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THE POWER OF HEYOKA - DOING THINGS BACKWARDS; TEACHING US ABOUT OPPOSITES. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In last month's newsletter, we talked about the polarity therapy coccyx release and it's ability to release years of trauma or stagnant energy. This month, the featured topic is heyoka, which we briefly touched upon last month. What is heyoka? Heyoka has it's roots in Native

American culture and is all about the power of doing things backwards to help us stay energetically in a good state of flow. In addition being empathic and having a sensitive nervous sytem that is programmed to pick up all sorts of nifty energy, many of us are energetically hard-wired "backwards." If you've ever felt different, like you don't quite belong, then you may identify with the magic of the Heyoka story. Many of us will zig while others zag. We may be happy at times when others are sad, and vice versa. We will be taking breath in when others are exhaling. We may even read books backwards; from front to back, or even read from right to left. For the most part, these inherent "backward" urges

are programmed in our DNA. In some Native American cultures, the heyoka is honored as a sacred-clown who teaches the value of purposefully acting in a manner opposite to our natural instincts so that we don't get too serious. The heyoka is not comfortable with too much linearity, predictability, or social order. The heyoka has an intimate relationship with ambiguity and chaos as tools of spiritual advancement. If you have heyoka power, you may use this type of energy naturally, and often to your own embarrassment! You may spill food all over your shirts during meals, trip youself up at the most inoportune times, and/or constantly lose important items. These heyoka moments help us to take ourselves less seriously.Even if you aren't Heyoka by nature, the universe will give us days to experience the Heyoka

energy. For instance, I recently asked a client to tune in to the energy that I was projecting toward her over the phone. When I asked her to concentrate on the subtleties of the jangled, anxious energy I was sending (as a teaching tool), she perceived it as completely calm and tranquil. When I projected feelings of being on a tropical island, it made her nervous and she felt her heart chakra close. I got excited at this because it allowed for a discussion of heyoka. Some of you know that I have been learning from Native American elders for the last 5 years about indigenous healing traditions (which is a very short time in that tradition, by the way). Both of my primary mentors are Heyoka. My first teacher is such a clown. During spiritual ceremony, at the end of important talks to the people, he will tell us that he based his lesson on that

morning's CNN broadcast. "I get my best material from CNN," he will cackle. This, of course, causes all of us to drop our ultra-serious spiritual warrior attitude and see how easily we can give our own power away.During another sacred ceremony, when the spiritual and emotional energy was so high it seemed many of us couldn't take it anymore, he gave us each a bowl of green jello and whipped cream and asked us to pray to our whipped cream. The resulting laughter and ridiculousness was priceless. In many indigenous cultures, heyoka power is associated with the animal Coyote. This animal is full of tricks. Coyotes are notorious for zig zagging and fooling even the most experienced hunters. If you need a good laugh, at your own expense, ask the animal spirit of the coyote to come into your life. You will be starring in your own Candid Camera episodes before you know

it! Do some additional research on this topic; you'll be suprised at how you may see yourself in what you read. Why is it important to know about Heyoka? Because there are times when our normally reliable empathic perception and trusty intuition may be purposefully fooling us. On certain days, it may be best to do the exact opposite of what your empathic intuition tells you. With time and refinement, you will be able to discern when this might be happening for you. It's random and unpredictable; and because of this, it helps us pay closer attention and listen more carefully. THE EMPATH'S ALLY - BEFRIENDING OUR SHADOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every single thought carries energy that affects ourselves and others. Empaths know and understand this unlike any other individuals, because we can sense other's negativity. We feel it in our own energy. The mere act of walking into a chaotic restaurant or department store is all that

it takes (thus, empathic individuals tend to avoid crowded places like the plague). I usually have no idea who created this energy, nor do I want to know. What I do know is that negative energy stays around, and if left unchecked, it will accomplish its mission of advancement of the Darkness. If we do not face our own Shadow side and learn to become friends with it, then we will never learn to grow past it. It can NEVER be changed by controlling it, ignoring it, or trying to get rid of it. If you are experiencing the shadow, it is nothing more than an invitation for you to create Light. This is done through pure prayer, patience, and finding others who are stronger on which to temporarily rely. We cannot accomplish our Collective task unless we help each other. Accumulated negativity (otherwise known as Karma) is never altered unless we have a stronger Light energy to absorb it

and transmute it. Prayer from a pure and humble heart is strong enough to erase and diminish any negative energy. It may take years to be enough to overcome the Darkness, but with patience and perserverance, it will be overcome. I write these words to offer you encouragement to endure and persevere over whatever hardships that are currently Testing you. Every time we make a decision that moves us toward the Light, there are shadow forces that do not want us to Change. Everything wants to grow and develop, including your limitations. It's not as spooky as it may seem; there is nothing out there that can harm us unless we let it. The one sure thing that will stop darkness from moving forward is by creating massive amounts of Light energy. After you set any healing intentions, there will likely be obstacles thrown your way - to test you. Your job is

to keep moving forward, despite the obstacles. If you fall down 7 times, you get up 8 times. Do not quit. Do not let the shadow warriors win. There is nothing that is strong enough to break you, unless you let it. Thank the shadow for helping you to move forward. Acknowledge it, accept it, and then move forward by holding the vision of the Good Things that you want to Create.In his book The Hanged Man, psychotherapist Sheldon Kopp shares the writing of one of his patients who began to understand the importance of facing her shadow, that is, her opposite self.I know I'm better because I feel worse.The nice you are, the harder it gets.The stronger I grow, the weaker I feel. You can't give it to me because I already have it.I can't be littler because you're not bigger. The more lost I become, the clearer it gets. I'm feeling confused, I must be in the

right place. I move furthest when I am stuck. The more I cry, the harder I laugh. The safest places are the most dangerous. I can't make you love me, you already do. I can't be special, everyone/no one is. Given permission to rest, I work harder. I may not get to win, but I don't have to lose. THE CURE FOR STAGNANT ENERGY: MOVEMENT!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As empaths, we have a responsibility to keep ourselves clean so that we may be able to use our gifts and talents to help others.Working an active exercise program is not just a good thing to do. As an empath, it is necessary. It is probably the best way to keep our energy field large and expanded so that lower vibratory energies can't disrupt or take over.I rarely work with individuals for coaching unless they make it a priority to get regular, sustained exercise. (Sitting on the couch & watching TV does not count!). Any exercise or movement will clean your

aura of psychic debris. Many clients are astounded to learn that simply waving your hands in front of your heart chakra for 30 seconds will clear your energy field. If you have never done this, try it right now!For a more sustained and long-term approach, it's been my experience that yoga, martial arts, and NIA are among the best ways to clear and strengthen the energy field. It doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you make it a regular practice. Yoga and martial arts (such as Tai Chi) go hand in hand. They combine the power of your breath and intention to relax the body and eventually you will be able to move energy with

nothing more than your intention. NIA is a relatively new martial art, combining dance, movement, yoga, & cardio. Empaths are spiritual warriors. We go out into the world and we get banged around a bit. We know what it's like to experience the storm, the choppy waters, the rough sea. When you are working actively at a movement and exercise practice; you are better able to just take one look at negativity and dissolve it!So get yourself moving and make it your intention to get into physical shape; for the benefit of us all!Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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