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Distant Treatments

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Distant Treatments These methods are useful

for sending distant Reiki treatments. Over time,

you will discover that you need to use the distant symbol

less, and that the structured methods are also less

needed. This is as it should be. As you

develop increasing familiarity with the energy you will

naturally find that the symbols, like all tools, can be

put aside when no longer needed. However, it should

be cautioned not to be hasty in initiating this.

Take your time and let the connection to the energy

strengthen and grow. These are some possible

methods for sending distant reiki. There are a

multitude of them, as many as there are practitioners.

Use one of these or invent your own.

Regardless of what

technique you use to send distant healing, it is

important to be mindful of what you are doing and stay in

the moment. Do not attach yourself to the outcome

but simply send and let reiki do what it will.

A. The Photo Technique

The simplest technique

for sending Reiki to someone at a distance is to use a

photo of them. This technique was taught to Takata by

Hayashi. Draw the three symbols with

your finger on the picture and say the names of each

symbol three times as you draw them. Intend that

the person be filled with Reiki. Then place the photo

between your hands, and then send the Reiki. You can also

do a self treatment using the photo under your hands as

you treat yourself intending that the person receive the


B. The Proxy Methods

Knee Method - Pillow

Method - Teddy Bear Method

Proxy methods are using

one thing to represent another. People use these

methods to help gain an energetic rapport with the person.

Many people have difficulty believing that reiki can

transcend time and space and the proxy gives their minds

something to grasp to get past the limitations of the

mind. Anything can be used as a proxy.

Technically the photo technique above is a proxy method

that uses the photo to represent the person.

The basis of the proxy

method is that we intend that the object represents the

person. If you are using a pillow, you would intend that

the top part represent the crown, the middle the waist,

and the bottom the feet. A teddy bear is easy, the head

represents the head, etc. In the knee method, use

the right knee and thigh to represent the back, and the

left knee and thigh to represent the front of the person

treated. The knee corresponds to the head, the base of

the thigh would be the feet.

Which ever method you

use, begin by drawing the three symbols on the object

used to represent the person. Then treat the proxy

intending that you are treating the person.

Some masters use the

wording and say, " By the 'Law of Correspondence', my

right knee represents the head positions " .

It would seem to me that the vocalizations " by the

law of correspondence " are drawn from Wiccan

practices, or from Western Hermetic Magick. In Reiki, no

formalized ritual is necessary, nor the adherence to

Wiccan or other Magickal practices. Intent is the Key to

utilizing the intelligent energy of Reiki. Simply intend

it to heal the person and send it, Reiki will do the rest.

C. Finger Method

The Finger method is

another method of using a representation of the person to

send distant reiki. It is useful if you only have one

hand free or in a place where you want to send distant

reiki but do not want to attract attention to yourself.

Basically, this procedure uses one of the fingers of one

hand to represent a person or situation that you want to

send distant healing to. Wrap your fingers of one hand

around the finger that you are using as your

representation. Intend that you are sending distant reiki

to that person or situation. You can state it out loud as

well if you like. As you do Reiki on your finger, you are

doing Reiki on the person.

D. Visualization Technique

Another method is to

imagine that you are there with the person receiving the

healing, and do the healing as if you were there. The

trick is being able to keep the visual image in your mind

while you do the healing. It requires strong visual

skills and intent.

E. Beaming Technique

There are two different

beaming techniques. They are beaming distantly and

in person beaming to someone in your location (i.e., you

can see them).

To do distant beaming,

draw all three symbols in the air. State the name

of the person you wish to heal, and any other details

about them that you need to feel connected. Intend

that the person will receive Reiki as you send.

Hold one or both hands at chest height, palms facing

outward from you. ( If you use only one hand, place

the other comfortably in your lap.) Then simply send the

Reiki. You will feel it pour through your hands.

As you send they will be receiving reiki healing.

In-person beaming is distant reiki

but done when you are with the person. It is something

you can do when you want to send reiki to someone in the

line of sight. This is useful for people with touch

issues, or for people who it would be inappropriate to

touch like burn victims or those with infectious diseases.

To do beaming, extend the palms toward the person and use

the symbol/word for distant healing. The difference

between this and distant healing is you can see the

person. (It can be noted that all Johrei Channels use

beaming to send Johrei.) You can also beam from the body,

projecting out from every cell. You can also beam from

the eyes, or anywhere else you care to.

F. Doing Reiki on a List of


In this method, you are doing Reiki

on an entire list of people, with the intent that each

are receiving a complete Reiki treatment. This is a

useful technique when you have a bunch of people that

want distant reiki, but you do not have time to do

distant healing for each. Create a list of those

that want distant healing from you. On the list you can

include such things as their names, ages, locations, and

what needs to be treated. Make sure you have their

permission. Once you have the list, you empower the paper

with the intent that it be filled with a Reiki treatment

for each. then you would Then you simply reiki the list.

Place your hands on the paper, and either just send

reiki, or visualize the people receiving a treatment.

Generally, doing the distant healing about 15 to 20

minutes is a good amount of time.

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