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Re: FW: to vote or not to vote- a different perspective

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SHANNANIGINZ BIG SMILES YOU GUYS ARE DIPPIN IN MY DOTS <3Randy <jqpublic_59@...> wrote: the paradox. There are plenty political motivated and active healers yet such a few healing politicians lol. The scale went bonk. Please understand that on my path and focus i have no place to engage in this activity. I made a mistake of even opening this can of worms. This is the wrong forum and i admit i jumped before thinking. Even though i am not active in govt i have never im my life gottem a ticket nor been in

trouble. Perfect citizen by the systems standard. So saying this i show that i have respect though not direct participation. I end my politic cackling here and now. My apologies. Randy. ----- Original Message ----- Subject: [] to vote or not to vote- a different perspective Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 19:56:45 From: wildwindsdancer <wildwindsdancer > < > -I ask you, if we are all one, and we truly creating our reality,how can anything be outside of ourselves? If politics is power and money, and those things are a part of what creates our reality by building our roads,creating our schools, making laws for us to have to follow or face repercussion, how can it be outside of our reality? Outside of ourselves? If you are not putting

your energy into the vote, are you empowering those who would vote differently to drastically change your reality while you stand idly by? Are you planning some other way to change the amount of power they have on our daily lives, and the lives of all those that are our future generations? I realize it is often a choice between 2 evils, but it is "evil" that can affect everything we do, and take away everything that we have. This is an evil that we have given power to until we are at the point of our own destruction, so why not start throwing a little good energy into it? Why not get as many healers as we know to throw our energy into the process of breaking down the strength of that evil? We can not ignore it and make it go away. If we truly can put our energy into something, and have that energy magnify and generate out to those of like minds, how could the energy of voting hurt us? The energy of

a prayer as we slip the ticket into the box? How could it hurt? Couldn't we empower the energy by bringing someone into office that might make a change for the better? Couldn't we have the possibility to change the whole world with one small action? If even one thing- the processing and growth of corn seeds (biofuels) that are irradiated and genetically altered(which could change all corn into genetically altered material) is acheived, it is better than nothing. This is one of Obama's promises. NO, everything is not as we would like, but personally I would like to be able to continue practicing my personal religion, and the use of herbs and vitamin supplements on a daily basis without having to order them from the underground network and face criminal charges. How can I change this without voting when these rights I take for granted now are taken away? I guess I am saying, if you are voting for

Mccain, go ahead, don't vote. I personally had a lot of interest in Ron , but not given the option, I will vote for the lesser of 2 evils. In all past elections except the last one I voted either green or independent, thinking that at least I was stating my opinion. However, this last presidental) one and the one now seem to be way to important to just state my opinion. The monster has gotten to big, and burning a candle won't make it go away. ON another note, Do you know that the right to jury duty is the peoples right to change the laws? If you read the true rights of the jurist, and not the ones that they try to tell you in court, you will find that the statement concerns not the fact of the law, but the jurors duty is actually to decide whether that law is appropriate in this case, and to the situation. This is "we the people"'s" opportunity to change the law, not just a duty to the state.

Just some thoughts to ponder. If this discussion is not appropriate, I am sorry to the group, and will gladly answer any response to my personal email. Sincerely, Willow -- In , Randy <jqpublic_59@ ...> wrote: > > sister cheryl; i prefer to stay away from politics and anything related. I have never done jury duty either. Someones fate i cannot be a part of and they say every vote counts. Politics is power and money. It is greed and wars.corruption. i say this from observation not blind judgement.i am no anarchist lol i simply stay away. If the dalai lama ran for office then i would vote. With compassion. Randy. > Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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