). The mutable cross is the Cross of Experience, the cross we "bear" prior to mounting the Fixed (signs) Cross of the Soul. The experiences in the times to come that humanity will undergo will create a "push" off the Mutable Cross onto the Fixed. The Kingdom of Souls (Fixed Cross) calls us. Along with the Grand Cross Mercury joins Pluto. The message (Mercury) will be of deep and transformative. We must be ready for this.

Meditative Seed ThoughtsThe Soul's meditative seed thought for Sag is "I see the goal, I reach that goal, and then I see another." Sagittarius is the sign that, through walking the path of Earth (Ray 3), not only aligns the personality to the Soul (two sides of the Earth path), but also, through the gathering and building up of vast storehouses of knowledge (arrows of aspiration) is able to unlock the door to Intuition. This is the mystery behind the myth of Persephone (intuition, wisdom) birthed from the top of the head of Jupiter (knowledge, Ray 5), her father. And thus the reason that in the Aquarian (Ray 5) age, knowledge must be developed, the mind made 'new", so Intuition (pure reason and Love/wisdom), the creative activity of the Soul, can create the new culture and civilization.

Rays of SagittariusThree rays from the Big Bear pour through Sagittarius - Ray 4 (Harmony Through Conflict), Ray 5 (Scientific & Concrete Knowledge – the Aquarian Ray), and Ray 6 (desire, aspiration, hope, vision, religion). Sagittarius is thus a very complex sign and a very complex month. Usually all this complexity is hidden under Sag's joviality (joy, a Soul quality). Often we are not aware of the depths (or heights of aspiration) Sagittarians possess. They have just emerged from the deep, dark, mysterious, discipleship waters of Scorpio, the sign of suffering, as Sagittarians they are often silent (Sag is one of the signs of silence), and are always intent upon the next goal (Initiation in Capricorn). All of this is mostly hidden behind music, food, adventure, philosophy, teaching, professorship, the seeking of justice, religion, and the great love of life itself. Esoteric Astrology, with great love and care, unmasks each sign so we may understand fully the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual depths and heights of each person, event, leader, and nation.

Saturday, mostly v/c, from 10:01 am till 10: 39 PM when Cancer moon begins, is in-depth (Pluto), barely communicative (Mercury), hidden (Neptune) and relationships are in a quandary by nightfall. It's a challenging day and night.

Sunday, with Cancer moon, food is sought. Not only because of the Cancer moon but the personality-building seed thought of Sagittarius is "Let food be sought." This "food" signifies all the fruits (experiences) of the earth sought by Sagittarius so they may fully participate in the goodness of form and matter. When there is love radiated upon matter, matter responds and becomes filled with light. This is what redemption is. Sag, through it's great love of the earth, is redemption's carrier and messenger (Ray 4, Mercury). This is the secret of Sag's life on earth.

A v/c begins Sunday at 2:27 pm, continuing until the early morning hours of Monday, when, just after midnight, Leo moon begins. And conscious recognition and praise of each other must begin, too. Monday afternoon, 2:46 pm, Mars squares Saturn. A push-pull motion begins, a moving forward and a pulling back. Saturn asks us to question our movements and actions, to review them, to perhaps take another path to solve the dilemma. Mars in Sag has us joyfully leaping forward. Saturn in Virgo says, "watch, wait, assess, discern, discriminate, organize, plan first" - and then the transit is over!

Tuesday is somewhat of an internal day, for some it's spiritual, religious, taking us to other realms not understood by many. Another v/c begins at 4:45 pm continuing once again till just after midnight Wednesday with Virgo moon. We may worry about holiday shopping. Most Virgos had their holiday shopping completed by August. But many other signs simply weren't that organized, doing other tasks befitting their signs. However, in Virgo moon, we become organized and are able to plan ahead for several days. For those shopping, remember to stay local. Then our community thrives. That's Financial Permaculture.

International Mountain Day - 11 December 2008See this link for details. A day for recognition of the vital role mountains play in our lives, and the responsibility to protect our mountain environments.

It was the UN General Assembly who designated 11 December, from 2003 onwards, as 'International Mountain Day'. This decision results from the success of the UN International Year of Mountains in 2002, which increased global awareness of the importance of mountains, stimulated the establishment of national committees in 78 countries and strengthened alliances through promoting the creation of the International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions, known as the 'Mountain Partnership (WSSD, Johannesburg, 2 September 2002). FAO was the designated lead coordinating agency for International Year of Mountains and is mandated to lead observance of International Mountain Day.

This special UN Day serves to highlight the global importance of mountain eco-systems and to promote ongoing attention to the unique needs of mountain communities. In particular, International Mountain Day presents an excellent opportunity to create awareness of mountains, their diverse people and their natural resources and the challenge they face in attaining sustainable development, for a wide audience – the public, governments, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs (non-governmental organizations – the "workers in the field"), UN agencies, the private sector and the media.

FAO is currently working with partners to develop communication products on this theme for use at the country level. For further information on International Mountain Day 2006, contact: alemneh.dejene@....

For more information on future mountain-related events around the world, browse the Mountain Calendar, managed by the Mountain Forum.

ARIES (March 21-April 20): A very deep inner level seeking "the Path" creates a need for travel to find a truth that echoes your belief system. Actually you would like all belief systems encountered to unify. Your higher mind overflows with information. There are however Nine Tests to overcome concerning beliefs and present goals, both now changing. You're under the Law of Change. It's good to understand all the laws, especially the cosmic ones

TAURUS (April 21-May 21): You've been experiencing a transmutation of personal desires, shifting from self-need to group needs and requirements (family or community). Your entire being is enveloped in this change and gradually all resources held will become group resources. This is a spiritual event, occurring gradually and subtly (thought perhaps not). When completed you'll feel a liberated from the exquisite state of responsibility you've experienced. Welcome to the New Group of World Servers.

GEMINI (May 22-June 20): Your co-workers, partner, intimates and special friends are the focus of your hopes, wishes, desires and aspirations. It's time now to become more involved in their lives, cease any polarizations, and recognize the space between your personality and your Soul. Infuse love into all encounters, and the expanse between matter and spirit will cease. You can do this. It's your spiritual task and it's done through intention

CANCER (June 21-July 20): Each day, before going about your daily duties, see yourself as a Soul, tend to all you encounter with the sense of serving them. This includes the animal and plant kingdoms, but especially the animal kingdom. Should you do this you will begin to heal and nurture both yourself and others. This builds a pathway to the Soul and then all the good you seek will be magnetized toward you, including family and loved ones. Everyone is in waiting

LEO (July 21-Aug. 22): There is a feeling or a desire to merge with someone or something, perhaps a specific person or creative art form. This desire is strong though your will is even stronger. Romance, love affairs, children, favorite sports, games and hobbies all gather under your desire for a new way of being and of life. With such a great will you must also have love. When the two blend, when you vivify something with love, all that you ask for appears like magic. And a quickening of joy occurs. Are you dreaming?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Are you thinking about family and what you've inherited (emotionally), of brothers, sisters and mother? Our mothers are related to the Mother Principle, the nurturing, caring and tending we need to receive first so we may then give. Families are our psychological foundations wherein we build self-identity and self-awareness. What was your early family life like? Are you able to build a loving and caring home in your present life? Home is our sangha, community, refuge - our Ashram. Build these

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): It's important all thoughts and communication be filled with Goodwill lest a forest of anger and resentment grows. This will take remembered discipline. Perhaps there's a wound or you're in recovery. Perhaps there's inflammation within the physical body or even of the emotions where deep walled-off sadnesses have harbored. Whatever is occurring, intentions to speak with appreciation and honor, recognizing all that is good will create a Rainbow Bridge of healing, soothing and strengthening. Arnica, Ignatia Amara and turmeric help, too

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The message has been the same these past weeks. Whereas you have focused on personal resources it's now time to look at spiritual resources within and what your values are. Whereas you thought of material resources now it is asked how do you use your life energies? Whereas you had an "attitude" about money, you are now to shape matter and form as an expression of your spiritual values. All resources we possess are reshaping themselves to be used for spiritual purposes. Know this intimately, for liberation follows

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): The Scorpio words are for you, too, Sag. That's Sag's first lesson. Since Mars is in your first house of self, here's the second lesson. Whereas you concerned yourself with your attractive physical body, the focus must now shift to the Soul (body, called the Causal Lotus – nice image). Where appearance was important now it's the purity of your aura (electrical energy around your body). Whereas your personality is now brilliant, you are now to focus on your emerging Soul Purpose. These are "high" words. But Sag understands them

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): You have many "hidden" resources. In coming months you will have access to past-life gifts. All that you seek to do are part of this "gathering". If feeling ill it's because when the personality is summoned by the Soul, it resists, which your personality can no longer do. The Soul contains all that you need. What are your deepest aspirations? You must uplift and "resurrect" yourself toward them. Then, like a shattered piñata, it opens up, showering you with treasures. These are your hopes and aspirations

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 18): Now that you're out and about doing your world work, remember everyone contacted is actually part of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS), serving in whatever capacity they are able, unaware they are serving. But now you know. Therefore when greeting others, remember they are part of the NGWS (you are also) and know their purpose is to shower you with the richness of resources needed to bring about communications that connect them. Remember, Contact releases Love. Make constant "contact."

PISCES (Feb. 18-March 20): The above information in each sign, relating to different areas of your life, is also for you, Pisces, for you hold the seeds of all the twelve signs' opportunities. You need this information to move forward more swiftly toward your assigned task – that of helping to save humanity – also the task of our last World Teacher. We were given the new Pisces commandment to Love one another. Now we (you) are to "love even more." Begin with radiating Goodwill everywhere. Seek it, find it, and be "the love that underlies all events".

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