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Sensing Qi

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Sensing Qi

Learn how to sense Qi, the energy field of the body.

Being able to sense your own chi is one of the first steps you can take to discover your own abilities.

Begin by finding a location where you can be relaxed,

calm, comfortable, and free of distractions. The temperature of the

room should be moderate, not too cold, not too hot. It's best for this

brief exercise if there is no strong draft in the room, so it might be

best to make sure windows and doors are closed. The exercise only

takes a moment.

You may wish to light a candle or dim the lights in the room to help reduce distractions.

Sit into a chair with your back upright and in a good, comfortable position.

Having your spine upright will help align the

energy-flow so that it flows through with more power, making it easier

for you to sense.

Simply relax, and be aware of your body. Allow your

hands to rest comfortably onto your lap in whatever position is most


Relax your body, relax your mind. Breath naturally.

Slowly raise your hands so they are at a comfortable

and natural distance in front of you, as if you are holding a small

globe a foot or so in front of your heart. The distance can vary

depending on the length of your arms, and natural bend of your elbows.

Position your hands so they are in " prayer " position, fingers pointing upright and palms together.

Allow your elbows to bend so that this prayer position is at a comfortable distance in front of your torso.

Be relaxed, breathe normal.

Keeping one hand in place, fingers pointing upright and palm facing

the other hand, position the other hand so that it's fingers point

directly at the center of the palm positioned upright.

Your fingers should be about 6 to 8 inches from the palm.

Notice how that feels.

Notice the temperature of your hands. Notice any hot or cold spots

around your hands. Do you feel the air in-between your hands? Is it

hot or cold? Can you feel a breeze? Right now, just notice everything

physical you can about your hands in that position.

Now, keeping the upright hand in place, noticing any pressure or

heat on the palm, slowly raise the pointing hand to just a few inches

above the fingertips. Move slowly while you do this, and simply

observe what you feel.

Did you feel heat moving upwards? Was it cold? Was it a breeze?

Perhaps it felt like broken glass was being thrust through your

upright palm. Perhaps it was static electricity. Not sure if you felt


Slowly lower your hand so it travels all the way down the palm, to the wrist.

Did you feel anything? Do it again. Raise your one hand upwards just above the fingertips.

The most difficult part of this exercise is figuring out HOW you

sense your own Chi. Everybody is different. Not everyone will sense it

in the same way.

Change hands. Point the other fingers at the other hand. Repeat the process - repeat the questioning!

It's okay if you don't feel anything right away - it can take some

people weeks before they begin to realize what it is they are

sensing... after all, it might not be a " feeling " but rather a sound

or even smell!

It all depends on you.

Once you are comfortable with this exercise, involve a friend. Sit

or stand in front of each other, and take turns pointing at each

others palm. Use both hands, move slowly, and simply observe.

Most of us are accustomed to seeing only what we want to see. It's

simply more comfortable to live that way, and certainly much easier.

However, there is only so much of this awareness a person can

suppress. Suppressing this level of awareness can lead to harmful side

effects in your life... and unfortunately I'm speaking from personal

experience. However, with your patience, this new awareness can lead

to an immensely more beautiful and enriched life, allowing you to live

more comfortable and even helps others enrich their lives.


A basic exercise for the new student that is designed to help one sense one's own qi or energy field.

Class Discussion Points or Technique

Enter relaxed state of mind.Point one hand at the other, slowly moving it the length of the hand.Notice variances.

End User License Agreement (EULA)

This article has been written by Buck. Except where

otherwise noted (such as direct quotes), this document is licensed

under the current Creative Commons Attribution License.

You may use this article in any form of media and even derive your own content from it as long as a reference to the source is made.

The reference to the source must include the author's name and website

(formatted in a way that is appropriate to appear in your material):

Author's name: BuckWebsite: www.reikisangha.net

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